
2021-05-28  本文已影响0人  Amiya阿米娅


Technology for Hybrid Meetings 混合会议技术

By Cajetan A. Barretto, DTM

Club President Saadia Batool, of DUC’s Toastmasters Club in Kuwait, speaks to club members both online and in person during a hybrid meeting.

Build the bridge between online and physical meetings with the right setup.
Adaptation has become the new normal for countries all over the world. As Toastmasters, we adapted to online meetings in 2020. Now, a year later, another change—hybrid meetings. Health authorities across countries may gradually relax the restrictions on gatherings, but social distancing norms could be here to stay. Clubs should explore the format of hybrid meetings, which allows some members to meet in person, while the rest can join online and still feel part of the community.


With my background as a certified trainer and technology enthusiast, I have run hybrid demonstration meetings for my Toastmasters clubs, and from my experience, I believe that clubs will experiment with the hybrid meeting format only if it passes two tests: ease of setup and cost. The influence of these two elements will vary depending upon the nature of the club and available resources.


The Ideal Meeting Setup

Corporate clubs may find it easier to adapt to hybrid meetings since they often have a fixed location with high-quality conference equipment installed. DUC’s Toastmasters Club in Kuwait, was chartered during the height of the pandemic crisis hence its members never experienced a physical Toastmasters meeting. Club President Saadia Batool was determined to provide her members with an in-person meeting experience while observing Diyar United Company’s standard operating procedures on masks and social distancing.

Batool and her team made use of a high-end CISCO conference system that provides amazing views of online participants combined with excellent sound. However, the team ran into a problem as the system was not designed to connect to a laptop to control the conference room camera and microphone. As a workaround, the team connected an external camera to the laptop and a wireless microphone. Batool says, “This was a great experience. We will apply this model for our future meetings giving our members both an online as well as in-person experience.”


企业俱乐部可能会发现更容易适应混合会议,因为它们通常有一个固定的地点,安装了高质量的会议设备。科威特的DUC演讲俱乐部是在新冠疫情最严重时期特许成立的,因此会员从未参加过一次正式的演讲会会议。俱乐部主席Saadia Batool决定为她的会员提供一个面对面的会议体验,同时观察Diyar联合公司的口罩和社交距离的标准操作程序。


The Realistic Meeting Setup

Batool and DUC’s setup is a best-case scenario for conducting hybrid meetings. This is not realistic for many community clubs. Members often meet in a location where everything needs to be setup from scratch. They may require extensive preparations and budget requirements to arrange internet connectivity, TV, cameras, and microphones. However, that need not deter community clubs from attempting to conduct an effective hybrid meeting.



Hybrid meetings will rekindle the spark of in-person networking and camaraderie … What are you waiting for?


Clubs like Vineyard Toastmasters Club of Greenwood, Indiana, were meeting in person before the pandemic, but after moving to online meetings noticed that several members were not enjoying the experience. The club began to work on a hybrid meeting option. Vice President Education Mark Mandel and his wife decided to open their house to members for hybrid meetings in June 2020 and have not looked back. Mandel says the club has multiple cameras, microphones, and screens, which is a huge help, but most importantly, club members are willing to try new things. Their equipment and enthusiasm have kept the club strong. The club even added new members during this period, including a member from Missouri. One meeting featured an Ice Breaker delivered by a guest from India. The club is on track to achieve President’s Distinguished status before the end of this term. Mandel says that hybrid meetings pose technical challenges, but these can be easily overcome, and everyone ends up having fun.

