
2019-02-28  本文已影响0人  壹团建2012
Battle it out Robin Hood-style with a game of arrow tag at Archery Attack Arrow tag is all the fun of shooting people with a bow and arrow with none of the bloodshed. The sport is a little like dodgeball, but instead of throwing balls at the opposing team, you’ll be shooting them with a bow and arrow. Don’t worry, the arrows are specially made so they stick, rather than stab, your opponents. Head to Archery Attack in Reservoir to start living out all your Katniss Everdeen/Legolas fantasies for real. Archery Attack hosts several modes of arrow tag in both indoor and outdoor settings. If you're new to the sport the public sessions held inside are a great way to get a foot in the door. Or get a team together, choose the outdoor location of your choice and the Archery Attack team will come to you. Both options come with training, bow hire and lots of fun.     弓开如秋月行天 箭去似流星落地 亦或是 安得弯弓似明月 快箭拂下西飞鹏 见惯了千篇一律的真人CS,就没有更新鲜刺激的团建活动了? 不........壹团建最高大上的团队活动新鲜出炉啦~ 在冷兵器时代,弓箭是勇敢者的图腾,伴随着一个又一个铁血英雄征战沙场!而现在是一款在美国风靡的射箭运动,是射箭与野战运动的混合版,包含WAR GAME的紧张和闪避球的刺激。~~ 为团队成员带来传统射箭活动的乐趣、体育精神之余,更能让参与者感悟熔炼超强战斗力团队,打造优秀团队神射手的管理之道!
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