
学习词根---Unit 2.1

2018-03-12  本文已影响0人  英语英语英语


A. 1. e   2. d   3. k   4. b   5. h   6. l   7. f   8. j   9. a   10. c   11. n   12. g   13. m   14. i

B. 1. d   2. a   3. c   4. c   5. b   6. b   7. d   8. b   9. c   10. c   11. c   12. a

本周将学习Unit 2~


MANIA. 在拉丁语中意为"madness", 英语直接保留了这个意思。英语中所说的mania可以指a mental illness, or at least an excessive enthusiasm. 当某人狂野、暴躁、精神上有疾病或者仅仅是对于某些事狂热爱好,这样的人可以被称为maniac. 摄入过量的咖啡因可能使你有一点maniac. But the intense mood swings once known as manic-depressive illness are now usually called bipolar disorder instead.

kleptomania. A mental illness in which a person has a strong desire to steal things.

例句:Kleptomania leads its sufferers to steal items of little value that they don't need anyway.

klepto- 源自希腊词语kleptein,意为"to steal". Even though kleptomania is often the butt of jokes, it's acually a serious mental illness, often associated with mood disorders, anxiety disorders, eating disorders, and substance abuse. Kleptomaniacs tend to be depressed, and many live lives of secret shame because they're affraid to seek treatment.

dipsomaniac. A person with an extreme and uncontrollable desire for alcohol.

例句:She didn't like the word alcoholic being applied to her, and liked dipsomaniac even less.

Dipsomaniac源自希腊名词dipsa, 意为"thirst", 是那种毫无办法的thirst. Some experts distinguish between an alcoholic and dipsomaniac, reserving dipsomaniac for someone involved in frequent episodes of binge drinking and blackouts. In any case, there are plenty of less respectful words for a person of similar habits: sot, lush, wino, boozer, guzzler, tippler, tosspot, drunkard, boozehound--the list goes on and on and on.

megalomaniac. A mental disorder marked by feelings of great personal power and importance.

例句:When the governor started calling for arming his National Guard with nuclear weapons, the voters finally realized they had elected a megalomanic.

起源于希腊词根megalo- 意为"large",指幻想自己是大人物的精神错乱。Megalomania has probably afflicted many rulers throughout history: The Roman emperor Caligula insisted that he be worshipped as a living god. Joseph Stalin suffered from the paranoia that often accompanies megalomania, and thousands of his countrymen executed as a result. J-B. Bokassa, dictator of a small and extremely poor African nation, proclaimed himself emperor of the country he renamed the Central African Empire. And even democratically elected leaders have often acquired huge egos as a result of public acclaim. But megalomaniac is generally thrown around as an insult and rarely refers to real mental illness.

egomaniac.  Someone who is extremely self-centered and ignores the problems and concerns of others.

例句:He's a completely unimpressive person, but that doesn't keep him from being egomaniac.

Ego在拉丁语中是"I", 在英语中常常用来表示“sense of self-worth". Most people's egos stay at a healthy level, but some become exaggerated. Egomaniacs may display a grandiose(华而不实的) sense of self-importance, with fantasies about their own brilliance or beauty, intense envy of others, a lack of sympathy, and a need to be adored or feared. But, like megalomaniac, the word egomaniac is thrown around by lots of people who don't mean much more by it than blowhard or know-it-all.

PSYCH. 源自希腊词语psyche, 意为"breath, life, soul". Psychology is the science of mind behavior, and a psychologist treats or studies the mental problems of individuals and groups. Psychiatry is branch of medicine that deals with mental and emotional disorders, and a psychiatrist( like any other doctor) may prescribe(开药,处方) drugs to treat them.

psyche. Soul, personality, mind.

例句:Analysts are constantly trying to understand the nation's psyche and why the U.S. often behaves so differently from other countries.

psyche是16世纪直接从希腊语中引入英语的。在希腊神话中,Psyche是一个爱上Eros(爱神丘比特)的美丽公主。在被允许嫁给丘比特之前受尽重重考验。The story is often understood to be about the soul redeeming itself through love. (To the Greeks, psyche also meant "butterfly", which suggests how they imagined the soul.) 在英语中,psyche often sounds less spiritual than soul, less intellectual than mind, and more private than personality.

psychedelic.( 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词] 迷幻药的;引起幻觉的;致幻的)  (1) Of or relating to a drug (such as LSD) that produces abnormal and often extreme mental effects such as hallucinations.(2) Imitating the effects of psychedelic drugs.

例句:In her only psychedelic experience, back in 1970, she had watched with horror as the walls began crawling with bizarrely colored creatures.

著名的或者说声名狼藉的致幻药--LSD,L.S.D是麦角酸二乙酰胺的缩写,始于德国,它是从麦角真菌中提出的麦角酸与其它物质合成而得。psilocybin、mescaline都是有名的致幻剂。致幻剂是指影响人的中枢神经系统,可引起感觉和情绪上的变化,对时间和空间产生错觉、幻觉,直至导致自我歪曲、妄想和思维分裂的,天然或人工合成的一类精神药品。尽管致幻剂研究在过去五十年内取得了很大的进展,但仍有许多未解之谜有待研究。Psychedelics are now used to treat anxiety in patients with cancer, and are being tested in the treatment of such serious condition as severe depression, alcoholism, and drug addiction.

psychosomatic.(由心理负担导致的;由精神压力引起的) Caused by mental or emotional problems rather than by physical illness.

例句:Her doctor assumed her stomach problems were psychosomatic but gave her some harmless medication anyway.

起源于希腊词语soma,意思是"body", psychosomatic suggests the link between mind and body. Since one's mental state may have an important effect on one's physical state, research on new medicines always involves giving some patients in the experiment a placebo (fake medicine), and some who receive the sugar pills will seem to improve. You may hear someone say of someone else's symptoms, "Oh, it's probably just psychosomatic," implying that the physical pain or illness is imaginary--maybe just an attempt to get sympathy--and that the person could will it away if he or she wanted to. But this can be harsh and unfair, since, whatever the cause is, the pain is usually real.

psychotherapist.(精神治疗师) One who treats mental or emotional disorder or related bodily ills by psychological means.

例句:He's getting medication from a psychiatrist(精神科医生), but it's his sessions with the psychotherapist that he really values.

许多psychologist(心理学家)提供psychological counseling(心理咨询),而心理咨询又被称为psychotherapy, 所以许多psychologists被称为psychotherapist. The most intense form of psychotherapy, called psychoanalysis, usually requires several visits a week. A competing type of therapy known as behavior therapy focuses on changing a person's behavior(often some individual habit such as stuttering, tics, or phobias) without looking very deeply into his or her mental state.


Match each word on the left to the best definition on the right:

1. psyche                     a. alcoholic

2. egomaniac               b. caused by the mind

3. psychotherapist       c. person deluded(受骗) by thoughts of grandeur(显赫)

4. psychosomatic         d. producing hallucinations

5. dipsomaniac            e. compulsive thieving

6. megalomaniac          f. mind

7. kleptomania             g. extremely self-centered person

8. psychedelic              h. "talk" doctor

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