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SNN学生记者 Tom Gao 报道:
After a long time of planning and practicing, the second Spring Festival Gala of Irvine students, hosted by six high schools, took place on February 18th, which is the second day after the Chinese New Year. In the three hours, from 3pm to 6pm, the versatile performers from six high schools performed 21 different shows to more than 400 student audiences. All the performances was liked by the students, and each received a round of applause.
Performers getting ready for their show
在晚会的开始,本次学生春晚主办负责人Clark,以及中文学校校长和本次最大赞助商BookAnyone公司的老板轮流上台发言。主办方表示,本次活动要感谢BookAnyone公司和尔湾中文学校的大力赞助,还有Advance Academy与LPH Apparel INC对学生活动的赞助支持。(没有他们,同学们可是没吃没喝哦)
At the beginning of the party, Clark, the main organizer of this event, the principal of Irvine Chinese School, and the boss of our largest sponsor, BookAnyone company each went on stage and gave a speech. The organizers are thankful to the help received from all the sponsors of this event: BookAnyone Company, Irvine Chinese School, Advance Academy, and LPH Apparel INC.(Without them, we won't have much to eat or drink)
The Priciple of Irvine Chinese School is giving speech.
The Boss and some staff of BookAnyone company also attended the whole event.
本次春节联欢晚会是由六校举办的第二届联欢晚会,由University High School主办,其它五所高中联办。有了去年举办的经验,今年主办方扩大了场地,增设了桌椅,还增添了抽奖的环节(
) 同学们吃喝的水平是不是也比去年高了许多呢?This is the second Spring Festival Gala of Irvine students, mainly hosted by University High School, also co-hosted by the other five high schools. With the experience of the last one, this year, the organizers expanded the venue, set more chairs and tables, and added a lottery part. (
) The food and drinks are also much better than last year.
The venue was extended, and there were more chairs and tables.
Food! Drinks! Fried Chicken!
"Why is QR code everywhere this year!?", one student said. The entrance ticked was sent out in the form of QR codes this year, students also leave their contact information with QR codes, the lottary number was also QR codes.
戳这里)At the beginning of the shows, students' mood was raised high by a popular Chinese song from AD band. Let's go, students!! (
接着的是由Portola High四人带来的Just Stay with Me,以及Woodbridge High,Mandy和Linda的《我的道姑朋友》。
Then, four students from Portola High School performed "Just Stay with Me", and Mandy and Linda form Woodbridge High School sang a Chinese song.
It is Chinese New Year, so there must be some traditional Chinese instruments. Except sing and dancing, our performers are also good at lute, erhu, hulusi, and flute.
由三名来自University High和一名来自Woodbridge High的学生组成的的Fake乐队也上台表演,为观众们带来了准备已久的《光年之外》和《消愁》。
Fake band, a group of three University High Students and one Woodbridge High student, also performed. They sang two Chinese songs that they have prepared for weeks.
Fake Band
the organizers in the event
Of course, the lottary! The organizers prepared third, second, first, and the grand prize for the students. Students who received the prize are really happy, and some students was sad since they were off by only one or two numbers. You can always wait for the next chance!
The prize looks good! :D
最后一首由Portola五人演唱的《王妃》后,在同学们的欢呼与鼓掌声中,第二届由尔湾六校联办的学生春节联欢晚会正式落下了帷幕。今年的春晚已经结束,虽然明年一部分同学就要离开,步入大学的校园,但我们的海外华人的春节气息不会减少,期待明年Woodbridge High组织的春晚更精彩!
After the last Chinese song performed by five students from Portola High School, with the cheering and applause from audiences, the second Spring Festival Gala of Irvine Students offically ended. Although many organizers and students are going to leave and go into the campus of collages, but the Chinese New Year celebration will never stop as a tradition of China. We are looking forward for a even better Spring Festival Gala mainly hosted by Woodbridge High School next year!
The Organizers
All Organizers and Peroformers
本文记者:Tom Gao SNN学生记者团成员 (Woodbridge Freshman)
本文编辑:Tom Gao
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