CSTA 美国计算机教师协会标准对照表 (Level 1A)

CSTA,全称 Computer Science Teachers Association,即计算机科学教师协会,由计算机协会(ACM)于2004年成立。其成员不仅涵盖了K-12各个阶段(小学、初中、高中)CS 学科的一线老师,还包括大学教师、工业界及政府成员,其他非盈利组织成员,学生父母等。这些成员来自于145个国家。
- 计算机系统(Computing Systems)
- 网络和因特网(Networks and the Internet)
- 数据和分析(Data and Analysis)
- 算法和编程(Algorithms and Programming)
- 计算机的影响(Impacts of Computing)
- 培养包容的计算机文化(Fostering an Inclusive Computing Culture)
- 围绕计算机科学展开相互合作(Collaborating Around Computing)
- 识别并定义计算领域问题(Recognizing and Defining
Computational Problems) - 发展并运用抽象概念的能力(Developing and Using Abstractions)
- 创造与计算相关的作品(Creating Computational Artifacts)
- 测试并改进作品(Testing and Refining Computational
Artifacts) - 关于计算机科学的交流(Communicating About Computing)
Level 1A: Grades K-2 (Ages 5-7)
1A-CS-01 概念:计算机系统(设备) 实践:1.1节
Select and operate appropriate software to perform a variety of tasks, and recognize that users have different needs and preferences for the technology they use.
People use computing devices to perform a variety of tasks accurately and quickly. Students should be able to select the appropriate app/program to use for tasks they are required to complete. For example, if students are asked to draw a picture, they should be able to open and use a drawing app/program to complete this task, or if they are asked to create a presentation, they should be able to open and use presentation software. In addition, with teacher guidance, students should compare and discuss preferences for software with the same primary functionality. Students could compare different web browsers or word processing, presentation, or drawing programs.
1A-CS-02 概念:计算机系统(硬件和软件) 实践:7.2节
Use appropriate terminology in identifying and describing the function of common physical components of computing systems (hardware).
A computing system is composed of hardware and software.Hardware consists of physical components.Students should be able to identify and describe the function of external hardware, such as desktop computers, laptop computers, tablet devices, monitors, keyboards, mice, and printers.
1A-CS-03 概念:计算机系统(排除故障) 实践:6.2, 7.2节
Describe basic hardware and software problems using accurate terminology.
Problems with computing systems have different causes. Students at this level do not need to understand those causes, but they should be able to communicate a problem with accurate terminology (e.g., when an app or program is not working as expected, a device will not turn on, the sound does not work, etc.). Ideally, students would be able to use simple troubleshooting strategies, including turning a device off and on to reboot it, closing and reopening an app, turning on speakers, or plugging in headphones. These are, however, not specified in the standard, because these problems may not occur.
1A-NI-04 概念:网络和因特网(网络安全) 实践:7.3节
Explain what passwords are and why we use them, and use strong passwords to protect devices and information from unauthorized access.
Learning to protect one's device or information from unwanted use by others is an essential first step in learning about cybersecurity. Students are not required to use multiple strong passwords. They should appropriately use and protect the passwords they are required to use.
1A-DA-05 概念:数据和分析(存储) 实践:4.2节
Store, copy, search, retrieve, modify, and delete information using a computing device and define the information stored as data.
All information stored and processed by a computing device is referred to as data. Data can be images, text documents, audio files, software programs or apps, video files, etc. As students use software to complete tasks on a computing device, they will be manipulating data.
1A-DA-06 概念:数据和分析(收集、 可视化和转化) 实践:7.1, 4.4节
Collect and present the same data in various visual formats.
说明:世界各地数据的收集和使用都是日常生活的常规组成部分,并影响着人们的生活方式。学生可以收集天气数据,比如晴天和雨天的对比,学期开始和结束当天的气温,或者暴风雨的降雨量。学生可以统计一袋糖果中每种颜色糖果的数量,比如彩虹糖和M&Ms。学生可以创建他们感兴趣事物的调查表,例如最喜欢的食物,宠物或者电视节目,然后从他们同龄人或者其他人那里收集答案。收集到的数据可以被整理成两个 或者多个可视化结果,如柱状图、饼状图或者图画文字。
The collection and use of data about the world around them is a routine part of life and influences how people live. Students could collect data on the weather, such as sunny days versus rainy days, the temperature at the beginning of the school day and end of the school day, or the inches of rain over the course of a storm. Students could count the number of pieces of each color of candy in a bag of candy, such as Skittles or M&Ms. Students could create surveys of things that interest them, such as favorite foods, pets, or TV shows, and collect answers to their surveys from their peers and others. The data collected could then be organized into two or more visualizations, such as a bar graph, pie chart, or pictograph.
1A-DA-07 概念:数据和分析(推论和模型) 实践:4.1节
识别并描述数据可视化的模式,如统计图表或是对照曲线图(chart or graph),并作出预测。
Identify and describe patterns in data visualizations, such as charts or graphs, to make predictions.
