BBC World News,Aug 25 2021

2021-08-25  本文已影响0人  c51ebd4f18de

This is BBC World News, I’m Ben Boulos with the headlines.

Kabul airport has reopened. The first French military flight to leave on Tuesday has now landed in Ahu Dhabi. The chaos at the airport on Monday has been highlighted by newly released satellite pictures of people swarming onto the runway. 


The first French military flight to leave第一架法国军用飞机起飞

Landed in 降落在

Ahu Dhabi 阿布扎比酋长国

highlighted by 突出 关注热点

newly released 最新发布

satellite pictures卫星照片

swarm onto蜂拥而至

President Biden has defended his decision to withdraw US troops though he admitted some scenes of the chaos in Kabul were gut-wrenching. He conceded that the Taliban swift advance on the capital was unexpected. 

defend 辩解

has defended his decision to withdraw US troops 为撤军的决定辩解

admit 承认

some scenes of the chaos in .. 的一些混乱场景


Swift advance on向(某地)推进,进逼,向(某人)发起进攻

New Zealand will go into lockdown for a short period from Wednesday, it follows the identification of a single positive covid-19 case that has yet to be identified as the delta variant. 

lockdown for a short period from Wednesday进入短期封锁状态

follows the identification of a single positive covid-19 case 追踪鉴别一个新冠阳性病毒案例

be identified as 被识别为…,被确认为…

has yet to有待

delta variant delta变体

A tropical storm has drenched Haiti with heavy rain and brought flooding to southern areas that were worst hit by Saturday’s powerful earthquake. 

tropical storm热带风暴

drench 使湿透

were worst hit by受灾最严重


