
《天井》Celestial Well 虔谦 著, 遥天 主译

2017-11-26  本文已影响39人  风铃书屋

《天 井》Celestial Well (中英文对照诗集)

作者 (author):虔谦 (Minglu Zeng)

翻译 (translator):遥天 (Dajian Wang)

出版社 (publisher) :美国南方出版社 (Dixie W Publishing Corporation)





2. 美国亚马逊

3. 国内人民币购买,请直接联系美国南方出版社

作者简介 (About the author) :

      Minglu Zeng was born in Anhai, a small town of Southeast China and graduated from Peking Uni-versity with a Master’s Degree majoring in Chinese Linguistics and Literature. She came to the U.S. in 1989 ,and has been a professional programmer for over sixteen years. In the meantime, she has pur-sued a spare-time career of creative writing. So far she has published poetry and prose collections, nov-els and short stories in Chinese. Her works have been printed on Mainland China, Taiwan and Hong Kong literary magazines and papers and she has won several literary awards. Her first English book is The Wonder of Encounters — A collection of Short Stories which was published in 2016 in the U.S.A.



2.《The Wonder of Encounters》 (美国南方出版社)

3. 《玲玲玉声》 (中国鹭江出版社)

虔谦 ( Minglu Zeng )

翻译简介 (About the translator):

Dajian Wang, born in Xi’an, China, and with a Ph.D. inlanguage education from the University of Arizona, he has recently retired fromhis career of teaching college English and begun to devote part of his retiredlife to translation of poetry, fiction, and nonfiction.

遥天 (Dajian Wang)

After Thoughts on Translation of Poetry by Dajian Wang       

      It all began in May of 2014, when I saw on the internet someone else’s English translation of “To Believe Or Not To Believe.” My immediate re-sponse was that the poem is neat and makes good sense to me, but the translator fails to catch the many subtleties of the original. So I took the liberty to send my suggestions to the poet for its improve-ment. That’s how I hit it off with Minglu Zeng and became her pen pal.


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