Data can be used to make inferences or predictions about the world. Students could analyze a graph or pie chart of the colors in a bag of candy or the averages for colors in multiple bags of candy, identify the patterns for which colors are most and least represented, and then make a prediction as to which colors will have most and least in a new bag of candy. Students could analyze graphs of temperatures taken at the beginning of the school day and end of the school day, identify the patterns of when temperatures rise and fall, and predict if they think the temperature will rise or fall at a particular time of the day, based on the pattern observed.
1A-AP-08 概念:算法和编程(算法) 实践:4.4节
Model daily processes by creating and following algorithms (sets of step-by-step instructions) to complete tasks.
Composition is the combination of smaller tasks into more complex tasks. Students could create and follow algorithms for making simple foods, brushing their teeth, getting ready for school, participating in clean-up time.
1A-AP-09 概念:算法和编程(变量) 实践:4.4节
Model the way programs store and manipulate data by using numbers or other symbols to represent information.
Information in the real world can be represented in computer programs. Students could use thumbs up/down as representations of yes/no, use arrows when writing algorithms to represent direction, or encode and decode words using numbers, pictographs, or other symbols to represent letters or words.
1A-AP-10 概念:算法和编程(控制) 实践:5.2节
Develop programs with sequences and simple loops, to express ideas or address a problem.
Programming is used as a tool to create products that reflect a wide range of interests. Control structures specify the order in which instructions are executed within a program.
Sequences are the order of instructions in a program. For example, if dialogue is not sequenced correctly when programming a simple animated story, the story will not make sense. If the commands to program a robot are not in the correct order, the robot will not complete the task desired.
Loops allow for the repetition of a sequence of code multiple times. For example, in a program to show the life cycle of a butterfly, a loop could be combined with move commands to allow continual but controlled movement of the character.
1A-AP-11 概念:算法和编程(模块化) 实践:3.2节
Decompose (break down) the steps needed to solve a problem into a precise sequence of instructions.
Decomposition is the act of breaking down tasks into simpler tasks. Students could break down the steps needed to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, to brush their teeth, to draw a shape, to move a character across the screen, or to solve a level of a coding app.
1A-AP-12 概念:算法和编程(程序开发) 实践:5.1, 7.2节
Develop plans that describe a program’s sequence of events, goals, and expected outcomes.
Creating a plan for what a program will do clarifies the steps that will be needed to create a program and can be used to check if a program is correct. Students could create a planning document, such as a story map, a storyboard, or a sequential graphic organizer, to illustrate what their program will do. Students at this stage may complete the planning process with help from their teachers.
1A-AP-13 概念:算法和编程(程序开发) 实践:7.3节
Give attribution when using the ideas and creations of others while developing programs.
Using computers comes with a level of responsibility. Students should credit artifacts that were created by others, such as pictures, music, and code. Credit could be given orally, if presenting their work to the class, or in writing or orally, if sharing work on a class blog or website. Proper attribution at this stage does not require a formal citation, such as in a bibliography or works cited document.
1A-AP-14 概念:算法和编程(程序开发) 实践:6.2节
Debug (identify and fix) errors in an algorithm or program that includes sequences and simple loops.
Algorithms or programs may not always work correctly. Students should be able to use various strategies, such as changing the sequence of the steps, following the algorithm in a step-by-step manner, or trial and error to fix problems in algorithms and programs.
1A-AP-15 概念:算法和编程(程序开发) 实践:7.2节
Using correct terminology, describe steps taken and choices made during the iterative process of program development.
At this stage, students should be able to talk or write about the goals and expected outcomes of the programs they create and the choices that they made when creating programs. This could be done using coding journals, discussions with a teacher, class presentations, or blogs.
1A-IC-16 概念:计算机的影响(文化) 实践:7节
Compare how people live and work before and after the implementation or adoption of new computing technology.
Computing technology has positively and negatively changed the way people live and work. In the past, if students wanted to read about a topic, they needed access to a library to find a book about it. Today, students can view and read information on the Internet about a topic or they can download e-books about it directly to a device. Such information may be available in more than one language and could be read to a student, allowing for great accessibility.
1A-IC-17 概念:计算机的影响(社交互动) 实践:2.1节
Work respectfully and responsibly with others online.
Online communication facilitates positive interactions, such as sharing ideas with many people, but the public and anonymous nature of online communication also allows intimidating and inappropriate behavior in the form of cyberbullying. Students could share their work on blogs or in other collaborative spaces online, taking care to avoid sharing information that is inappropriate or that could personally identify them to others. Students could provide feedback to others on their work in a kind and respectful manner and could tell an adult if others are sharing things they should not share or are treating others in an unkind or disrespectful manner on online collaborative spaces.
1A-IC-18 概念:计算机的影响(安全法和道德规范) 实践:2.1节
Keep login information private, and log off of devices appropriately.
People use computing technology in ways that can help or hurt themselves or others. Harmful behaviors, such as sharing private
information and leaving public devices logged in should be recognized and avoided.