
2020-06-20  本文已影响0人  追光_ac75

--How ofen do you read books?

--I read books almost every night before I go to bed.

--What's your favorite type of book?

--I love reading about diffrent cultures. [ˈkʌltʃəs]

--What can you learn from the books?

--Books can broaden my horizon about thousands of things around the world, and  books are also my best friends. [həˈraɪzn]视野

--Where do you read books?

--I read books at home, sometimes in the liberary.

--What's the most interesting book you ever read?

--I think that would be Nepal, a book written about the country of Nepal, published in 1999. [nəˈpɔl]尼伯尔。

--How long does it take you to finish a book?

--Well, it depands on the length of the book. Usually it takes me a week to finish a 300-page book.

--Do you usually bring books with you when you travel?

--Yes, I do.When I am in the airport or busstation, I read books to kill the time.

--Is there any bookstore or liberary in your area?

--Unforturnitly, there is none near my house. The nearest one is 3 kilometers away.


