APP & program

图解WebView -- (2) WebView 常用API详解

2023-04-03  本文已影响0人  果汁味Studio


一、 常用配置

   WebView常用配置API主要包含对 WebSettingsWebViewClientWebChromeClient配置操作。

1.1 获取WebSettings对象

WebSettings是专门 对WebView控件配置和管理的类。通过 getSettings()方法获取该对象。

 public WebSettings getSettings() 

1.2 配置和获取WebViewClient对象

 public void setWebChromeClient(@Nullable WebChromeClient client)   
 public WebViewClient getWebViewClient() 

1.3 配置和获取WebChromeClient对象

public void setWebChromeClient(@Nullable WebChromeClient client)    
public WebChromeClient getWebChromeClient() 

二 、资源加载


2.1 loadUrl()


loadUrl(String url)
1.1.1 示例
1.1.2 其他补充

此外官方还提供了重载方法,新增additionalHttpHeaders 参数,支持在请求URL同时,带上Http请求头。

loadUrl(String url , Map<String,String> additionalHttpHeaders)

2.2 loadData()

loadData(String data,String mimeType,String encoding)   


Loads the given data into this WebView using a 'data' scheme URL.

加载Data URL scheme 格式的数据到WebView中。




2.3 loadDataWithBaseURL()

loadDataWithBaseURL(String baseUrl, String data, String mimeType, String encoding, String historyUrl)   


Loads the given data into this WebView, using baseUrl as the base URL for the content.





三、 页面操作



3.1 页面前进后退操作




   WebBackForwardList作为列表用于存放WebHistoryItem对象, 也相应提供了获取当前页面快照、当前页面快照下标、指定下标快照和列表长度方法。


3.1.1 判断页面能否前进
public boolean canGoForward() 
3.1.2 页面前进
 public void goForward() 
3.1.3 判断页面能否后退
public boolean canGoBack()
3.1.4 页面后退
public void goBack()
3.1.5 判断页面能否前进或后退
public boolean canGoBackOrForward(int steps) 
3.1.6 页面前进或后退
 public void goBackOrForward(int steps) 
3.1.7 获取页面前进后退列表(即历史记录列表)
public WebBackForwardList copyBackForwardList() 

3.2 页面缩放操作

3.2.1 页面放大
public boolean zoomIn() 
3.2.2 页面缩小
public boolean zoomOut() 
3.2.3 页面按指定比例缩放
public void zoomBy(float zoomFactor) 

3.3 页面加载操作

3.3.1 重新加载页面
  public void reload() 
3.3.2 停止加载页面
  public void stopLoading() 

3.4 文件下载操作

Registers the interface to be used when content can not be handled by the rendering engine, and should be downloaded instead. This will replace the current handler.

public void setDownloadListener(@Nullable DownloadListener listener) 
public interface DownloadListener {
    public void onDownloadStart(String url, String userAgent,
            String contentDisposition, String mimetype, long contentLength);


3.5 文本匹配查找操作

3.5.1 查找匹配文本并高亮显示

Finds all instances of find on the page and highlights them, asynchronously. Notifies any registered WebView.FindListener. Successive calls to this will cancel any pending searches.

 public void findAllAsync(@NonNull String find) 
3.5.2 清除查找匹配的高亮文本
public void clearMatches() 
3.5.3 上下查找匹配文本

Highlights and scrolls to the next match found by findAllAsync, wrapping around page boundaries as necessary. Notifies any registered FindListener. If findAllAsync has not been called yet, or if clearMatches has been called since the last find operation, this function does nothing.

 public void findNext(boolean forward) 
3.5.4 配置查找匹配监听器

Registers the listener to be notified as find-on-page operations progress. This will replace the current listener.

public void setFindListener(@Nullable FindListener listener) 
 public interface FindListener {
        public void onFindResultReceived(int activeMatchOrdinal, int numberOfMatches,
            boolean isDoneCounting);

四、 生命周期


4.1 onPause()

Does a best-effort attempt to pause any processing that can be paused safely, such as animations and geolocation. Note that this call does not pause JavaScript. To pause JavaScript globally, use pauseTimers. To resume WebView, call onResume.

public void onPause() 

4.2 onResume()

public void onResume() 

4.3 pauseTimers()

Pauses all layout, parsing, and JavaScript timers for all WebViews. This is a global requests, not restricted to just this WebView. This can be useful if the application has been paused.

public void pauseTimers()

4.4 resumeTimers()

Resumes all layout, parsing, and JavaScript timers for all WebViews.This will resume dispatching all timers.

public void resumeTimers()

4.5 destroy()

Destroys the internal state of this WebView. This method should be called
after this WebView has been removed from the view system. No other methods may be called on this WebView after destroy.

public void destroy()



5.1 清除网页访问的缓存

public void clearCache(boolean includeDiskFiles) 

5.2 清除历史记录

public void clearHistory() 

5.3 表单数据清除

public void clearFormData() 

六、 获取页面信息



6.1 获取当前页URL

Gets the URL for the current page. This is not always the same as the URL passed to WebViewClient.onPageStarted because although the load for that URL has begun, the current page may not have changed.

public String getUrl() 

6.2 获取当前页原始URL

Gets the original URL for the current page. Also, there may have been redirects resulting in a different URL to that originally requested.

 public String getOriginalUrl() 

6.3 获取当前网页标题

public String getTitle() 

6.4 获取当前网页图标

public Bitmap getFavicon() 

6.5 获取当前页SSL证书

public SslCertificate getCertificate()

6.6 获取HTML的高度

public int getContentHeight() 

6.7 获取HTML的宽度

public int getContentWidth()


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