
2017-04-21  本文已影响0人  懂时已不是当时


Union-Find是Algorithms, Part I第一周的第二部分。
该部分的编程作业是:编程作业: Percolation
其详细要求为:Programming Assignment 1: Percolation


17.4.21 星期五 首次提交 结果如下:




import edu.princeton.cs.algs4.WeightedQuickUnionUF;

public class Percolation
    private final int n;
    private boolean[] isOpenSites;
    private int numberOfOpenSites;
    private WeightedQuickUnionUF percolationUF;
    public Percolation(int n)
        if(n <= 0)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException();
        this.n = n;
        isOpenSites = new boolean[n*n+1];
        numberOfOpenSites = 0;
        percolationUF = new WeightedQuickUnionUF(n*n+2);
    private int index(int row, int col)
        if((row >=1 && row <= n) && (col >=1 && col <= n))
            return (row - 1) * n + col;
            throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();
    //如果site(row, col)未打开,打开它
    public void open(int row, int col)
        int index = index(row, col);
        //若site(row, col)未打开,打开它
        if(isOpenSites[index] == false)
            if(n == 1)
                isOpenSites[index] = true;
                percolationUF.union(0, index);
                percolationUF.union(index, 2);
            isOpenSites[index] = true;
            if(row == 1)
                percolationUF.union(0, index);
                int underIndex = index(row+1, col);
                if(isOpenSites[underIndex] == true)
                    percolationUF.union(index, underIndex);
            else if(row == n)
                percolationUF.union(index, n*n+1);
                int upIndex = index(row-1, col);
                if(isOpenSites[upIndex] == true)
                    percolationUF.union(index, upIndex);
                int upIndex = index(row-1, col);
                if(isOpenSites[upIndex] == true)
                    percolationUF.union(index, upIndex);
                int underIndex = index(row+1, col);
                if(isOpenSites[underIndex] == true)
                    percolationUF.union(index, underIndex);
                if(col == 1)
                    int rightIndex = index(row, col+1);
                    if(isOpenSites[rightIndex] == true)
                        percolationUF.union(index, rightIndex);
                else if(col == n)
                    int leftIndex = index(row, col-1);
                    if(isOpenSites[leftIndex] == true)
                        percolationUF.union(index, leftIndex);
                    int rightIndex = index(row, col+1);
                    if(isOpenSites[rightIndex] == true)
                        percolationUF.union(index, rightIndex);
                    int leftIndex = index(row, col-1);
                    if(isOpenSites[leftIndex] == true)
                        percolationUF.union(index, leftIndex);
    //返回site(row, col)是否打开
    public boolean isOpen(int row, int col)
        int index = index(row, col);
        return isOpenSites[index];
    //返回site(row, col)是否full,即是否被渗透
    public boolean isFull(int row, int col)
        int index = index(row, col);
        return percolationUF.connected(0, index);
    public int numberOfOpenSites()
        return numberOfOpenSites;
    public boolean percolates()
        return percolationUF.connected(0, n*n+1);
    public static void main(String[] args)


import edu.princeton.cs.algs4.StdRandom;
import edu.princeton.cs.algs4.StdStats;
import edu.princeton.cs.algs4.StdOut;
import java.lang.Math;
import java.lang.Integer;

public class PercolationStats
    private double[] thresholds;
    private double mean;
    private double stddev;
    private double confidenceLo;
    private double confidenceHi;
    public PercolationStats(int n, int trials)
        thresholds = new double[trials];
        for(int i = 0; i < trials; i++)
            thresholds[i] = computeThreshold(n);
        mean = StdStats.mean(thresholds);
        stddev = StdStats.stddev(thresholds);
        double tmp = (1.96 * stddev) / Math.sqrt(trials);
        confidenceLo = mean - tmp;
        confidenceHi = mean + tmp;
    private double computeThreshold(int n)
        Percolation percolation = new Percolation(n);
            //随机生成一个[0, n*n)的int型数
            int randomInt = StdRandom.uniform(n*n);
            percolation.open( (randomInt / n) + 1 , (randomInt % n) + 1 );
        double numberOfOpenSites = percolation.numberOfOpenSites();
        return numberOfOpenSites / (n*n);
    public double mean()
        return mean;
    public double stddev()
        return stddev;
    public double confidenceLo()
        return confidenceLo;
    public double confidenceHi()
        return confidenceHi;
    public static void main(String[] args)
        PercolationStats pclStats = new PercolationStats(Integer.parseInt(args[0]), Integer.parseInt(args[1]));
        StdOut.println("mean                    = " + pclStats.mean);
        StdOut.println("stddev                  = " + pclStats.stddev);
        StdOut.println("95% confidence interval = [" + pclStats.confidenceLo + ", " + pclStats.confidenceHi + "]");


See the Assessment Guide for information on how to interpret this report.


