
2022-05-14  本文已影响0人  xiaoke_donkey


英文 中文
All right, we have a lot\ to get through today, you guys. 好了,伙计们,我们今天有很多事情要做
Anybody have anything\ on page one? 关于第一页大家有什么问题吗?
I think we need to change\ this Donald Trump joke-- 我觉得关于那个Donald Trump的笑话,我们要改一下\ (著名地产大亨,"飞黄腾达"中的老板)
because Donald Trump was eaten\ by a lion this morning 因为Donald Trump今早在国际空间站
on the International Space Station. 被狮子吃掉了
Anyone listening? 有人在听吗?
Yeah, okay, Cerie, 好吧,那个, Cerie
how about instead of\ doing the scripts, 不要整理剧本了
why don't you just organize\ those videotapes? 整理下录象带好吗?
Oh, okay. 哦,好的
Okay, actually, could you go downstairs\ and get me a chai tea? 好吧,那个,你能不能到楼下帮我拿杯茶?
Okay.\ Um, where are my shoes? 好的,恩,我的鞋子呢?
o, no, just go.\ Just go barefoot! 行了,你就去吧\ 光脚走!
Just leave you shoes. 别管鞋子了
Okay. 好吧
We gotta change this\ Trump joke. 我们要改一下这个Trump的笑话
- Mr. Jordan.\ - What's up, Ken? - Jordan先生\ - 怎么样, Ken?
I got your car washed\ like you asked. 我根据你的要求帮你洗了车
And I got that "Baby on Board" sign you wanted\ to help you get tail. 我还帮你把你要的"车上有孩子"的标志贴在车尾了
Thanks, Ken.\ You done good. 谢谢, Ken\ 干的不错
It's my pleasure and my job, sir.\ Anything you ever need, just ask. 这是我的工作也是我的荣幸,先生\ 您需要任何东西,只管开口
But I want you to know something. 不过你要明白
You and me, it's not gonna be\ a one-way street. 你和我,我们不是一路人
'Cause I don't believe in\ one-way streets. 因为我不相信这种话
ot between people and\ not while I'm driving. 人和人间没这事,尤其我开车的时候
Oh, okay. 哦,好的
So here's some advice I wish I would've got\ when I was your age. 所以呢,我给你点建议\ 真希望我在你这么小的时候也有人告诉我
Live every week\ like it's Shark Week. 要把每一个礼拜都过得很精彩
Excellent call, guys. 太棒了,伙计们
Good old Stan there.\ Happy Birthday, Stan. 老好Stan在呢\ 生日快乐, Stan
All right,\ we're halfway done. 好了,我们已经完成一半了
Let's take a little break. 休息一下吧
You guys want to have a\ one-minute dance party? 你们想来个一分钟舞蹈派对不?
Good idea. 好主意
Crank it, Toofer. 放歌, Toofer
* Grown and sexy from your head\ down to your toes * * Grown and sexy from your head\ down to your toes *
* You know you're fine * You know you're fine
* Got that perfect face,\ a perfect shape * * Got that perfect face,\ a perfect shape *
* And perfect smile... * And perfect smile...
Yeah, shake it!\ Feel the music. Yeah,动起来!\ 来感受音乐
Ahem! 阿哈!
Oh, Mr. Donaghy! 哦,Donaghy先生!
o, please...\ finish your dance. 别停下啊...继续跳
Oh, we were just\ taking a little break. 哦,我们只是休息一下下
And we all love the music\ of Chamillionaire. 我们都很喜欢Chamillionaire的歌\ (著名饶舌歌手)
I see. 明白了
If you don't mind,\ I'll just observe from over here. 你们不介意的话,我在这儿随便看看
You will?\ Why? 你要看?为什么?
Are you familiar\ with Six Sigma? 你们对6西格玛熟悉吗?\ (一种质量管理体系,用来衡量每百万产品缺陷率)
Oh, yeah, it's a special kind of\ G.I. Joe. 哦,我知道,那是G.I. Joe的一个特别版
It's Frank, right? 是Frank,对吧?
Yes, sir. 没错,先生
Yeah. Frank... 那个...Frank...
Six Sigma is the elite\ GE executive training course. 6西格玛是GE主管课程的精髓
To master just its basic concepts,\ one must brave a five-day conference at a Sheraton. 要掌握这种理念\ 你必须在喜来登参加一个为期五天的会议
Six Sigma says that a manager\ must understand every aspect 6西格玛认为管理者必须掌握
of the business\ he or she oversees. 他手下业务的各个方面
Which means? 意思是?
