Ubuntu 下鼠标不能点击解决方案
2019-11-24 本文已影响0人
今天遇到一个问题,Ubuntu 下鼠标无法点击了,只有一个箭头。找了一些资料,发现一个还算方便的方法:
Crtl + Alt + t 打开一个终端,输入:
metacity --replace
然后会进入到 metacity 下,鼠标是可以点击的了。然后需要切换回 compiz,使用:
compiz --replace
- Metacity was the default GTK2 Window Manager for Ubuntu
- Compiz is a compositing manager, which means that it enhances the overall user interaction by adding fancy effects to your windows, from drop shadows to awesome desktop effects like the Desktop Cube or the Expo view