Tabacalera de García S.A.S., one of the largest employers in the Dominican Republic, is the embodiment of tradition and pride. Located in La Romana, DominicanRepublic, Tabacalera has over 4,000 artisans dedicated to the crafting of premium cigars and is home to perhaps the greatest inventory of fine cigar tobaccos in the world. The facility produces some of the most famous cigar brands in the world including Montecristo, Romeo y Julieta, H. Upmann, Trinidad, Vegafina, Por Larrañaga, and Don Diego.
In 1935, Alonso Menendez purchased the
Particulares cigar factory in Cuba with hopes
of creating a new premium cigar brand. During this
time, it was common among torcedores (cigar rollers) to have the famous
Alexandre Dumas(大仲马) novel "The Count of Monte Cristo" read by a lector
on the cigar rolling floor. Inspired by this tradition, Menendez gave life to
one of the most well know cigar brands today - Montecristo.
From the very beginning, Montecristo cigars gained popularity
due to their distinctive flavor, excellent aroma and superior quality. The
tremendous success of Montecristo allowed Mr. Menendez to continue to grow his
operation. Menendez brought on a new partner (José “Pepe” Garcia), and
together, the duo created a new company - Menendez, Garcia y Cia. In 1937, the
two purchased the H. Upmann factory and began producing Montecristo at this