坑之 react-navigation

2017-11-10  本文已影响36人  FConfidence
  1. yarn add react-navigation

  2. import {StackNavigator } from 'react-navigation';

class MainScreen extends React.Component {
  constructor(props) {
  static navigationOptions = {
    title: 'Welcome',
  render() {
    const { navigate } = this.props.navigation;
    return (
        title="Go to My's profile" style={{backgroundColor: 'red', width: 40, height: 20}}
        onPress={() =>
          navigate('Profile', { name: 'Jane' })

class ProfileScreen extends React.Component {
  constructor(props) {
  static navigationOptions = {
    title: 'My Profile',
  render() {
    const { navigate } = this.props.navigation;
    return (
      <Button style={{backgroundColor: 'blue', width: 40, height: 20}}
        title="Go to MainPage"
        onPress={() =>
          navigate('Main', { name: 'Jane' })

// 这里最为重点, 路由对象包含两个视图,   将其理解为一个  组件对象, 有默认视图组件
const NavigationApp = StackNavigator({
  Main: {screen: MainScreen},
  Profile: {screen: ProfileScreen},

export default class NavigationComponent extends Component<{}> {
  render() {
    return (
      <View style={{backgroundColor: 'yellow', flex: 1, flexDirection: 'row'}}>
  1. 引导页(路由重置)
    import { NavigationActions } from 'react-navigation'
    componentDidMount() {
        const resetAction = NavigationActions.reset({
            index: 0,
            actions: [
              NavigationActions.navigate({ routeName: 'AppPage'})
      this.timer = setTimeout(()=> {
     }, 2000)
    componentWillMount() {
        this.timer && clearTimeout(this.timer)
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