
Protocols (协议上)

2017-01-21  本文已影响22人  金旭峰

Aprotocoldefines a blueprint of methods, properties, and other requirements that suit a particular task or piece of functionality. The protocol can then beadoptedby a class, structure, or enumeration to provide an actual implementation of those requirements. Any type that satisfies the requirements of a protocol is said toconformto that protocol.


In addition to specifying requirements that conforming types must implement, you can extend a protocol to implement some of these requirements or to implement additional functionality that conforming types can take advantage of.


Protocol Syntax (协议语法)

You define protocols in a very similar way to classes, structures, and enumerations:


protocol SomeProtocol{

// protocol definition goes here


Custom types state that they adopt a particular protocol by placing the protocol’s name after the type’s name, separated by a colon, as part of their definition. Multiple protocols can be listed, and are separated by commas:


struct SomeStructure:FirstProtocol,AnotherProtocol{

// structure definition goes here


If a class has a superclass, list the superclass name before any protocols it adopts, followed by a comma:


class SomeClass:SomeSuperclass, FirstProtocol, AnotherProtocol{

// class definition goes here


Property Requirements (属性要求)

A protocol can require any conforming type to provide an instance property or type property with a particular name and type. The protocol doesn’t specify whether the property should be a stored property or a computed property—it only specifies the required property name and type. The protocol also specifies whether each property must be gettable or gettableandsettable.


If a protocol requires a property to be gettable and settable, that property requirement cannot be fulfilled by a constant stored property or a read-only computed property. If the protocol only requires a property to be gettable, the requirement can be satisfied by any kind of property, and it is valid for the property to be also settable if this is useful for your own code.


Property requirements are always declared as variable properties, prefixed with thevarkeyword. Gettable and settable properties are indicated by writing{ get set }after their type declaration, and gettable properties are indicated by writing{ get }.

协议总是用var关键字来声明变量属性,在类型声明后加上{ set get }来表示属性是可读可写的,可读属性则用{ get }来表示:

protocol SomeProtocol{

    var mustBeSettable:Int{getset}

    var doesNotNeedToBeSettable:Int{get}


Always prefix type property requirements with thestatickeyword when you define them in a protocol. This rule pertains even though type property requirements can be prefixed with theclassorstatickeyword when implemented by a class:


protocol AnotherProtocol{

    static var someTypeProperty:Int{getset}


Here’s an example of a protocol with a single instance property requirement:


protocol FullyNamed{

    var fullName:String{get}


TheFullyNamedprotocol requires a conforming type to provide a fully-qualified name. The protocol doesn’t specify anything else about the nature of the conforming type—it only specifies that the type must be able to provide a full name for itself. The protocol states that anyFullyNamedtype must have a gettable instance property calledfullName, which is of typeString.


Here’s an example of a simple structure that adopts and conforms to theFullyNamedprotocol:


struct Person:FullyNamed{

    var fullName:String


let john=Person(fullName:"John Appleseed")

// john.fullName is "John Appleseed"

This example defines a structure calledPerson, which represents a specific named person. It states that it adopts theFullyNamedprotocol as part of the first line of its definition.


Each instance ofPersonhas a single stored property calledfullName, which is of typeString. This matches the single requirement of theFullyNamedprotocol, and means thatPersonhas correctly conformed to the protocol. (Swift reports an error at compile-time if a protocol requirement is not fulfilled.)


Here’s a more complex class, which also adopts and conforms to theFullyNamedprotocol:


class Starship:FullyNamed{

var prefix:String?

var name:String

init(name:String,prefix:String? =nil) {




var fullName:String{

return (prefix!=nil?prefix! +" ":"") +name



var ncc1701=Starship(name:"Enterprise",prefix:"USS")

// ncc1701.fullName is "USS Enterprise"

This class implements thefullNameproperty requirement as a computed read-only property for a starship. EachStarshipclass instance stores a mandatorynameand an optionalprefix. ThefullNameproperty uses theprefixvalue if it exists, and prepends it to the beginning ofnameto create a full name for the starship.

