
2019-05-10  本文已影响0人  xiliangzhao

Man: Excuse me, where is the nearest bank?
Woman: There's a bank about ten minutes' walk from here. Go straight down the street and turn first turn left.
Woman: Keep walking and you will see it on the right side of the street.
Man: Thanks for your help.
Woman: You're welcome.

Kate: Liz, I'm sorry I'm late. I got lost.
Liz: What happened, Kate?
Kate: I got off the bus near your apartment and walked left instead of right.
Kate: I asked for directions and a lady helped me.

Parent: Excuse me, can you tell me how to get the headmaster's office?
Student:Yes. Go past canteen and the gym.
Student: It's nest to the assembly hall.
Parent: Thank you.

Mark: Hi, Michelle. Where is the Film Club meeting today?
Michelle: Hi, Mark. It is on in the new music room.
Mark: How do I get there?
Michelle: Go upstair to the third floor and It's the fourth classroom on the left.

Chris: Look, Lisa. There's an exhibition on in the new gallery downtown.
Chris: Do you know how to get there?
Lisa: Yes. You get the number fifteen bus to Green Grove Park.
Lisa: When you get off the bus, walk through the park and it's near to the New Square Hotel.
Chris: Great, thanks.

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