
2020-06-02  本文已影响0人  夏虫羽

1 - 在澳洲土著文化中Dreamtime是什么?

2 - 目前有多少澳洲原居民在澳大利亚(Aboriginal Australians)

3 - Aborigine 和 Aboriginal 有什么区别?

4 - Terra Nullius 是什么意思?

5 - 什么是Mabo Case? 

6 - 什么是Kinship

7 - 在欧洲殖民者眼中,澳洲原居民的生活是怎样的?

8 - 认识原居民的旗帜和含义

1 - https://www.liberaldictionary.com/dreamtime/

 The ancient time of the creation of all things by sacred ancestors, whose spirits continue into the present, as conceived in the mythology of the Australian Aborigines.


2 - 土著居民大概占澳洲人口的3.3%, 2019年官方统计有847190土著居民。

3 - https://www.commonground.org.au/learn/aboriginal-or-indigenous

"Aborigine" is the noun and "Aboriginal" the adjectival form; however the latter is often also employed to stand as a noun. Note that the use of "Aborigine(s)" or "Aboriginal(s)" (X) in this sense, i.e. as a noun, has acquired negative, and is regard as insensitive, and even offensive. The more acceptable and correct expression is "Aboriginal Australians" or "Aboriginal people”.

4 - Terra nullius  (/ˈtɛrə. nʌˈlaɪəs/, plural terrae nullius) is a Latin expression meaning "nobody's land". It was a principle sometimes used in international law to justify claims that territory may be acquired by a state's occupation of it.

5 - The Mabo decision was a legal case held in 1992. ... The Mabo decision was named after Eddie Mabo, the man who challenged the Australian legal system and fought for recognition of the rights of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the traditional owners of their land.

6 - For more information about Indigenous Kinship, watch these videos on Kinship in the University of Sydney's Online Kinship Learning Module.

7 - https://library.latrobe.edu.au/ebureau/ebook.html#victorian

8 - 原居民的旗帜中黑色代表原居民;黄色代表太阳,生命的给予和守护者,红色代表地球

The Aboriginal Flag 黑色代表原居民;黄色代表太阳,生命的给予和守护者,红色代表地球