Starship类把fullName属性实现为只读的计算型属性。每一个Starship类的实例都有一个名为name的非可选属性和一个名为prefix的可选属性。 当prefix存在时,计算型属性fullName会将prefix插入到name之前,从而为星际飞船构建一个全名。

Method Requirements (方法要求)

Protocols can require specific instance methods and type methods to be implemented by conforming types. These methods are written as part of the protocol’s definition in exactly the same way as for normal instance and type methods, but without curly braces or a method body. Variadic parameters are allowed, subject to the same rules as for normal methods. Default values, however, cannot be specified for method parameters within a protocol’s definition.


As with type property requirements, you always prefix type method requirements with thestatickeyword when they are defined in a protocol. This is true even though type method requirements are prefixed with theclassorstatickeyword when implemented by a class:


protocol SomeProtocol{

    static func someTypeMethod()


The following example defines a protocol with a single instance method requirement:


protocol RandomNumberGenerator{

    func random() ->Double


This protocol,RandomNumberGenerator, requires any conforming type to have an instance method calledrandom, which returns aDoublevalue whenever it is called. Although it is not specified as part of the protocol, it is assumed that this value will be a number from0.0up to (but not including)1.0.

RandomNumberGenerator协议要求遵循协议的类型必须拥有一个名为random, 返回值类型为Double的实例方法。尽管这里并未指明,但是我们假设返回值在[0.0,1.0)区间内。

TheRandomNumberGeneratorprotocol does not make any assumptions about how each random number will be generated—it simply requires the generator to provide a standard way to generate a new random number.


Here’s an implementation of a class that adopts and conforms to theRandomNumberGeneratorprotocol. This class implements a pseudorandom number generator algorithm known as alinear congruential generator:

如下所示,下边是一个遵循并符合RandomNumberGenerator协议的类。该类实现了一个叫做线性同余生成器(linear congruential generator)的伪随机数算法。

class LinearCongruentialGenerator:RandomNumberGenerator{

var lastRandom=42.0

let m=139968.0

let a=3877.0

let c=29573.0

func random() ->Double{

lastRandom= ((lastRandom*a+c).truncatingRemainder(dividingBy:m))

return lastRandom/m



let generator=LinearCongruentialGenerator()

print("Here's a random number:\(generator.random())")

// Prints "Here's a random number: 0.37464991998171"

print("And another one:\(generator.random())")

// Prints "And another one: 0.729023776863283"

Mutating Method Requirements (Mutating 方法要求)

It is sometimes necessary for a method to modify (ormutate) the instance it belongs to. For instance methods on value types (that is, structures and enumerations) you place themutatingkeyword before a method’sfunckeyword to indicate that the method is allowed to modify the instance it belongs to and any properties of that instance. This process is described inModifying Value Types from Within Instance Methods.


If you define a protocol instance method requirement that is intended to mutate instances of any type that adopts the protocol, mark the method with themutatingkeyword as part of the protocol’s definition. This enables structures and enumerations to adopt the protocol and satisfy that method requirement.



If you mark a protocol instance method requirement asmutating, you do not need to write themutatingkeyword when writing an implementation of that method for a class. Themutatingkeyword is only used by structures and enumerations.


The example below defines a protocol calledTogglable, which defines a single instance method requirement calledtoggle. As its name suggests, thetoggle()method is intended to toggle or invert the state of any conforming type, typically by modifying a property of that type.


Thetoggle()method is marked with themutatingkeyword as part of theTogglableprotocol definition, to indicate that the method is expected to mutate the state of a conforming instance when it is called:


protocol Togglable{

    mutating functoggle()


If you implement theTogglableprotocol for a structure or enumeration, that structure or enumeration can conform to the protocol by providing an implementation of thetoggle()method that is also marked asmutating.


The example below defines an enumeration calledOnOffSwitch. This enumeration toggles between two states, indicated by the enumeration casesonandoff. The enumeration’stoggleimplementation is marked asmutating, to match theTogglableprotocol’s requirements:


enum OnOffSwitch:Togglable{

case off,on

mutating func toggle() {

switch self{


   self= .on


   self= .off




var lightSwitch=OnOffSwitch.off


// lightSwitch is now equal to .on

Initializer Requirements (构造器要求)

Protocols can require specific initializers to be implemented by conforming types. You write these initializers as part of the protocol’s definition in exactly the same way as for normal initializers, but without curly braces or an initializer body:


protocol SomeProtocol{



Class Implementations of Protocol Initializer Requirements (构造器要求在类中的实现)

You can implement a protocol initializer requirement on a conforming class as either a designated initializer or a convenience initializer. In both cases, you must mark the initializer implementation with therequiredmodifier:


class SomeClass:SomeProtocol{

    required init(someParameter:Int) {

        // initializer implementation goes here



The use of therequiredmodifier ensures that you provide an explicit or inherited implementation of the initializer requirement on all subclasses of the conforming class, such that they also conform to the protocol.