Compilation:  PASSED
API:          PASSED

Findbugs:     FAILED (1 warning)
Checkstyle:   FAILED (37 warnings)

Correctness:  22/26 tests passed
Memory:       8/8 tests passed
Timing:       9/9 tests passed

Aggregate score: 90.77%
[Compilation: 5%, API: 5%, Findbugs: 0%, Checkstyle: 0%, Correctness: 60%, Memory: 10%, Timing: 20%]


The following files were submitted:
4.6K Apr 21 11:38 Percolation.java
2.1K Apr 21 11:38 PercolationStats.java

*  COMPILING                                                                    

% javac Percolation.java

% javac PercolationStats.java


Checking the APIs of your programs.



*  CHECKING STYLE AND COMMON BUG PATTERNS                                       

% findbugs *.class
L D UC_USELESS_CONDITION UC: The condition 'this.n != 1' always produces the same result. Either something else was meant or the condition can be removed.  At Percolation.java:[line 63]
Warnings generated: 1


% checkstyle *.java
Percolation.java:12:11: 'if' is not followed by whitespace. [WhitespaceAfter]
Percolation.java:26:11: 'if' is not followed by whitespace. [WhitespaceAfter]
Percolation.java:26:19: '>=' is not followed by whitespace. [WhitespaceAround]
Percolation.java:26:44: '>=' is not followed by whitespace. [WhitespaceAround]
Percolation.java:43:11: 'if' is not followed by whitespace. [WhitespaceAfter]
Percolation.java:43:31: Boolean expression can be simplified, e.g., use 'if (!isEmpty)' instead of 'if (isEmpty == false)'. [SimplifyBooleanExpression]
Percolation.java:45:15: 'if' is not followed by whitespace. [WhitespaceAfter]
Percolation.java:60:15: 'if' is not followed by whitespace. [WhitespaceAfter]
Percolation.java:63:19: 'if' is not followed by whitespace. [WhitespaceAfter]
Percolation.java:66:23: 'if' is not followed by whitespace. [WhitespaceAfter]
Percolation.java:66:48: Boolean expression can be simplified, e.g., use 'if (!isEmpty)' instead of 'if (isEmpty == false)'. [SimplifyBooleanExpression]
Percolation.java:73:20: 'if' is not followed by whitespace. [WhitespaceAfter]
Percolation.java:76:19: 'if' is not followed by whitespace. [WhitespaceAfter]
Percolation.java:79:23: 'if' is not followed by whitespace. [WhitespaceAfter]
Percolation.java:79:45: Boolean expression can be simplified, e.g., use 'if (!isEmpty)' instead of 'if (isEmpty == false)'. [SimplifyBooleanExpression]
Percolation.java:89:19: 'if' is not followed by whitespace. [WhitespaceAfter]
Percolation.java:89:41: Boolean expression can be simplified, e.g., use 'if (!isEmpty)' instead of 'if (isEmpty == false)'. [SimplifyBooleanExpression]
Percolation.java:94:19: 'if' is not followed by whitespace. [WhitespaceAfter]
Percolation.java:94:44: Boolean expression can be simplified, e.g., use 'if (!isEmpty)' instead of 'if (isEmpty == false)'. [SimplifyBooleanExpression]
Percolation.java:100:19: 'if' is not followed by whitespace. [WhitespaceAfter]
Percolation.java:103:23: 'if' is not followed by whitespace. [WhitespaceAfter]
Percolation.java:103:48: Boolean expression can be simplified, e.g., use 'if (!isEmpty)' instead of 'if (isEmpty == false)'. [SimplifyBooleanExpression]
Percolation.java:109:24: 'if' is not followed by whitespace. [WhitespaceAfter]
Percolation.java:112:23: 'if' is not followed by whitespace. [WhitespaceAfter]
Percolation.java:112:47: Boolean expression can be simplified, e.g., use 'if (!isEmpty)' instead of 'if (isEmpty == false)'. [SimplifyBooleanExpression]
Percolation.java:120:23: 'if' is not followed by whitespace. [WhitespaceAfter]
Percolation.java:120:48: Boolean expression can be simplified, e.g., use 'if (!isEmpty)' instead of 'if (isEmpty == false)'. [SimplifyBooleanExpression]
Percolation.java:125:23: 'if' is not followed by whitespace. [WhitespaceAfter]
Percolation.java:125:47: Boolean expression can be simplified, e.g., use 'if (!isEmpty)' instead of 'if (isEmpty == false)'. [SimplifyBooleanExpression]
Percolation.java:135:7: '//' or '/*' is not followed by whitespace. [IllegalTokenText]
PercolationStats.java:4:1: Unnecessary import statement for 'java.lang.Math' because it is from the package 'java.lang'. [RedundantImport]
PercolationStats.java:5:1: Unnecessary import statement for 'java.lang.Integer' because it is from the package 'java.lang'. [RedundantImport]
PercolationStats.java:19:12: 'for' is not followed by whitespace. [WhitespaceAfter]
PercolationStats.java:38:14: 'while' is not followed by whitespace. [WhitespaceAfter]
PercolationStats.java:42:30: '(' is followed by whitespace. [ParenPad]
PercolationStats.java:42:50: ',' is preceded with whitespace. [NoWhitespaceBefore]
PercolationStats.java:42:71: ')' is preceded with whitespace. [ParenPad]
Checkstyle ends with 37 errors.



