游戏设计&游戏开发Game with human游戏设计

Game Design Part 6: Character De

2017-05-31  本文已影响17人  ElsaXing

断更了好久, 懒癌持续发作中....一个课程已经换了两个班次也实在说不过去....接下来继续更新吧~~

第六周课程: Character Development

Defining Characters and Character Goals

Using Secondary Characters

游戏中除了主角和反派以外, 还需要一些次要角色来辅佐游戏的进行.

比如使用配角来增加游戏的互动性和趣味性. 比如勇者需要经过长途跋涉才能来到魔王的领地, 但是, 如果他在途中找到了长者, 长者就会告诉勇者一条秘密小道通往魔王的家; 或者是勇者在路上碰到了同样是妹控的勇者2号, 两人一拍即合, 勇者2号加入的队伍....当然每一个角色都不能是凭空出现的, 配角们也有着自己的背景和目标, 对故事情节的表现和推动有着重要作用.

Character Brief

  1. Who is he/she?
  2. What do they look like?
  3. What is their personality like?
  4. How do they relate to other characters in the game?
  5. What are their strengths and weaknesses?
  6. What are the motivating character goals?

当你在创造一个角色的时候, 可以考虑一下上面6点, 下面是老师举的一个例子, 就懒得翻译了~

1. Who is he/she?
3. What is their personality like?
4. How do they relate to other characters in the game?
5. What are their strengths and weaknesses?
6. What are the motivating character goals?