For more information on required initializers, seeRequired Initializers.



You do not need to mark protocol initializer implementations with therequiredmodifier on classes that are marked with thefinalmodifier, because final classes cannot be subclassed. For more on thefinalmodifier, seePreventing Overrides.


If a subclass overrides a designated initializer from a superclass, and also implements a matching initializer requirement from a protocol, mark the initializer implementation with both therequiredandoverridemodifiers:


protocol SomeProtocol{



class SomeSuperClass{

    init() {

        // initializer implementation goes here



class SomeSubClass:SomeSuperClass,SomeProtocol{

    // "required" from SomeProtocol conformance; "override" from SomeSuperClass

    requiredoverrideinit() {

        // initializer implementation goes here



Failable Initializer Requirements (可失败构造器要求)

Protocols can define failable initializer requirements for conforming types, as defined inFailable Initializers.


A failable initializer requirement can be satisfied by a failable or nonfailable initializer on a conforming type. A nonfailable initializer requirement can be satisfied by a nonfailable initializer or an implicitly unwrapped failable initializer.


Protocols as Types (协议作为类型)

Protocols do not actually implement any functionality themselves. Nonetheless, any protocol you create will become a fully-fledged type for use in your code.


Because it is a type, you can use a protocol in many places where other types are allowed, including:


1. As a parameter type or return type in a function, method, or initializer


2. As the type of a constant, variable, or property


3. As the type of items in an array, dictionary, or other container



Because protocols are types, begin their names with a capital letter (such asFullyNamedandRandomNumberGenerator) to match the names of other types in Swift (such asInt,String, andDouble).


Here’s an example of a protocol used as a type:


class Dice{

    let sides:Int

    let generator:RandomNumberGenerator

    init(sides:Int,generator:RandomNumberGenerator) {




    func roll() ->Int{

        return Int(generator.random() *Double(sides)) +1



This example defines a new class calledDice, which represents ann-sided dice for use in a board game.Diceinstances have an integer property calledsides, which represents how many sides they have, and a property calledgenerator, which provides a random number generator from which to create dice roll values.

例子中定义了一个Dice类,用来代表桌游中拥有 N 个面的骰子。Dice的实例含有sides和generator两个属性,前者是整型,用来表示骰子有几个面,后者为骰子提供一个随机数生成器,从而生成随机点数。

Thegeneratorproperty is of typeRandomNumberGenerator. Therefore, you can set it to an instance ofanytype that adopts theRandomNumberGeneratorprotocol. Nothing else is required of the instance you assign to this property, except that the instance must adopt theRandomNumberGeneratorprotocol.


Dicealso has an initializer, to set up its initial state. This initializer has a parameter calledgenerator, which is also of typeRandomNumberGenerator. You can pass a value of any conforming type in to this parameter when initializing a newDiceinstance.


Diceprovides one instance method,roll, which returns an integer value between 1 and the number of sides on the dice. This method calls the generator’srandom()method to create a new random number between0.0and1.0, and uses this random number to create a dice roll value within the correct range. Becausegeneratoris known to adoptRandomNumberGenerator, it is guaranteed to have arandom()method to call.


Here’s how theDiceclass can be used to create a six-sided dice with aLinearCongruentialGeneratorinstance as its random number generator:


var d6=Dice(sides:6,generator:LinearCongruentialGenerator())


        print("Random dice roll is\(d6.roll())")   


// Random dice roll is 3

// Random dice roll is 5

// Random dice roll is 4

// Random dice roll is 5

// Random dice roll is 4

Delegation (委托(代理)模式)

Delegationis a design pattern that enables a class or structure to hand off (ordelegate) some of its responsibilities to an instance of another type. This design pattern is implemented by defining a protocol that encapsulates the delegated responsibilities, such that a conforming type (known as a delegate) is guaranteed to provide the functionality that has been delegated. Delegation can be used to respond to a particular action, or to retrieve data from an external source without needing to know the underlying type of that source.


