2016-10-23  本文已影响0人  正儿八经逻辑

EF Level 8, Unit 2 Living Better - Oct. 22, 2016

- Let's decide on a schedule. 让我们安排一下吧!
- I'm afraid I can't make it on Thursday.

- Are you available tomorrow morning? 明早有空吗?
- Perfect! That works for me. 这个方案可行。

She may not have the strength to lift that much weight.

He could strengthen his heart with cardiovascular activity. 他可能通过心血管活动使心脏更加强壮。

cardiovascular ADJ <small>connected with the heart and the blood vessels. = the tubes that carry blood around the body.</small>

I've got to do something to get into shape. I'm overweight, and I feel tired all the time. And my muscles hurt when I wake up in the morning. I need to get more flexible. So I'm going to do an exercise routine. I'm going to do some yoga and some aerobics activity. I'm going to do everything possible to get it.

(get) into shape <small>in good physical condition.</small>
(get/be) out of shape <small>not in good physical condition.</small>
flex VERB <small>to bend, move or stretch an arm or a leg, or contract a muscle, especially in order to prepare for a physical activity.</small>
flexible ADJ <small>able to bend easily without breaking.</small>
aerobics N-COUNT <small>physical exercises intended to make the heart and lungs stronger, often done in classes, with music.</small>

crave a nice, big, juicy cheeseburger <small>(= a humbugger with a slice of cheese on it)</small>

crave V-T <small>to have a very strong desire for something.</small>

Keep up the good work. 加油!燃烧你的小宇宙吧!

Healthy Lifestyle

work out <small>to train the body by physical exercise.</small>

Healthy Physical Habits

GRAMMAR: Modals of obligation

Don't be a slug.

slug N-COUNT <small>a small soft creature, like a snail without a shell, that moves very slowly and often eats garden plants.</small><small>a slow, lazy person.</small>

Make some changes in your lifestyle. You mustn't wait. The time is now. Make a change for the better. Why wait? It's time for a change. A change of lifestyle is what you need. Do it for yourself - nobody else.

Giving Advice

Different Ways to Say the Same Thing

Sometimes you can say the same thing in more than one way. Your choice of words may depend on the point you are trying to make or the seriousness of a situation.

Talking about CAUSES and EFFECTS

Use expressions like these to talk about causes and effects: can lead to; can cause; can be caused by; result in; the result of; one effect of; affect.
The noun effect and the verb affect are often confused.

Internal Definitions

When you com across a word you don't know in a text, you can sometimes figure out its meaning from the information that follows directly after it. This is called an internal definition. Internal definition immediately follow the difficult word, and are separated from it by a comma.

insulin N-MASS <small>a chemical substance produced in the body that controls the amount of sugar in the blood (by influencing the rate at which it is removed); a similar artificial substance given to people whose bodies do not produce enough</small>
cholesterol N-MASS <small>a substance found in blood, fat and most tissues of the body. Too much cholesterol can cause heart disease. 胆固醇</small>

Giving Approximate Information

forecast N-COUNT <small>a statement about what will happen in the future, based on information that is available now.</small>

Raising a Child

Describing Your Vacation

Embarrassing Situations