Testing correctness of Percolation
Running 15 total tests.

Tests 1 through 8 create a Percolation object using your code, then repeatedly
open sites by calling open(). After each call to open(), we check the return
values of isOpen(), percolates(), numberOfOpenSites(), and isFull() in that order.
Except as noted, a site is opened at most once.

Test 1: open predetermined list of sites using file inputs
  * filename = input6.txt
  * filename = input8.txt
  * filename = input8-no.txt
  * filename = input10-no.txt
  * filename = greeting57.txt
  * filename = heart25.txt
==> passed

Test 2: open random sites until just before system percolates
  * n = 3
  * n = 5
  * n = 10
  * n = 10
  * n = 20
  * n = 20
  * n = 50
  * n = 50
==> passed

Test 3: open predetermined sites for n = 1 and n = 2
  * filename = input1.txt
  * filename = input1-no.txt
  * filename = input2.txt
  * filename = input2-no.txt
==> passed

Test 4: check for backwash with predetermined sites
  * filename = input20.txt
    - isFull(18, 1) returns wrong value [after 231 sites opened]
    - student   = true
    - reference = false
    - failed after call 231 to isOpen()
  * filename = input10.txt
    - isFull(9, 1) returns wrong value [after 56 sites opened]
    - student   = true
    - reference = false
    - failed after call 56 to isOpen()
  * filename = input50.txt
    - isFull(22, 28) returns wrong value [after 1412 sites opened]
    - student   = true
    - reference = false
    - failed after call 1412 to isOpen()
  * filename = jerry47.txt
    - isFull(11, 47) returns wrong value [after 1076 sites opened]
    - student   = true
    - reference = false
    - failed after call 1076 to isOpen()

Test 5: check for backwash with predetermined sites that have
        multiple percolating paths
  * filename = input3.txt
    - isFull(3, 1) returns wrong value [after 4 sites opened]
    - student   = true
    - reference = false
    - failed after call 4 to isOpen()
  * filename = input4.txt
    - isFull(4, 4) returns wrong value [after 7 sites opened]
    - student   = true
    - reference = false
    - failed after call 7 to isOpen()
  * filename = input7.txt
    - isFull(6, 1) returns wrong value [after 12 sites opened]
    - student   = true
    - reference = false
    - failed after call 12 to isOpen()

Test 6: open predetermined sites with long percolating path
  * filename = snake13.txt
  * filename = snake101.txt
==> passed

Test 7: open every site
  * filename = input5.txt
==> passed

Test 8: open random sites until just before system percolates,
        allowing open() to be called on a site more than once
  * n = 3
  * n = 5
  * n = 10
  * n = 10
  * n = 20
  * n = 20
  * n = 50
  * n = 50
==> passed

