Notes | D16-刻意练习-Peak: Where Do
Reading Part @ Aug. 24, 2017
Chapter 9: Where Do We Go from Here?(243-259)
- The Promise of Deliberate Practice
- Homo Exercens
Summary & Reflection:
First understand the question in the proper way, then figure out which concepts are applicable, and then reason from those concepts to an answer.
先以正确方式理解问题,然后找出适用的概念/知识,再根据概念推理思考出答案;相较于传统教育一味的“填鸭式” 被动知识传输,这种方式可以让我们在学习上更具主观能动性,通过不断试新试错,得到有效反馈修正,我们才能更有效的更新自己的心理表征,从而实现知识的融会贯通。
Deliberate practice is all about the skills. We pick up the necessary knowledge in order to develop the skills; knowledge should never be an end in itself.
刻意练习的最终目的是提高我们的技能。我们终其一生,时间与精力都很有限,这就提醒我们不能 “死读书”,书是读不完的,知识也是获取不尽的。正如老话说的,贪多嚼不烂,所以我们要懂得取舍,选择学习必要的知识,来更好的培育技能,从而更好的服务于我们的真正需求。
Take our future into our own hands.
Words and Expressions:
This glimpse came courtesy of three researchers associated with the University of british Columbia: ......
courtesy of, 表示 “经由....提供,蒙...好意”,If we say that something has been provided through the courtesy of or **(by) courtesy of **a person, organization, business, etc., we are politely saying that they paid for it, gave it, or let it be used...
例句:This program is brought to you courtesy of our sponsors. [=it has been paid for by our sponsors]
顺便记录几个 courtesy 作为形容词的常见表达:
courtesy call -- 礼节性拜访(done in order to be polite)
courtesy seat -- 爱心专座
courtesy bus/taxi/car -- 免费车(provided free to a customer by a company, such as from hotel to airport...)
courtesy phone -- 免费电话(provided for free)
courtesy ticket -- 免费票
...... where the students would solve problems under the eye of a teaching assistant.
under the eye of somebody, 在某人的眼皮底下,也就是 “在....监视之下”,while being watched by someone who is making sure that you behaveproperly or do something right. 在eye前面通常会再加个形容词修饰,如:under the (watchful / vigilant / stern etc) eye of somebody.
例句:They act out roles and techniques under the watchful eye of their instructors.
和 eye 相关的几个有意思的短语:
an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth -- 以眼还眼,以牙还牙
in a pig's eye -- 绝不可能(US slang:used to express strong disagreement)例句:You want me to apologize to him? In a pig's eye! [ =Never! ]
see eye to eye -- 看法一致(to have the same opinion : agree — usually used in negative statements)例句:They don't see eye to eye (with each other) on this issue.
the apple of someone's eye -- 掌上明珠(a person or thing that someone loves very much)例句:His daughter is the apple of his eye.
with your eyes shut/closed -- 轻而易举,闭着眼睛都能搞定(informal: with little or no effort : very easily)例句:She could run that company with her eyes shut.
your eyes are bigger than your stomach -- 眼睛大,肚子小;眼馋肚饱;眼高手低(You have taken more food than you can possibly eat)例句:I can't finish my meal—I guess my eyes were bigger than my stomach!
It then turns out that the knowing part comes along for the ride.
come/go along for the ride, 常用在口语中,表示 “随之而来,跟随而至,凑热闹”,to join what other people are doing just for pleasure, not because you are seriously interested in it.
例句:He wasn't really interested in buying anything when we went to the store; he was just along for the ride.
注意区别 take somebody for a ride, 除了表示 “带某人兜风,搭顺风车”,在口语中还有一层意思,表示 “利用某人,欺骗某人”,to trick someone, often in order to get money from them.
例句:Some auto dealers are taking car buyers for a ride by charging inflated prices on extended warranties.
some useful expressions:
plug numbers into an equation -- 将数字代入到公式里
at an ever-increasing pace -- 不断增长的速度
people born in my generation -- 我这一代人(和我同时代出生的人们)
as for the children being born today -- 至于现在刚刚出生的孩子们
people coming into the work force today -- 今天刚加入职场的人们
take our future into our own hands -- 未来掌握在我们自己手中