管理会计和财务会计的区别The Difference betwe

2017-09-19  本文已影响0人  嗨呀很气


Which of the following is true regarding

the comparison of managerial and financial accounting?

A. Managerial

accounting is generally more precise.

B. Managerial

accounting has a past focus, and financial accounting has a future focus.

C. The

emphasis on managerial accounting is relevance, and the emphasis on financial

accounting is timeliness.

D. Managerial

accounting need not follow generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP),

while financial accounting must follow them.


Answer (A) is incorrect.

Managerial accounting may be no more

precise than financial accounting. For example, it relies on allocations of

certain product costs (e.g., overhead) that are based on assumptions rather

than on cause-and-effect relationships.

Answer (B) is incorrect.

Only managerial accounting is

forward-looking. Financial accounting essentially records what has already


Answer (C) is incorrect.

Choices of financial accounting information

to be reported must balance relevance (including timeliness) and reliability.

External parties will not find financial accounting information useful if it is

timely but unreliable.

Answer (D) is correct.

Managerial accounting assists management

decision making, planning, and control. Financial accounting addresses

accounting for an entity’s assets, liabilities, revenues, expenses, and other

elements of financial statements. Financial statements are the primary method

of communicating to external parties information about the entity’s results of

operations, financial position, and cash flows. For general-purpose financial

statements to be useful to external parties, they must be prepared in

conformity with accounting principles that are generally accepted in the United

States. However, managerial accounting information is primarily directed to

specific internal users. Hence, it ordinarily need not follow such guidance.



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