2021-03-29 本文已影响0人
Do you know how many advantages you will have, if you can be proficient in English?Good English means that you have more opportunity to choose your ideal job and put better food on the table. It means that you can provide for kids with professoinal guidance stop worrying about them being led astray by others.
Most importantly, It means you'll have a broader outlook and more chances whatever you are longing for. If you're already a professional person in your industry, then a good command of English can surely be an additional attribute for you to become a more compound talent in today's market.
系统地学了近九个月英文,觉得以前自己有些观点是错的,语言嘛, 也不必去纠结他的发音是否标准。 就像我们平时说的广东话也有广州发音香港发音顺德化东莞话等等, 能用就好。
在中学孩子的学校除了中文和中史外,其他课程全部都是用全英文上课的。 什么课表字体的也全部是英文。 小学开会, 老师也会同时用英文来再说一遍, 是为了照顾那些 非华语的家长。 有些文件在说明之后会有注明,如有异义,以英文版本为准。