Test 9: check that IndexOutOfBoundsException is thrown if (col, row) is out of bounds
  * n = 10, (col, row) = (0, 6)
  * n = 10, (col, row) = (12, 6)
  * n = 10, (col, row) = (11, 6)
  * n = 10, (col, row) = (6, 0)
  * n = 10, (col, row) = (6, 12)
  * n = 10, (col, row) = (6, 11)
==> passed

Test 10: check that IllegalArgumentException is thrown if n <= 0 in constructor
  * n = -10
  * n = -1
  * n = 0
==> passed

Test 11: create multiple Percolation objects at the same time
         (to make sure you didn't store data in static variables)
==> passed

Test 12: open predetermined list of sites using file inputs,
         but change the order in which methods are called
  * filename = input8.txt;  order =     isFull(),     isOpen(), percolates()
  * filename = input8.txt;  order =     isFull(), percolates(),     isOpen()
  * filename = input8.txt;  order =     isOpen(),     isFull(), percolates()
  * filename = input8.txt;  order =     isOpen(), percolates(),     isFull()
  * filename = input8.txt;  order = percolates(),     isOpen(),     isFull()
  * filename = input8.txt;  order = percolates(),     isFull(),     isOpen()
==> passed

Test 13: call all methods in random order until just before system percolates
  * n = 3
  * n = 5
  * n = 7
  * n = 10
  * n = 20
  * n = 50
==> passed

Test 14: call all methods in random order until almost all sites are open,
         but with inputs not prone to backwash
  * n = 3
  * n = 5
  * n = 7
  * n = 10
  * n = 20
  * n = 50
==> passed

Test 15: call all methods in random order until all sites are open,
         allowing open() to be called on a site more than once
         (these inputs are prone to backwash)
  * n = 3
    - isFull(3, 3) returns wrong value [after 7 sites opened]
    - student   = true
    - reference = false
    - failed on trial 17 of 40
  * n = 5
    - isFull(5, 5) returns wrong value [after 15 sites opened]
    - student   = true
    - reference = false
    - failed on trial 1 of 20
  * n = 7
    - isFull(7, 7) returns wrong value [after 21 sites opened]
    - student   = true
    - reference = false
    - failed on trial 2 of 10
  * n = 10
    - isFull(9, 10) returns wrong value [after 65 sites opened]
    - student   = true
    - reference = false
    - failed on trial 1 of 5
  * n = 20
    - isFull(14, 13) returns wrong value [after 223 sites opened]
    - student   = true
    - reference = false
    - failed on trial 1 of 2
  * n = 50
    - isFull(41, 14) returns wrong value [after 1481 sites opened]
    - student   = true
    - reference = false
    - failed on trial 1 of 1

Total: 12/15 tests passed!

*  TESTING CORRECTNESS (substituting reference Percolation)

Testing correctness of PercolationStats
Running 11 total tests.

Test 1: Test that PercolationStats creates trials Percolation objects, each of size n-by-n
  * n =  20, trials =  10
  * n =  50, trials =  20
  * n = 100, trials =  50
  * n =  64, trials = 150
==> passed

Test 2: Test that PercolationStats calls open() until system percolates
  * n =  20, trials =  10
  * n =  50, trials =  20
  * n = 100, trials =  50
  * n =  64, trials = 150
==> passed

Test 3: Test that PercolationStats does not call open() after system percolates
  * n =  20, trials =  10
  * n =  50, trials =  20
  * n = 100, trials =  50
  * n =  64, trials = 150
==> passed

Test 4: Test that mean() is consistent with the number of intercepted calls to open()
        on blocked sites
  * n =  20, trials =  10
  * n =  50, trials =  20
  * n = 100, trials =  50
  * n =  64, trials = 150
==> passed

Test 5: Test that stddev() is consistent with the number of intercepted calls to open()
        on blocked sites
  * n =  20, trials =  10
  * n =  50, trials =  20
  * n = 100, trials =  50
  * n =  64, trials = 150
==> passed

Test 6: Test that confidenceLo() and confidenceHigh() are consistent with mean() and stddev()
  * n =  20, trials =  10
  * n =  50, trials =  20
  * n = 100, trials =  50
  * n =  64, trials = 150
==> passed

