

第二步创建lib文件 2.1 选择lib文件需要保存的路径
2.2 打开终端进入lib文件路径
2.3 终端输入pod lib create MyLibrary命令,根据问题依次输入自己项目的需求,如下:
~/Lib » pod lib create NWFDraggableView
Cloning https://github.com/CocoaPods/pod-template.git
into NWFDraggableView
Configuring NWFDraggableView template.
To get you started we need to ask a few questions, this should only take a minute.
If this is your first time we recommend running through with the guide:
( hold cmd and double click links to open in a browser. )
What platform do you want to use?? [ iOS / macOS ] > iOS
What language do you want to use?? [ Swift / ObjC ] > Objc
Would you like to include a demo application with your library? [ Yes / No ] > Yes
Which testing frameworks will you use? [ Specta / Kiwi / None ] > None
Would you like to do view based testing? [ Yes / No ] > Yes
What is your class prefix? > NWF
Running pod install on your new library.
Analyzing dependencies
Fetching podspec for NWFDraggableView
from ../
Downloading dependencies
Installing FBSnapshotTestCase (2.1.4)
Installing NWFDraggableView (0.1.0)
Generating Pods project
Integrating client project
[!] Please close any current Xcode sessions and use NWFDraggableView.xcworkspace
for this project from now on.
Sending stats
Pod installation complete! There are 2 dependencies from the Podfile and 2 total pods installed.
Ace! you're ready to go!
We will start you off by opening your project in Xcode
open 'NWFDraggableView/Example/NWFDraggableView.xcworkspace'
To learn more about the template see https://github.com/CocoaPods/pod-template.git
To learn more about creating a new pod, see http://guides.cocoapods.org/making/making-a-cocoapod
一个lib文件创建了,可以参考官网 [Using Pod Lib Create
2.4 lib文件创建后,导入自己封装好的文件
2.4.1 拷贝自己封装的文件到MyLibrary/MyLibrary/Classes/文件夹下,并且删除ReplaceMe.m文件

2.4.2 终端进入到MyLibrary/Example/ 路径,执行pod install 命令,这样你添加的封装文件就安装到测试项目里了
~/Lib » cd NWFDraggableView/Example
~/Lib/NWFDraggableView/Example(master*) » pod install
Analyzing dependencies
Fetching podspec for NWFDraggableView
from ../
Downloading dependencies
Using FBSnapshotTestCase (2.1.4)
Using NWFDraggableView (0.1.0)
Generating Pods project
Integrating client project
Sending stats
Pod installation complete! There are 2 dependencies from the Podfile and 2 total pods installed.
2.4.3 在ViewController文件中写测试代码
先添加pod repo pod repo add NWFGiteeSpecs https://gitee.com/xiaoru/Specs.git
~/Lib/NWFDraggableView(master) » pod repo add NWFGiteeSpecs https://gitee.com/xiaoru/Specs.git
Cloning spec repo NWFGiteeSpecs
from https://gitee.com/xiaoru/Specs.git
[!] /usr/bin/git clone https://gitee.com/xiaoru/Specs.git NWFGiteeSpecs
Cloning into 'NWFGiteeSpecs'...
fatal: unable to access 'https://gitee.com/xiaoru/Specs.git/': The requested URL returned error: 403
~/Lib/NWFDraggableView(master) » pod repo add NWFGiteeSpecs git@gitee.com:xiaoru/Specs.git
Cloning spec repo NWFGiteeSpecs
from git@gitee.com:xiaoru/Specs.git
The authenticity of host 'gitee.com (' can't be established.
ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:FQGC9Kn/eye1W8icdBgrQp+KkGYoFgbVr17bmjey0Wc.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
[!] /usr/bin/git clone git@gitee.com:xiaoru/Specs.git NWFGiteeSpecs
Cloning into 'NWFGiteeSpecs'...
Warning: Permanently added 'gitee.com,' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
git@gitee.com: Permission denied (publickey).
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.
Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists.
~/Lib/NWFDraggableView(master) » pod repo add NWFGiteeSpecs git@gitee.com:xiaoru/Specs.git
Cloning spec repo NWFGiteeSpecs
from git@gitee.com:xiaoru/Specs.git
~/Lib/NWFDraggableView(master) » pod repo
Type: git (master)
Path: /Users/judith/.cocoapods/repos/master
Type: git (master)
URL: git@gitee.com:xiaoru/Specs.git
Path: /Users/judith/.cocoapods/repos/NWFGiteeSpecs
2 repos
~/Lib/NWFDraggableView(master) » pod spec lint
-> NWFDraggableView (0.1.0)
WARN | url: The URL (https://gitee.com/xiaoru/NWFDraggableView) is not reachable.
NOTE | xcodebuild: note: Using new build system
NOTE | [iOS] xcodebuild: note: Planning build
NOTE | [iOS] xcodebuild: note: Constructing build description
NOTE | [iOS] xcodebuild: warning: Skipping code signing because the target does not have an Info.plist file. (in target 'App')
Analyzed 1 podspec.
[!] The spec did not pass validation, due to 1 warning (but you can use --allow-warnings
to ignore it).
因为我这个项目是私有的,只能访问到https://gitee.com/xiaoru 这个路径,所以修改 NWFDraggableView.podspec s.homepage = 'https://gitee.com/xiaoru'
~/Lib/NWFDraggableView(master) » pod spec lint
-> NWFDraggableView (0.1.0)
NOTE | xcodebuild: note: Using new build system
NOTE | [iOS] xcodebuild: note: Planning build
NOTE | [iOS] xcodebuild: note: Constructing build description
NOTE | [iOS] xcodebuild: warning: Skipping code signing because the target does not have an Info.plist file. (in target 'App')
Analyzed 1 podspec.
NWFDraggableView.podspec passed validation.
~/Lib/NWFDraggableView(master) » pod repo push NWFGiteeSpecs NWFDraggableView.podspec
Validating spec
-> NWFDraggableView (0.1.0)
NOTE | xcodebuild: note: Using new build system
NOTE | [iOS] xcodebuild: note: Planning build
NOTE | [iOS] xcodebuild: note: Constructing build description
NOTE | [iOS] xcodebuild: warning: Skipping code signing because the target does not have an Info.plist file. (in target 'App')
Updating the `NWFGiteeSpecs' repo
Already up to date.
Adding the spec to the `NWFGiteeSpecs' repo
- [Add] NWFDraggableView (0.1.0)
Pushing the `NWFGiteeSpecs' repo
~/Lib/NWFDraggableView/Example(master) » git push origin master
fatal: unable to access 'https://gitee.com/xiaoru/NWFDraggableView.git/': Could not resolve host: gitee.com
~/Lib/NWFDraggableView/Example(master) » git remote
~/Lib/NWFDraggableView/Example(master) » git remote add origin git@gitee.com:xiaoru/NWFDraggableView.git
fatal: remote origin already exists.
~/Lib/NWFDraggableView/Example(master) » git config --global http.proxy
~/Lib/NWFDraggableView/Example(master) » git config --global https.proxy
~/Lib/NWFDraggableView/Example(master) » git push origin master
Counting objects: 15, done.
Delta compression using up to 4 threads.
Compressing objects: 100% (14/14), done.
Writing objects: 100% (15/15), 5.86 KiB | 2.93 MiB/s, done.
Total 15 (delta 7), reused 0 (delta 0)
remote: Powered By Gitee.com
To https://gitee.com/xiaoru/NWFDraggableView.git
d3e18fe..33318d9 master -> master