1.5 有五类(意识的)模式:恶性的和良性的。
1.5 There are five types of patterns,including both hurtful and benign.
1.6 它们是:正见、谬见、概念化、昏沉和记忆(即由经验形成的惯性力量——业力)。
1.6 They are right perception,misperception,conceptualization,deep sleep,and remembering.
1.7 正见来自直觉、推论或他人(圣贤)的教导。
1.7 Right perception arises from direct observation,inference,or the words of others.
1.8 谬见是错误的知识,它们不由实相而来。
1.8 Misperception is false knowledge,not based on what actually is.
1.9 概念化来自语言上的知识(误导),它们(概念)与事物的真相并无关联。
1.9 Conceptualization derives from linguistic knowledge,not contact with real things.
1.10 昏沉是没有任何觉知的一种存在。
1.10 Deep sleep is a pattern grounded in the perception that nothing exists.
1.11 记忆是(过去)经验的残存。
1.11 Remembering is the retention of experiences.