2019-02-25 翻译 Day 4

2019-02-25  本文已影响0人  LovePeace_fea6

Lemon juice detoxes your body, prevents bloating, and helps you to feel full for longer, all of which can help you lose weight. Furthermore, it alsocleanses your taste buds(味蕾), and helps get rid of your cravings(渴求)for sweet and fattening foods.

柠檬汁可以排毒,预防胀气,也会让你觉得有更长时间的饱腹感,以上这些都有助于减肥。 而且他还能清新你的味蕾,有助于让你摆脱对甜食和易发胖食物的渴望。

Detox /'di: tɒks/ vt. 使戒去毒瘾(或酒瘾)(detoxification 解毒)

Bloating/'blotɪŋ/ 胀气 v. 鼓胀;胀大;炉渣起泡(bloat的ing形式)

Cleanse /klenz/ vt. 净化;使…纯净;使…清洁

ambush ['æmbuʃ] n. 埋伏,伏兵 v. 埋伏,突袭

to ambush the troops in the heavy woods on either side of the road


alpine ['ælpain] adj. 高山的,阿尔卑斯山的 alpine meadow 高山草甸

apace [ə'peis] adv. 快速地,急速地,齐头并进地 improve apace 快速提高

annals ['ænəlz] n. 纪年表,年鉴,年报 is recorded in the annals of history 载入史册

almanac ['ɔ:lmənæk] n. 历书,年鉴

archer ['ɑ:tʃə] n. 射手,弓箭手 Archer: 射手座

angelic [æn'dʒelik] adj. 天使的;似天使的;天国的

allot [ə'lɔt] vt. 分配,分摊

archbishop ['ɑ:tʃbiʃəp] n. 总教主

aperture ['æpətjuə] n. 孔,穴,缝隙 / 照相机,望远镜等的)光圈,孔径;缝隙

antitoxin [.ænti'tɔksin] n. 抗毒素

ado [ə'du:] n. 忙乱,纷扰 much ado about nothing 无事生非;小题大作

appropriation [ə.prəupri'eiʃən] n. 拨用,挪用,拨款 appropriation bill n. 政府年出预算案

anther ['ænθə] n. 花药;花粉囊

allay [ə'lei] v. 使...镇静,使...缓和 allay fears/concern/suspicion 减轻恐惧;减轻忧虑;减少怀疑Alley n. 小巷;小路;小径

2019-02-25 翻译 Day 4
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