像印第安纳州Greenwood的Vineyard Toastmasters Club这样的俱乐部,在疫情爆发前都是面对面线下开会,但在转为在线会议后,他们注意到一些会员并不喜欢这种体验。该俱乐部开始研究一种混合会议选择。教育副主席马克·曼德尔和他的妻子决定在2020年6月向会员开放他们的房子,参加混合会议,他们没有回头。曼德尔说,俱乐部有多个摄像头、麦克风和屏幕,这是一个巨大的帮助,但最重要的是,俱乐部会员愿意尝试新事物。他们的设备和热情使俱乐部保持强大。在此期间,俱乐部甚至增加了新会员,包括一位来自密苏里州的成员。其中一场会议的特色是一位来自印度的嘉宾发表的破冰演说。俱乐部将在本头马年度结束前取得主席杰出俱乐部的成绩。曼德尔说,混合会议带来了技术上的挑战,但这些挑战可以轻松克服,最终每个人都能从中得到乐趣。

On the other hand, there are clubs that have never experimented with hybrid meetings before. For such clubs, Markus Seppälä, DTM, Vice President Education at Basel International Speakers in Switzerland, creates helpful videos on his YouTube channel. Videos such as “Your Top 10 Hybrid Meeting Questions Answered” addresses common questions with solutions.

另一方面,有些俱乐部以前从未尝试过混合会议。对于这样的俱乐部,Markus Seppälä, DTM,瑞士巴塞尔国际演讲者俱乐部教育副主席,在他的YouTube频道上创建帮助视频。诸如“你的10个混合会议问题回答”这样的视频提供了常见问题的解决办法。

According to Seppälä, a community club does not need to invest in equipment beyond their budget. They can start on a small scale and add components as you progress. Here are the building blocks of a realistic hybrid meeting.



You need a laptop with reasonable specifications that can handle the task of running a Zoom meeting. Modern laptops are equipped with high-quality microphones and an excellent webcam.



Stable Internet Connection

You will need a stable, high-speed internet connection, as this is commonly the single point of failure for the entire meeting. If the connection drops, the meeting will be disrupted.
Theoretically, a hybrid meeting can be conducted using the above two items, but the experience is likely to be subpar, resulting in dissatisfaction for both the online audience as well as the attendees in the physical meeting.




According to Seppälä, audiences will overlook bad video but if your audio is not clear, they will quickly tune out. Improving the quality of the audio should be the priority. Seppälä recommends a relatively cheap condenser microphone as a starting point. The Boya BY-M1 3.5mm retails for around 15 USD and comes with a generous 6-meter-long cable that can comfortably extend from the laptop to the speaking area. Place the microphone on a stand close to where the speaker will be standing.

Boya microphone and accessories

If the budget allows, consider a wireless condenser microphone. There are plenty of options in the market with prices ranging from 100-200 USD. My favorite is the Rode Wireless Go that is extremely easy to use. Rode recently announced a new version of the Wireless Go that is equipped with two microphones. This is perfect for hybrid meetings, allowing one microphone to be used by the speaker, and the second microphone placed by the audience.
Seppälä also recommends a third option—a conference speakerphone, such as the Plantronics Calisto 7200 or something similar. This has the advantage of picking up audio from across the room while providing solid sound to the audience.


根据Seppälä所讲,观众会忽略糟糕的视频,但如果你的音频不清晰,他们会很快退出。提高音频的质量应该是优先考虑的。Seppälä推荐一个相对便宜的电容麦克风作为一个起点。博雅BY-M1 3.5毫米的零售价约为15美元,配有一根6米长的电缆,可以舒适地从笔记本电脑延伸到演讲区域。将麦克风放在靠近演讲者所站位置的支架上。


如果预算允许,考虑无线电容麦克风。市场上有很多选择,价格从100-200美元不等。我最喜欢的是非常容易使用的Rode Wireless Go。最近,Rode发布了一款配备了两个麦克风的新版Wireless Go。这对于混合会议来说是完美的,允许一个麦克风由演讲者使用,第二个麦克风由观众放置。

Seppälä也推荐第三种选择——一个会议扬声器,比如Plantronics Calisto 7200或类似的东西。这样做的好处是能够在为观众提供坚实的声音的同时,从房间的另一端拾取音频。


Your next focus should be getting good video from the meeting room to the online participants. If your laptop is equipped with a high-quality camera, you can leverage that by placing the laptop in a position that provides a clear view of the speaking area.
Consider adding a second view of the meeting by connecting a smartphone (placed on a tripod) that provides a wide-angle view of the meeting room. Ensure that the smartphone is connected to the meeting without audio or it will result in echo. The moderator can spotlight different views to the online audience.





