
ComSec讲义:A Brief Introduction to

2017-08-23  本文已影响33人  Bintou老师

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Why we need ECC?

What exactly is an elliptic curve?


Let $$a ∈ ℝ$$, $$b ∈ ℝ$$, be constants such that $$4a^3 + 27b^2 ≠ 0$$. A non-singular elliptic curve is the set $$E$$ of solutions $$(x, y) ∈ ℝ \times ℝ$$ to the equation: $$y^2 = x^3 + ax + b$$ together with a special point $O$ called the point at infinity.

The solution set $$E$$ forms an Abelian group.

Graphical Representation

Elliptic curve

Addition of the Group E

Three cases:

Case1 x1 ≠ x2

Addition is defined as follows:

Let $$(x_1, y_1) + (x_2, y_2) = (x_3, y_3) ∈ E$$ where

$$x_3 = λ^2 - x_1 - x_2$$

$$y_3 = λ(x_1 – x_3) - y_1$$,

and $$λ = (y_2 – y_1) / (x_2 – x_1)$$

**Case2 x1 = x2 and y1 = - y2 **

Addition is defined as follows:

$$(x_1, y_1) + (x_2, y_2) = (x_3, y_3) ∈ E$$ where

$$(x, y) + (x, -y) = O$$, the point at infinity.

Case3 x1 = x2 and y1 = y2

Addition is defined as follows:

$$(x_1, y_1) + (x_2,y_2) = (x_3, y_3) ∈ E$$ where

$$x_3 = λ^2 - x_1 - x_2$$

$$y_3 = λ(x_1 – x_3) - y_1$$, and

$$λ = (3x_1^2 + a) / 2y_1$$

If you want to know why the computations are correct, please read Silverman's text: Rational Points on Elliptic Curves.

ECC mod p

Definition. Let $$p > 3$$ be prime. The elliptic curve $$y^2 = x^3 + ax + b$$ over $$ℤ_p$$ is the set of solutions $$(x, y) \in ℤ_p \times ℤ_p$$ to the congruence: $$y^2 ≡ x^3 + ax + b ; (mod ; p) $$ where $$a \in ℤ_p$$, $$b \in ℤ_p$$, are constants such that $$4a^3 + 27b^2 ≢ 0 \quad (mod ; p)$$, together with a special point $$O$$ called the point at infinity.

Solutions still form an Abelian group.


Let’s examine the following elliptic curve as an example:

$$y^2 = x^3 + x + 6$$ over $$ℤ_{11}$$

X 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
$$y^2 = x^3 + x + 6$$ 6 8 5 3 8 4 8 4 9 7 4
Y 4, 7 5, 6 2, 9 2, 9 3, 8 2, 9

Generating the group

Since the $$O(E)$$ is prime, the group is cyclic. We can generate the group by choosing any point other than the point at infinity. Let our generator be $$ g = (2, 7)$$

Generate the group by using the rules of addition we defined earlier where $$2g = g + g$$:

g 2g 3g 4g 5g 6g 7g 8g 9g 10g 11g 12g 13g
(2, 7) (5, 2) (8, 3) (10, 2) (3, 6) (7, 9) (7, 2) (3, 5) (10, 9) (8, 8) (5, 9) (2, 4) (0, 6)

Where $$\lambda = 8$$. You could check that.

Discrete logarithm problem on elliptic curve groups

Definition. (Informal!) Suppose $$E$$ is an elliptic curve and $$P \in E $$ . Given a multiple $$Q$$ of $$P$$, the elliptic curve discrete log problem(ECDLP) is to find $$n$$ such that $$nP = Q$$.

Example. Given $$g$$ and $$Q=(3, 5)$$, find $$n=8$$, s.t., $$ng = Q$$.

We believe ECDLP problem is hard, more rigorous results may be found here.

A real example from the NSA

Curve P-192

ECC in Sage

Play with following simple code:

sage: p = 137
sage: F = FiniteField(p)
sage: E = EllipticCurve(F, [F.random_element(), F.random_element()])
sage: print E
Elliptic Curve defined by y^2 = x^3 + 112*x + 106 over Finite Field of size 137
sage: E.points()
[(0 : 1 : 0), (2 : 8 : 1), (2 : 129 : 1),......

Now, to visualize a EC, actually, it looks like that ...

sage: show(plot(E, hue=.9))

Diffie-Hellman in ECC

sage: p = next_prime(randrange(10^40))
sage: print p
sage: F = FiniteField(p)
sage: E = EllipticCurve(F, [F.random_element(), F.random_element()])
sage: P = E.random_element()
sage: print P
sage: b = randrange(1000); b
sage: B = b*P
sage: a = randrange(1000); a
sage: A = a*P
sage: if(a*B == b*A): print "We share a common secret."

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