
爱玛王后教堂-- 第一章(1)

2016-07-20  本文已影响110人  陆地上的海狸












Once upon a time, there was a fragile blue and green planet named Earth. On this planet, in the middle of a vast turquoise liquid, was a volcanic island. On the western slope facing the pink sunset, was a tiny church with a red roof and a pointy steeple. If you stand at the front door to gaze at the sea, you must look through the headstones of a cemetery. Our story begins in the cemetery.

Here, in this place of departures, we celebrate new life. New life? Don't I mean past life? No. It is Easter morning. Lovely, fragrant flower leis(1) are draped over the headstones. Dotted in, and around, and behind the Celtic crosses and the marble makers, are Easter eggs. This one special morning the children--dressed in yellow, pink and lilac, just like the eggs-- wander over the graves of their ancestors with delight. Can you imagine the pleasure those ancestors might feel as well? The circle connects for a few moments, a symbolic reuniting of old souls with young innocent life.

Here, in this tiny piece of paradise, is a cloud of witnesses freed from time and space. I shall be a gatherer of their stories, a weaver of memories. I shall sort them out and tease out the tangles.

Like so many old stories, our story has a queen in it: Queen Emma. Like good and beautiful queens in fairy tales, she loved her people and always wanted the best for them. So she had this church built--this tiny church on the slope of the volcano in the middle of the liquid blue. Queen Emma saw in the Anglican tradition a grace and dignity that she found irresistible. On a high arch inside the chapel are the words, "Warship the Lord in the beauty of holiness." These words help us remember.

The church has stood for 143 years. Not everyone who enters in lives happily ever after. In their stories I hear of in justice, of scandal, of hurt feelings, even of murder. But if you stand back, far enough away to see the whole tapestry, you can see threads of grace, silken threads that hold it all together.

Let us turn around now and face the little church. Climb the steps and enter the double doors. It seems too dark at first to see anything because we have just come in from the tropical daylight. After a moment our eyes adjust to the dim light coming in from the stained glass windows, and we begin to see a doll house of a chapel.

There are eleven windows, three on each side lining the rows of wooden pews, two next to the north choir stall, and three up high above the altar. The first one, closest to us by the door, acknowledges the coming of Christianity to Hawaii. Christianity actually arrived right here, in our own Keylakekua Bay. The writer of the Stained Glass Windows pamphlet explains:

First came the Hawaiians in their sailing canoes, using the stars, Hokupa'a(the North Star) and Hokule'a(Arcturus) for navigation, much like the wise men once followed their star. Many years later, the malihini(newcomers)came to the islands in talk ships and started a new era, their sails resembling the Makahiki Banner. The first Christian service was held on the shore of Keylakekua Bay. It is mysterious irony that the words Ke-ala-ke-kua mean Pathway of the God.

Near here is the place of first contact between the Hawaiians and the representatives of Western Civilization. Captain James Cook was one of those there that day. We know from journals kept on his voyages through the Pacific how other indignous islanders reacted to the white sailers. The Aboriginal people of the Great Barrier Reef believed them to be overgrown babies. The New Zealanders thought they were goblins. But the Hawaiians believed that Captain Cook, in his magnificent ship with sails like wings, was a god.

Why is anyone surprised? The Hawaiians lived in a semi Stone Age society. They did have agriculture and had learned to domesticate animals, but there was no copper, no metal on these very young islands. This seriously limited their technological development. Cook brought wisdom from thousands of years of culture: Greek, Roman, Arabic, Hebrew and Christian, the world of mathematics, science and medicine, the Renaissance, the Enlightenment. He also brought all the technology of the Bronze Age, the Iron Age and the beginning of the industrial revolution, literally thousands of years of human invention. On the ship were such things as the nail, wheel, gun, knife, canon, spy glass, mirrors, clocks, things beyond the wildest imaginations of the Hawaiians who greeted them. That first contact was a mighty meeting! Good and bad would both surely result, but let us not get ahead of ourselves. Mystery and wonder were certainly present! Full hearts and thanksgiving all around. The Hawaiians gave abundantly of their hospitality, gave without reserve, offered their beautiful gift of aloha.

(1)lei 夏威夷花环。不管是鲜花、树叶还是种子制作的花环都统称lei。