I'll be in here every day. 我每天都会在这里的
Soaking it up. 彻底了解你们
So please return to work,\ and act like I'm not here. 所以请你们继续工作吧\ 就当我是空气
Okay. 好的
Let's, uh, get into\ Toofer's commercial parody. 我们,恩,来看看Toofer的广告恶搞
We were trying to think of\ a funnier cereal name. 我们想想出一种有趣的麦片的名字
The favorite options so far include\ Honey Bunches of Sadness, 目前想到的最有意思的有\ Honey Bunches of Sadness
Oat Bung,\ and Swaztik-o's. Oat Bung,还有Swaztik-o's
Fruit Lupus. Fruit Lupus.
Dingleberries. Dingleberries.
Fartuggets Fartuggets.
I'm sorry. 请原谅
That's really great. 实在太好笑了
Okay, let's just think\ for another minute. 好吧,我们再想想
Frosted Mini Guns Frosted Mini Guns.
Lucky Bastards? Lucky Bastards?
If you don't mind, I think\ we all really laughed at Fartuggets, 不介意的话,我觉得我们好象都认为Fartuggets很有意思
so could we just move on,\ please. 要不就这样吧,好吗?
Every day, huh? 每天都来,啊?
You guys want coffee? 要咖啡吗?
Oh, yeah. 哦,好的
So I was doing some\ research on comedy. 我对喜剧做了点研究
And I came across\ the cartoon strip Dilbert. 让我想起了动画片Dilbert
It's quite good. 非常不错的
And I was wondering\ if we could do that. 我在想我们能不能弄一下
Do what? 弄什么?
Dilbert Dilbert.
You guys want coffee? 要咖啡吗?
Oh, yeah. 哦,好的
o, no, no,\ you can't say that. 不,不,不,你不能那么说
Jeb Bush is a friend\ of mine. 杰布布什是我的朋友\ (佛州州长,总统弟弟)
Who should I change it to? 那改成谁?
Sean Penn--\o, Barbra Streisand. 那就肖恩潘吧--\ 不,还是芭芭拉.史翠珊吧
He guns it.\ Girl falls into the water. 他开了枪,那姑娘就掉到水里了
You guys want coffee? 要咖啡吗?
So we circle back\ looking for her. 然后我们就围上来找她
Remember, it's pitch black out. 别忘了,营地全黑灯瞎火的
The boat hits something hard. 船碰上了什么硬的东西
And you hear kind of... 你听到一种...
And Brokaw says, "Just go.\ Don't look back." 然后Brokaw说, "走吧,别往回看"
ow...I'm not a writer,\ but maybe there's a skit in that. 说起来...我也不是写东西的\ 不过这故事里可能有点有意思的东西
Hey. What? 嘿.怎么?
So is Donaghy gonna be\ in the room again today? Donaghy今天还要在这儿吗?
Ugh. Probably, yeah. 恩.大概吧
Well, you have to say\ something to him. 你得跟他说说
Youguys are not getting\ any work done. 你们什么活儿也干不了
Really? 真的吗?
You don't think his idea\ of starting with the catchphrases 你不觉得他说要一开始打上标语
and working backwards\ is panning out? 然后逐渐变淡的主意还不错吗?
" uts to you, McGullicuty." " uts to you, McGullicuty."
"Who ordered the wieners?" "谁点了热狗?"
Beep beep!\ Ribby ribby! Beep beep!\ Ribby ribby!
Actually, Frank wrote a draft\ of "Beep beep, ribby ribby." 其实,Frank还真写了个关于"Beep beep, ribby ribby"的稿子
Look, you have to say something to Jack soon,\ or your writers are going to revolt. 听着,你必须赶快和Jack谈谈\ 要不这些编剧都得不干了
What do you all\ not understand? 你们怎么就不明白?
He's our boss. 他是我们的老板
Me trying to tell Jack what to do\ would be like you trying to boss around-- 我去告诉Jack该怎么做\ 就像 你要管住--
Which one of your kids is it\ that you're afraid of? 哪个儿子是你怕的来着?
Kyle\ Kyle Kyle.\ Kyle.
So strong. 太强壮了
Oh, come on! 哦,不是吧!
