2021-04-22 Move Towards Somethin
It is easier to move towards something than to run away from something.
Act based on love, not fear.
Too often you make decisions because you are scared of an outcome. This is normal, you have evolved to avoid pain. You would rather avoid losing 100 than making 100.
You leave a job because you hate it. You move to another place because you are scared of being stuck or you pre-emptively leave relationships because you fear being rejected first.
Acting on fear means you are trying to avoid pain rather than trying to fulfill any desires that you really want to achieve. The difference is important. You are acting from a place of scarcity rather than abundance. Desperation rather than joy.
But good decisions are never based on fear.
Move jobs to follow your passion. Change location because it will give you an opportunity to learn more about yourself. Leave relationships because you deserve better.
The quality of your decisions depends largely on the quality of thoughts in your mind. Acting on fear produces negative externalities. Acting on love produces positive externalities.