Test 7: Check whether exception is thrown if either n or trials is out of bounds
  * n = -23, trials =  42
  * n =  23, trials =   0
    - java.lang.IllegalArgumentException not thrown for PercolationStats()
  * n = -42, trials =   0
    - java.lang.IllegalArgumentException not thrown for PercolationStats()
  * n =  42, trials =  -1
    - java.lang.IllegalArgumentException not thrown for PercolationStats()

Test 8: Create two PercolationStats objects at the same time and check mean()
        (to make sure you didn't store data in static variables)
  * n1 =  50, trials1 =  10, n2 =  50, trials2 =   5
  * n1 =  50, trials1 =   5, n2 =  50, trials2 =  10
  * n1 =  50, trials1 =  10, n2 =  25, trials2 =  10
  * n1 =  25, trials1 =  10, n2 =  50, trials2 =  10
  * n1 =  50, trials1 =  10, n2 =  15, trials2 = 100
  * n1 =  15, trials1 = 100, n2 =  50, trials2 =  10
==> passed

Test 9: Check that the methods return the same value, regardless of
        the order in which they are called
  * n =  20, trials =  10
  * n =  50, trials =  20
  * n = 100, trials =  50
  * n =  64, trials = 150
==> passed

Test 10: Check for any calls to StdRandom.setSeed()
  * n = 20, trials = 10
  * n = 20, trials = 10
  * n = 40, trials = 10
  * n = 80, trials = 10
==> passed

Test 11: Check distribution of number of sites opened until percolation
  * n = 2, trials = 100000
  * n = 3, trials = 100000
  * n = 4, trials = 100000
==> passed

Total: 10/11 tests passed!

*  MEMORY (substituting reference Percolation)

Computing memory of PercolationStats
Running 4 total tests.

Test 1a-1d: Memory usage as a function of trials for n = 100
            (max allowed: 8*trials + 128 bytes)

            trials        bytes
=> passed       16          208         
=> passed       32          336         
=> passed       64          592         
=> passed      128         1104         
==> 4/4 tests passed

Estimated student memory = 8.00 T + 80.00   (R^2 = 1.000)

Total: 4/4 tests passed!



Computing memory of Percolation
Running 4 total tests.

Test 1a-1d: Check that total memory <= 17 n^2 + 128 n + 1024 bytes

                 n        bytes
=> passed       64        37040         
=> passed      256       590000         
=> passed      512      2359472         
=> passed     1024      9437360         
==> 4/4 tests passed

Estimated student memory = 9.00 n^2 + 0.00 n + 176.00   (R^2 = 1.000)

Test 2 (bonus): Check that total memory <= 11 n^2 + 128 n + 1024 bytes
   -  bonus available only if solution passes backwash correctness test

Total: 4/4 tests passed!


*  TIMING                                                                  

Timing Percolation
Running 9 total tests.

Test 1a-1e: Create an n-by-n percolation system; open sites at random until
            the system percolates. Count calls to connected(), union() and
            find() in WeightedQuickUnionUF.
                                                 2 * connected()
                 n   seconds       union()              + find()        constructor
=> passed        8     0.00           53                   250                   1         
=> passed       32     0.00          732                  3092                   1         
=> passed      128     0.01        11205                 48006                   1         
=> passed      512     0.04       184995                785726                   1         
=> passed     1024     0.10       728233               3100964                   1         
==> 5/5 tests passed

Running time in seconds depends on the machine on which the script runs,
and  varies each time that you submit. If one of the values in the table
violates the performance limits, the factor by which you failed the test
appears in parentheses. For example, (9.6x) in the union() column
indicates that it uses 9.6x too many calls.

Tests 2a-2d: Check whether number of calls to union(), connected(), and find()
             is a constant per call to open(), isFull(), and percolates().
             The table shows the maximum number of union(), connected(), and
             find() calls made during a single call to open(), isFull(), and

                 n     per open()      per isOpen()    per isFull()    per percolates() 
=> passed       32        4               0               1               1         
=> passed      128        4               0               1               1         
=> passed      512        4               0               1               1         
=> passed     1024        4               0               1               1         
==> 4/4 tests passed

Total: 9/9 tests passed!