That was a jacket. 那件衣服
That's it, I've gotta talk to her\ about her clothes. 够了,我得和她谈谈她的衣服
She can't dress like that. 她不能穿成那样
Yes, she can. 她当然能
People like the way she dresses. 大家喜欢她那么穿
Oh, come on, it's distracting.\ It's inappropriate. 哦,行了,那会分散注意力\ 那不合适
You're inappropriate, you jerk,\ with your big stupid face! 你才不合适,你个坏蛋,大脸坏蛋!
- Come on.\ - Liz, listen, listen, listen. - 拉倒吧\ - Liz,听着,听着,听着
Look at me. 看着我
Look how bald I am.\ Look at my life. 看我都秃成什么样了,看看我的生活
Please, just give me\ this one thing. 求你了,就给我点高兴的事吧
Pete, no, come on!\ I'm talking to her. Pete,不行,得了吧!\ 我这就去和她谈
Talk to yourself! 和你自己谈谈!
Cha! Cha!
Kenny, my boy.\ What's the frequency, Ken? Kenny,我的伙计\ 怎么样啊, Ken?
Yeah, I need you to grab me some lunch. 那个,我要你给我弄点午饭
Absolutely.\ What can I get for you? 当然行,要我给您弄点什么?
- I want nachos.\ - Yes, sir. - 我要nachos\ - 好的,先生
From Yankee Stadium. 要扬基体育场的
Yes, sir! 好的,先生!
Generaltesting\ for Unitedations Bloopers. 联合国调解测试
Oh, hey, Cerie. 哦,嘿,Cerie
Kind of need to talk to you\ about something. 我有点事情最好和你谈谈
Do you have a second? 有时间吗?
Sure. 当然
Okay, this is gonna sound really weird,\ but, um...you need to wear a bra. 好的,这听起来有点奇怪\ 不过,恩...你最好穿下内衣
Oh, no,\ I don't actually. 哦,不,我不用穿啊
They kind of just stay up\ on their own. 它们这样就"挺"好啊
See? Yeah, okay. 那个,这个...
What I'm saying is,\ you need to wear a bra to work 我要说的是\ 要在这一行干出点名堂的话
if you want to be taken seriously\ in this business. 上班时间你最好还是穿下内衣吧
o, but I don't actually want to\ work in television. 不用,我并不真的想在电视行业工作啊
Career-wise, I'm just gonna marry rich\ and then design handbags. 只是要进圈子而已,然后我就能嫁个有钱人\ 再然后我就可以设计我自己的包包啦
Here's the thing. 事情其实是这样的
The way that you dress is making some people\ around the office uncomfortable. 你这样的打扮其实是让办公室里有些人不大舒服
Really?\ Who? 真的?谁?
ot me! 不是我!
I guess it's mostly me\ that has the problem with it. 大部分是因为我啦
Oh, because you have, like,\ one of those body image things? 哦,因为你,有点,因为自己身材不好才...
o, it's not that. 不,当然不是
Good, because I was gonna say\ you still have a good body. 很好,因为我想说你身材还不错
Well, thank you,\ but this isn't about me. 那个,谢谢,不过这和我没什么关系
Like, how did you dress\ before you were married? 像是比如你结婚前怎么打扮的?
I'm not married, Cerie. 我还没结婚呢, Cerie
Oh, for some reason,\ I thought you had, like, three kids. 哦,我总是以为你已经结了\ 还像是生了大概三个孩子
ope. 没有
ever married,\ no kids. 没结过婚,没有孩子
'Cause sometimes you have, like,\ food stains on your shirt and stuff. 我猜是因为有时候你衣服上总会有点脏东西什么的
I just assumed that it was kids. 我就以为那是孩子弄的
You know what? 知道吗?
Forget I mentioned it.\ You look great. 忘了这事儿\ 你看上去好极了
Is it my birthday? 是我生日吗?
You have to get Donaghy\ out of the room. 你得把Donaghy赶出去
Boy, we as a group\ might not smell great. 伙计们,我们都凑一起可不太好啊
Come on,\ he's stifling us. 行了,他快把我们憋死了
I feel like I just can't\ be myself around him. 我就觉得在他旁边我都不能当我自己了
Yeah, Tracy's downstairs right now\ rehearsing the best thing we've written all week. 对,Tracy正在楼下排练我们这礼拜写的最好的一段呢
Beep beep! Ribby ribby! Beep beep! Ribby ribby!
All right. 好了


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