2018-08-18 本文已影响36人
有很多值得学习的区块链技术资源,在这里稍微总结了一下。因为不想再多一个 markdown repo,所以把它放在了 blockchain-tutorial 的 wiki 。目前只有英文链接,实际上有很多内容已经有了中文翻译,有时间我会慢慢补充进来,也欢迎大家贡献,编辑 wiki 即可。
熊市更是积累技术的时候,代码强的可以直接从源码学习,GitHub 上项目很多, 从 Bitcoin, Ethereum 到 Cardano, Polkadot,都是学习的好资源。喜欢从阅读入手的,不妨看一下这个 reading list :(
插播一条广告:链池 正在招人!感兴趣的请发简历到 xuliuchengxlc@gmail.com。我们打算基于 substrate 做点事情,详情欢迎来信交流。
substrate 是一个一键起链的区块链框架,你可以理解成 react, vue 之类的前端框架,由 Gavin Wood 带领的 parity 团队打造,Gavin Wood 是前以太坊 CTO,parity 团队可能是这个世界上目前区块链技术最强的团队了(虽然之前出过多签事故+_+),值得期待。目前区块链的基础设施还很不完善,substrate 的出现是一个方向,在未来很可能会改善这一点。substrate 是 Rust 写的,Rust 小能手千万不要错过!
阅读列表 >>> Opinioned Blockchain Reading List
- Why Blockchain is Hard
- Blockchain vs. Distributed Ledger Technologies
- Understanding Blockchain Fundamentals, Part 3: Delegated Proof of Stake
- The Psychology of Money
- Why Everyone Missed the Most Mind-Blowing Feature of Cryptocurrency
- Blockchain is not only crappy technology but a bad vision for the future
- Why Tezos is the most advanced Blockchain to date
- A Proof of Stake overview
- Basecoin (aka the Basis Protocol): the worst idea in cryptocurrency, reborn
- Analysis of Casper PoW Reward Reduction
- Blockchain Proof-of-Work Is a Decentralized Clock
- reddit: Proof of Stake is solved
- Ethereum Infighting Spurs Blockchain Split Concerns
- Quick comparison of blockchain scaling solutions
- Stablecoins: designing a price-stable cryptocurrency
- The Mystery Behind Block Time
- Money in the modern economy:an introduction
- Blockchain Oracles Will Make Smart Contracts Fly
- The State of Cryptocurrency Mining
- The Ethereum-blockchain size has exceeded 1TB, and yes, it’s an issue
- Counterfactual: Generalized State Channels on Ethereum
- Consensus, Casper and Cryptoeconomics in 15 minutes or less
- Tendermint: Byzantine Fault Tolerance in the Age of Blockchains
- Vitalik explains the history and state of Ethereum's Casper research
- Leaf-Node weakness in Bitcoin Merkle Tree Design
- SDLerner
- Lessons on Bubbles From Bitcoin
- Explanation of what an OP_RETURN transaction looks like
- https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=16862077
- https://bitcoin.stackexchange.com/questions/12954/why-the-timestamp-component-of-the-block-header
- https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/2r04xi/genesis_block_and_following_blocks_timestamps_are/
- https://bitcoin.stackexchange.com/questions/786/is-the-timestamp-in-the-genesis-block-relevant
- Ultimate Guide to Convert a Web App To a Decentralized App Dapp
- Web3 Design Principles
- Making Sense of Web 3
Fundamental Concepts
Digital singatures
- https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Hardfork
- https://cryptocurrencyfacts.com/block-number-matters-with-crypto-forks/
Ricardian Contracts
- programmer walk thru of Ricardian Contract in EOS
- Ricardian contracts — legally binding agreements on the blockchain
- Smart Contracts — 3 limitations of a self-enforcing agreement
- Live Contracts — What’s all the fuss about?