If your laptop has a decent sound system that can be clearly heard by the attendees in the room, that may be sufficient. If not, consider connecting a larger speaker to the laptop. The speakers can be connected either via Bluetooth or via the 3.5mm audio cable.




The attendees in the room must be able to see the online participants. You can place the laptop at a height that allows a good view of the online audience. The ideal scenario would be to connect the laptop to a larger display (TV or projector). If that is not possible, you can consider connecting a second laptop to the meeting.



Hybrid meetings will rekindle the spark of in-person networking and camaraderie. It will also enhance your technical skills in creating a live production. What are you waiting for?



Hybrid Harmony 混合会议如何和谐进行

How to make club meetings work when members are online and in person.

By David F. Carr, DTM


David F. Carr, DTM

“Man In early 2020, online meetings abruptly became the norm for Toastmasters clubs. Now, as pandemic restrictions and health concerns ease in many parts of the world, hybrid meetings are likely to become increasingly common—and this format will present another new challenge.


A few months into the pandemic, I organized a workshop on hybrid clubs, partly to help me learn more about the subject. I already knew about speaking and presenting in a virtual environment—three years earlier, I had helped charter Online Presenters. I had also organized the first hybrid meeting for my home club, Club Awesome Toastmasters in Coral Springs, Florida, in March 2020, right before our meeting venue closed. These experiences have helped me figure out some best practices to allow members on both sides of the camera to have a great experience.

疫情爆发几个月后,我组织了一个关于混合俱乐部的工作坊,部分原因是为了帮助我更多地了解这一主题。我已经知道如何在虚拟环境中演讲和展示——三年前,我曾帮助创建了在线演讲者俱乐部。2020年3月,我还为我的家乡俱乐部——佛罗里达州珊瑚泉俱乐部(club Awesome Toastmasters)组织了第一次混合会议,就在会议场地关闭之前。这些经历帮助我找到了一些最佳实践,让摄像头前后的会员都能获得很棒的体验。

What Is a Hybrid Meeting?


A hybrid meeting combines both in-person and online participants, and offering an equally positive experience to both audiences can be a tricky balance.


That said, hybrid meetings are worth trying when your club is ready. The ramifications of the past year will be felt for a long time, and we are likely looking at a new normal. As long as COVID-19 remains a concern, some members will be reluctant to return to in-person meetings, while for others the convenience of meeting online has made attending meetings easier. For others, the advent of online meetings has allowed them to join clubs around the world. There are also members who have sorely missed in-person meetings and are ready to give safe get-togethers a try. As restrictions in your area ease, a hybrid model might be worth an experiment. You can always vote on the format officially at a later time.


So how can you meet the hybrid challenge, making sure both audiences can see, hear, and share equally in the meeting?


Make Sure Everyone Can Hear


Without question, sound is the biggest stumbling block to hybrid meeting quality. You’ll need a microphone in the meeting room, positioned close to the speaker, and you’ll want to make sure other mics in phones or laptops are turned off, because more than one live mic will cause audio problems.


“There has to be the willingness of people to try, and to realize it’s not going to be perfect the first time.”

——Birgit Starmanns, DTM


——birgit Starmanns, DTM

You will also need a speaker (in this case, a sound output device, not the meeting role). Portable speakers can be connected to the computer that is logged into your online meeting tool. Zoom and other meeting tools include sound cancellation software that helps prevent feedback, provided that both mic and speaker are plugged into the same computer. You may want a second speaker in the room, but it should be placed far from the mic.


You can either use a wireless microphone and hand it from one person to the next, or use a standard microphone at the lectern and have everyone come there to speak (be sure to wipe both down before each speaker). A conference room speaker/microphone could be a third option.


Make Sure Everyone Can See


Consider the placement of webcams and displays or projector screens—you want to make sure members on both sides can see and understand what is going on. It’s helpful to have one camera on the in-person speaker and another on the in-person audience. That way, remote participants can see both the speakers and the audience. The faces of online participants can be displayed on a projector screen or television in your meeting room.


