【阅读手记】The Names of the Months

2020-12-17  本文已影响0人  一枝黄花菜


January is named to honor Janus, the god of gates and doorways. He was also the god of beginnings and endings and often was pictured as having two faces looking in opposite directions. In the original Roman calendar, January had twenty-nine days. Once Julius Caesar changed the calendar, January became a month with thirty-one days. 

一月,January, 是为了纪念罗马神话里的门神Janus,这个神还掌管着开始与结束,且他的画像有两张脸,同时看向两个相反的方向。在最初的古罗马历中,一月有29天。但自从凯撒(Julius Caesar)修改历法之后,一月就变成了31天。

February may have been named to honor Februus, the god of purification. It also may have been named after the festival Februa, which was celebrated in Rome during the second month. This month had twenty-eight days until 45 B.C.E. Julius Caesar declared that February should have twenty-eight days but twenty-nine days every fourth year, or Leap Year. 

二月,February, 是为了纪念净化之神Februus, 也因为Februa节日而命名, 罗马人通常在一年的第二个月过这个节日。这个月在古罗马历中原有28天,直到公元前45年凯撒宣布二月要有28天,但每四年有一个闰年,闰年里二月有29天。

March was named to honor Mars, the god of war. March was the first month of the Roman year until Julius Caesar made January the first month. March was the month when wars would begin or start again. This month has always had thirty-one days. 

三月,March, 是为了纪念战神Mars。在凯撒把January改为第一个月之前,三月March才是一年中的第一个月。这个月是开战之月,或者战争重开之月,而且一直是31天。

April comes from the Latin word aperire, which means "to open." The month may have been named April since it is the beginning of spring, when buds and blossoms begin to open. April originally had thirty days, and then it had twenty-eight and twenty-nine days for a while. Then Julius Caesar made April a thirty-day month again. 

四月,April, 来自拉丁语aperire, 意思是“开放”,因为这个月是春天的开始,新芽萌发,鲜花绽放。起初四月有30天,后来有过28天和29天,但为期都不长。后来是凯撒又一次把四月改回30天。 

May was named to honor Maia, the goddess of spring. It also may come from the Latin word maiores, which means "seniors," and May was a month dedicated to the elderly. May has always had thirty-one days. 

五月,May, 是为了纪念Maia, 春之女神。但同时这个词又来自拉丁语maiores, 意指“老年人”,所以这个月常致力于老人们。五月一直有31天。

June is named to honor Juno, the queen of the gods. It also may be named after the Latin word iuniores, which means "juniors," and June was a month dedicated to young men. June originally had thirty days, and then it had twenty-mine. Julius Caesar declared June to be thirty days again. 

六月,June,是为了纪念诸神之后Jono, 即希腊神话中宙斯之妻赫拉。不过六月之名也来自拉丁语juniores, 指年轻人,所以六月往往致力于年轻人。六月起初有30天,然后曾被改为29天,是凯撒把它改回31天。

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