2019-04-17 本文已影响0人
癌症名称缩写 | 癌症英文全称 | 癌症中文名称 |
ACC | Adrenocortical carcinoma | 肾上腺皮质癌 |
BLCA | Bladder Urothelial Carcinoma | 膀胱尿路上皮癌 |
BRCA | Breast invasive carcinoma | 乳腺浸润癌 |
CESC | Cervical squamous cell carcinoma and endocervical adenocarcinoma | 宫颈鳞癌和腺癌 |
CHOL | Cholangiocarcinoma | 胆管癌 |
COAD | Colon adenocarcinoma | 结肠癌 |
COADREAD | Colon adenocarcinoma/Rectum adenocarcinoma Esophageal carcinoma | 结直肠癌 |
DLBC | Lymphoid Neoplasm Diffuse Large B-cell Lymphoma | 弥漫性大B细胞淋巴瘤 |
ESCA | Esophageal carcinoma | 食管癌 |
FPPP | FFPE Pilot Phase II FFPE | 试点二期 |
GBM | Glioblastoma multiforme | 多形成性胶质细胞瘤 |
GBMLGG | Glioma | 胶质瘤 |
HNSC | Head and Neck squamous cell carcinoma | 头颈鳞状细胞癌 |
KICH | Kidney Chromophobe | 肾嫌色细胞癌 |
KIPAN | Pan-kidney cohort (KICH+KIRC+KIRP) | 混合肾癌 |
KIRC | Kidney renal clear cell carcinoma | 肾透明细胞癌 |
KIRP | Kidney renal papillary cell carcinoma | 肾乳头状细胞癌 |
LAML | Acute Myeloid Leukemia | 急性髓细胞样白血病 |
LGG | Brain Lower Grade Glioma | 脑低级别胶质瘤 |
LIHC | Liver hepatocellular carcinoma | 肝细胞肝癌 |
LUAD | Lung adenocarcinoma | 肺腺癌 |
LUSC | Lung squamous cell carcinoma | 肺鳞癌 |
MESO | Mesothelioma | 间皮瘤 |
OV | Ovarian serous cystadenocarcinoma | 卵巢浆液性囊腺癌 |
PAAD | Pancreatic adenocarcinoma | 胰腺癌 |
PCPG | Pheochromocytoma and Paraganglioma | 嗜铬细胞瘤和副神经节瘤 |
PRAD | Prostate adenocarcinoma | 前列腺癌 |
READ | Rectum adenocarcinoma | 直肠腺癌 |
SARC | Sarcomav | 肉瘤 |
SKCM | Skin Cutaneous Melanoma | 皮肤黑色素瘤 |
STAD | Stomach adenocarcinoma | 胃癌 |
STES | Stomach and Esophageal carcinoma | 胃和食管癌 |
TGCT | Testicular Germ Cell Tumors | 睾丸癌 |
THCA | Thyroid carcinoma | 甲状腺癌 |
THYM | Thymoma | 胸腺癌 |
UCEC | Uterine Corpus Endometrial Carcinoma | 子宫内膜癌 |
UCS | Uterine Carcinosarcoma | 子宫肉瘤 |
UVM | Uveal Melanoma | 葡萄膜黑色素瘤 |