And finally, remember that if the timer is in the physical room, you’ll need to ensure the timing cards or device can be seen by the speaker, wherever they may be.


Hybrid Meetings for Clubs


Graham Cairns, DTM, of Upper Mount Gravatt, Queensland, Australia, has been coaching several clubs on how to conduct hybrid meetings. Some of these clubs prefer the hybrid format, not only because of COVID-19 concerns but because it allows them to reach more members geographically, something particularly helpful given Australia’s wide-open spaces.

澳大利亚昆士兰Upper Mount Gravatt的DTM Graham Cairns一直在指导几个俱乐部如何举办混合会议。其中一些俱乐部更喜欢混合形式,不仅是因为对COVID-19的担忧,还因为这样可以在地理上接触到更多的成员,考虑到澳大利亚的开放空间,这一点特别有用。

Cairns recommends that clubs start simply, depending on equipment provided by a tech-savvy member, making sure club members enjoy the mixed-format experience before committing money to it. He also cautions about one drawback to hybrids: Club members in the physical space might become less aware of online participants and not include them fully in the meeting. “Everybody should be part of the club, and everyone should be part of the meeting,” Cairns notes.


Birgit Starmanns, DTM, of Mountain View, California, says there is also a long-term professional value to learning business-applicable technology. As a California employee of the German software company SAP, she has participated in hybrid meetings for years, and acknowledges hybrid meetings might be bumpy at first.

加州Mountain View俱乐部的DTM Birgit Starmanns表示,学习商业应用技术也具有长期的专业价值。作为德国软件公司SAP的加州员工,她多年来一直参加混合型会议,并承认混合会议一开始可能并不顺利。

“Everybody should be part of the club, and everyone should be part of the meeting.”

—Graham Cairns, DTM


—Graham Cairns,DTM

For Toastmasters, “there has to be the willingness of people to try, and to realize it’s not going to be perfect the first time,” she says. Flexibility and patience are key to experimenting with the hybrid format.


“We’re in a low-risk environment where we can experiment, and fail, and ask for help—and we should take that opportunity,” agrees Markus Seppälä, Vice President Education at Basel International Speakers in Basel, Switzerland. After a few months online, his club went hybrid. However, in-person attendance has recently tapered off, due to renewed COVID-19 concerns and border crossing issues for members from France and Germany. “When people are coming to the meeting, I don’t ask whether they’ll attend virtually or in person—because I don’t care,” Seppälä says. He has documented what he has learned in tutorial videos and shared equipment recommentations.

“我们处在一个低风险的环境中,我们可以尝试,失败,并寻求帮助——我们应该抓住这个机会,”马库斯Seppälä,瑞士巴塞尔Basel International Speakers俱乐部的教育副主席。在网上玩了几个月后,他的俱乐部成为了混合会议。然而,由于对新冠疫情的担忧和来自法国和德国的成员的跨境问题,现场出席人数最近有所减少。“当人们来参加会议时,我不会问他们是否会亲自参加,因为我不在乎,”Seppälä说。他在教程视频中记录了自己学到的东西,并分享了设备建议。

Agostinho Cajetan Barretto, DTM, based in New York City, has created a wealth of information on hybrid meetings and technology. He is a District 20 Division Director and a member of six clubs in the United States and Kuwait, and was among Toastmasters recognized in the 2020 Masters of Online Meetings series. Barretto recently led two hybrid meeting demonstration meetings, one from a well-equipped corporate conference room, and another using basic consumer technology and free software. The high-tech session was easier but the basic equipment “worked just fine,” Barretto says.

总部位于纽约市的Agostinho Cajetan Barretto,DTM创建了关于混合会议和技术的丰富资料库。他是20大区的中区总监,也是美国和科威特6个俱乐部的会员,并且是2020年在线会议大师系列演讲会的成员之一。Barretto最近主持了两场混合示范会议,一场在设备完善的公司会议室举行,另一场使用基础的消费者技术设备和免费软件。高科技课程比较简单,但基本设备“运转良好”,Barretto说。

Ultimately, if your club decides to give hybrid meetings a try, your ideal set-up will depend on member preferences, budget, meeting facilities, and the tech aptitudes of members.


