2018 英文阅读阅益书社

1106-Shoe Dog-03-事业爱情小有所成的奈特先生

2018-11-06  本文已影响1人  f5cbc22a4a57


1965 年的 Oregon,跑步风着实不盛行。路上的跑者常被人嘲笑 “跑步还不如骑马” 呢,甚至还有人朝跑者身上扔啤酒瓶或饮料罐……书里是这么描写的:

In fact, in 1965, running wasn’t even a sport. It wasn’t popular, it wasn’t unpopular—it just was. To go out for a three-mile run was something weirdos did, presumably to burn off manic energy. Running for pleasure, running for exercise, running for endorphins, running to live better and longer—these things were unheard of.

People often went out of their way to mock runners. Drivers would slow down and honk their horns. “Get a horse!” they’d yell, throwing a beer or soda at the runner’s head.


1965年的 Oregon 只有两家银行,不像现在这般自由,银行业务甚至可以在州际之间进行,也不存在风投(VC)。故而,作为一个有着雄心壮志的年轻人,Phil 不得不受限于银行趋利避祸的谨慎保守规则。

当时的 Blue Ribbon 运营流程是,Phil 从银行贷款,向日本鬼冢公司进货,鞋子全部销售回款后还清贷款,但由于日本公司方面总是拖延货运时间,导致作者对公司未来方向有隐忧。为了保险起见,Phil 重操 “旧业”,最终在普华永道会计师事务所(Price Waterhouse)工作,成了会计师 Phil。

他每月会将做会计师的部分工资,投入到自己创业的Blue Ribbon,以维持公司的现金流。此外,这份工作经历也让 Phil 得以接触各行业公司的运营,了解到决定公司存亡的一个根本原因在于:净资产(equity)。笼统地说,即:现金流的周转。

有意思的是,Phil 虽然深知这个道理,但他经营的 Blue Ribbon 却一直都没能逃开现金流的问题,故而银行也都一直不待见他,而他为了公司能继续存在,不得不 “兼职创业”,一直到 1967年,越来越感觉到会计师事务所的工作强度之大,让他没有充足的时间开展自己的事业。

但由于一直存在的现金流问题,让他没办法全情投入跑鞋事业,最后权衡折中的结果,是去了波特兰州立大学任教。这个决定很明显地让他的父亲不高兴,因为觉得不体面。但对于 Phil 来讲却是人生的一大转折点,因为他遇见了后来成为他妻子的 Penelope Parks. 

Phil 对 Parks 小姐一见钟情,追妹子的手段也是 “杠杠的”,offer 了一份兼职……而后近水楼台先得月,终于在 1968 年 9 月 13 日, 在波特兰市中心的圣马克圣公会教堂(St.Mark’s Episcopal Church), 在 200 多位亲朋好友的见证下,他们俩...喜结连理啦。

1969 年,Phil 终于辞掉教职,开始全情投入创业,还给自己开了个 $18000 的年薪。Blue Ribbon 的公司发展越来越有小规模,但随之而来的现金流问题也越来越严重。

Phil 尝试过一次小规模的公开募股,彼时的 1970 年,虽然开始出现风投,但多集中于硅谷的高科技项目,而不是其他诸如体育行业之类,所以 Blue Ribbon 公司募股无人问津的惨况,也是可想而知了。仅售出的 300 支股票,不过是公司四号全职员工 Woodell 和他的家人所购买。

Woodell 一家经济条件并不好,本是运动员的 Bob Woodell 在一次意外事故中下半身终生残疾,在 Phil 教练兼公司合伙人 Bill Bowerman 的引荐下,加入 Blue Ribbon……后来在公司几次三番的现金流危机中,Woodell 一家更是不遗余力的拿出他们的多年储蓄来支持 Phil 的创业。当 Phil 询问 Woodell 母亲因何这般支持时,她的回答让我很是震撼+感动,她说:如果你连自己儿子创业的公司都无法信任,那你还能信任谁呢?

“Because,” Woodell’s mother said, “if you can’t trust the company your son is working for, then who can you trust?”


·To be continued·

顺便学点儿英文 Words & Expressions

① 和 strings 有关的两个表达:

👉Finally Wallace would back off, loosen the purse strings.

the purse strings,复数名词,表示 “资金的支配,财务权”;used to refer to the control of spending in a family, company, country etc;常见搭配为:hold/control the purse strings;tighten/loose the purse strings;

Women control the purse strings of most families.

👉Above all, she was learning that marrying a man with a start-up shoe company meant living on a shoestring budget.

on a shoestring, 口语中表示 “小本经营地、资金微薄地”,常见搭配为:run/operate/do something on a shoestring;文中用这个表达,shoestring 还有“鞋带”的字面意思,和 Phil 创业跑鞋公司相呼应。

The British-produced film was made on a shoestring budget. 这部英国出品的电影是小成本制作。

② 和时间有关的两个表达:

👉Days went swooshing by. 岁月如梭。

👉Yes, 1973 seemed light-years away, but it would be here in a blink.

light-year,光年,也可表示 “极大的差距,极远的距离,极长的时期”; blink 表示 “眨眼之间”;这里是说鬼冢公司只同意续签三年合同,三年的时间看起来很长,实际上却也不过眨眼之间(Phil 很希望能够多签几年合同以求公司的业务稳定)。

③ 形容听到某个消息后的一连串情绪变化:

Johnson was flabbergasted. Then furious. Then freaked. All in the space of one minute.

flabbergasted = extremely surprised or shocked, 口语中表示 “目瞪口呆的,大吃一惊的”;

When I heard how much money we’d made, I was flabbergasted.

furious = very angry.

freaked = suddenly feel extremely surprised, upset, angry, or confused.


④ 短语 toy with:

I toyed with the idea of not giving Johnson my new address.

toy with sb/sth,动词短语,表示 “随便对待…,不以为然”,to think about an idea or possibility, usually for a short time and not very seriously;常搭配为:toy with the idea of doing something;

I’ve been toying with the idea of going to Japan to visit them. 我曾动过去日本看望他们的念头。

⑤ 短语 get around to sth:

But before I got around to it there was always another one, waiting.

get around to sth = get around to doing sth,动词短语,表示 “抽出时间做…”,to do something that you have been intending to do for some time;

I meant to phone her yesterday, but I never got around to it.

We finally got around to clearing out the garage.


