
2021-01-19  本文已影响0人  何弦Chords

越是长大,就越意识到情绪在我们生活中起到的重要角色。不夸张得说,情绪控制着我们的生活。可一个让我们难以理解情绪的原因是,它看不见摸不着。我们很难去关注它。 所以,如何和情绪相处,是一个需要我们时刻关注,不断修行的课题。



You emotions are your physical indication of your relationship with your Inner Being.Your Inner Being, or Source Energy, always offers a perspective that is to your greatest advantage, and when your perspective matches that, then positive attraction is occurring. In other words, the better you feel, the better your point of attraction, and the better things are turning out for you.



  • physical energy is the raw fuel for igniting our emotional skills and talents. In order to perform at our best we must access pleasant and positive emotions: enjoyment, challenge, adventure and opportunity. Emotions that arise out of threat or deficit - fear, frustration anger, sadness - have a decidedly toxic feel to them and are associated with the release of specific stress hormones, most notably cortisol.
  • emotional intelligence : the capacity to manage emotions skillfully in the service of high positive energy and full engagement.
  • negative emotions:
    • if we are prompting fear, anger and defensiveness in others, we progressively undermine their ability to perform effectively.
    • chronic negative emotions - most especially anger and depression - have also been correlated with a broad range of disorders and diseases ranging from back pain and headaches to heart disease and cancer.


  1. 建立积极的心态。 主动决定无论发生什么事情,都尽力去看到事物中积极美好的那一面。尽量去想你希望发生的事情。而不是你害怕的事情。对积极情绪关注得越多,你对积极情绪的感受也越多。生活会更轻松美好。可以用写感恩日记来辅助。

We would suggest to you that you make a decision - a decision that no matter what you are doing in this day, no matter who you are interacting with, no matter where you are, that your dominant intent will be to look for those things that you want to see. And as that is your dominant intent, by the Law of Attraction, you will attract only those things that you want to attract, and you will see only these things that you want to see. The state of Allowing is freedom from negativity; therefore, when you have set forth your deliberate intent to have something and you are feeling only positive emotion about it, then you are in the state of Allowing it to be. And then you will have it.

  1. Be mindful. 时时刻刻关注自己的情绪。不要觉得有负面情绪是羞耻是一件坏事,而是把情绪作为我们内在存在的指南针,让我们更好地和我们的内在相处。我们需要用冥想来提高自己关注内在的能力。

  2. 留出让自己做一些让自己快乐愉悦的事情,而不是时时刻刻都为了利益而生活。

  3. Be authentic. 留出让自己摘掉面具的时候,袒露自己的内心接受自己内心的时候。在社会中生活,我们常常会因为一些社交礼仪或者传统而给自己戴上面具,让自己假装成另外一个人。这个面具戴长了,我们的内在会觉得痛苦。

  4. 建立自己的情绪支持体系。一个有深刻连结的关系非常重要。我们生来需要和人建立连结,我们是社会的动物。这里说的连结,并不是指那种表面上的“熟人”或者是现在流行的“人际关系”,而是那一两个真正懂你了解你的人。你可能在一个充满了人的派对中感到无比孤独,却在只有你和一个知己的交谈中感到温暖充盈。

  5. Cherish solitude. 留出和自己相处的时间。只有在独处中,我们才能更好地屏蔽外界的噪音,才能更好地了解自己的内在。

“Cherish your solitude. Take trains by yourself to places you have never been. Sleep out alone under the stars. Learn how to drive a stick shift. Go so far away that you stop being afraid of not coming back. Say no when you don’t want to do something. Say yes if your instincts are strong, even if everyone around you disagrees. Decide whether you want to be liked or admired. Decide if fitting in is more important than finding out what you’re doing here. Believe in kissing.”― Eve Ensler

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