2022-01-27 本文已影响0人
Success: learned German, read the book The Moon and Sixpence. wrote the german diary.
Failure: 期货卖点:4922买点:4721, 4731, 4785, 4896,4921,4951,4966,4965
反思:克服恐惧和贪婪,稳稳拿着,控制仓位。I think I dreamed two days ago that this is coming, but again I ignored the sign God told me.
The Moon and Sixpence: Charles Strickland gave up his family and job in securities company and chased after his enthusiasm--paintings. Although he end up with sickness and poverty I think he lived his life, and he thinks it is better than having a decent job and a beautiful wife and lovely kids. 做自己最想做的事,生活在自己喜爱的环境里,淡泊宁静与世无争,这难道是糟蹋自己吗?与此相反,做一个著名的外科医生,年薪一万英镑,娶一个美丽的妻子,就是成功吗?我想,这一切取决于一个人如何看待生活的意义,取决于他认为对社会应尽什么义务,对自己有什么要求。
Correction: Listen to your heart and don't listen to others.