Don’t underestimate the hybrid challenge, but don’t be afraid of it, either.


Need more help setting your club up for a hybrid format? Watch this workshop with members from Invicta Toastmasters in Porto, Portugal.

需要更多的帮助来建立一个混合格式的俱乐部吗?与葡萄牙波尔图Invicta Toastmasters的成员一起观看这个研讨会。


Prepare Your Technology Like a Pro

Take steps to avoid last-minute mishaps and meltdowns.

By Gregory E. Zschomler



作者:Gregory E. Zschomler

Person using laptop on a desk在桌上使用笔记本电脑的人

You’ve just begun delivering your work presentation—a speech using PowerPoint. You’ve planned it meticulously, practiced countless times, and things are going just fine … until your computer screen freezes, leaving you frantic to fix the problem.


Technology—it’s great when it works, helping to create visual elements to enhance your speech, but one little issue and everything can go off-track. The last thing you need is to be flustered and appear unprofessional. I’ve seen it all too often. And it’s happened to me.


However, you can take steps ahead of time to avoid such mishaps. Dare to prepare.


First off, never assume everything will work out like it’s supposed to or as you expect. Be prepared for anything and have a plan B (and C) for all contingencies.


Second, keep in mind that your presentation materials are not your presentation. Technologies such as Keynote and PowerPoint are support materials. Your talk should stand on its own if need be.


And, third, if something does go awry, go with the flow, keep your cool, and move on.


Here are some tips for heading problems off at the pass:


Always arrive early to get things hooked up and tested. The last-minute, down-to-the-wire, harried hookup is no one’s friend and will bite you more often than not.


If using a laptop, make sure you have power. Is your battery fully charged and do you have access to a power outlet? It’s always best to have access to a power source with battery as your backup, not the other way around. Never expect your battery to be fully charged, because someday it won’t be.


Make sure the projector, microphone, and speakers are working. Have all the right connections and cables with you. Never assume the venue where you are speaking will have what you need. Bring extras; have adapters and extensions.


Unless there is some very important reason that necessitates traveling light, don’t put your presentation on a USB flash drive or memory stick and expect to just plug into whatever the venue might provide. If you do (and even if you don’t), make sure your presentation is fully “packaged” to go. Use universal fonts and imbed them in your presentation file. Make sure all your media is right where you linked to it. This can be complicated, so it’s best to not use video clips and to keep things simple if you use a device other than the one you used to create your presentation.


Don’t rely on having an internet connection by imbedding hyperlinks you expect to show during your presentation. Take screenshots and then imbed the links so you can click to them if you have internet, but also have a reference if you don’t. And be sure to establish your device’s internet connection before you go on if you’ll need it.


Finally, make sure you have all notifications, warnings, and apps turned off to avoid pop-ups and update interruptions.


Room for Zoom


As Toastmasters members well know, many people are meeting remotely these days via tools like Zoom and Microsoft Teams. These applications are wonderful to have—when everything works, but they can also present frustrations and limitations, especially for those new to using them. The problems I most often encounter or notice in electronic group meetings are the limits of participants’ equipment, technical savvy, and/or connectivity. Any of these can distract, hamper, delay, or frustrate communication.


If something does go awry, go with the flow, keep your cool, and move on.


Be sure that the meeting host tells participants in advance what they’ll need as far as apps and connectivity. Each participant should make sure they will have adequate bandwidth (whether by Wi-Fi or cellular data). And if you’re the host, run a test connection well before the meeting so you can address any questions or problems. (For more tips about meeting or presenting online, check out Toastmasters Online Meeting Tips.)


Above all, when it comes to presenting with technology, even if you’ve tried to avoid potential problems by being prepared, know that things can go wrong. Don’t spend time making apologies or fiddling with the equipment. Keep your cool, move on, and keep on track.


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