The example below defines two protocols for use with dice-based board games:


protocol DiceGame{

    var dice:Dice{get}

    func play()


protocol DiceGameDelegate{

func gameDidStart(_game:DiceGame)

func game(_game:DiceGame,didStartNewTurnWithDiceRolldiceRoll:Int)

func gameDidEnd(_game:DiceGame)


TheDiceGameprotocol is a protocol that can be adopted by any game that involves dice. TheDiceGameDelegateprotocol can be adopted by any type to track the progress of aDiceGame.


Here’s a version of theSnakes and Laddersgame originally introduced inControl Flow. This version is adapted to use aDiceinstance for its dice-rolls; to adopt theDiceGameprotocol; and to notify aDiceGameDelegateabout its progress:


class SnakesAndLadders:DiceGame{

  let finalSquare=25

  let dice=Dice(sides:6,generator:LinearCongruentialGenerator())

  var square=0

  var board: [Int]

  init() {


    board[03] = +08;board[06] = +11;board[09] = +09;board[10] = +02

    board[14] =-10;board[19] =-11;board[22] =-02;board[24] =-08


  var delegate:DiceGameDelegate?

  func play() {




    let diceRoll=dice.roll()


    switch square+diceRoll{

      case finalSquare:


      case let newSquarewherenewSquare>finalSquare:










For a description of theSnakes and Laddersgameplay, seeBreaksection of theControl Flow.


This version of the game is wrapped up as a class calledSnakesAndLadders, which adopts theDiceGameprotocol. It provides a gettablediceproperty and aplay()method in order to conform to the protocol. (Thediceproperty is declared as a constant property because it does not need to change after initialization, and the protocol only requires that it is gettable.)


TheSnakes and Laddersgame board setup takes place within the class’sinit()initializer. All game logic is moved into the protocol’splaymethod, which uses the protocol’s requireddiceproperty to provide its dice roll values.


Note that thedelegateproperty is defined as anoptionalDiceGameDelegate, because a delegate isn’t required in order to play the game. Because it is of an optional type, thedelegateproperty is automatically set to an initial value ofnil. Thereafter, the game instantiator has the option to set the property to a suitable delegate.


DiceGameDelegateprovides three methods for tracking the progress of a game. These three methods have been incorporated into the game logic within theplay()method above, and are called when a new game starts, a new turn begins, or the game ends.


Because thedelegateproperty is anoptionalDiceGameDelegate, theplay()method uses optional chaining each time it calls a method on the delegate. If thedelegateproperty is nil, these delegate calls fail gracefully and without error. If thedelegateproperty is non-nil, the delegate methods are called, and are passed theSnakesAndLaddersinstance as a parameter.


This next example shows a class calledDiceGameTracker, which adopts theDiceGameDelegateprotocol:


class DiceGameTracker:DiceGameDelegate{

  var numberOfTurns=0

  func gameDidStart(_game:DiceGame) {


    if gameisSnakesAndLadders{

    print("Started a new game of Snakes and Ladders")


    print("The game is using a\(game.dice.sides)-sided dice")


func game(_game:DiceGame,didStartNewTurnWithDiceRolldiceRoll:Int) {


    print("Rolled a\(diceRoll)")


  func gameDidEnd(_game:DiceGame) {

    print("The game lasted for\(numberOfTurns)turns")



DiceGameTrackerimplements all three methods required byDiceGameDelegate. It uses these methods to keep track of the number of turns a game has taken. It resets anumberOfTurnsproperty to zero when the game starts, increments it each time a new turn begins, and prints out the total number of turns once the game has ended.


The implementation ofgameDidStart(_:)shown above uses thegameparameter to print some introductory information about the game that is about to be played. Thegameparameter has a type ofDiceGame, notSnakesAndLadders, and sogameDidStart(_:)can access and use only methods and properties that are implemented as part of theDiceGameprotocol. However, the method is still able to use type casting to query the type of the underlying instance. In this example, it checks whethergameis actually an instance ofSnakesAndLaddersbehind the scenes, and prints an appropriate message if so.


ThegameDidStart(_:)method also accesses thediceproperty of the passedgameparameter. Becausegameis known to conform to theDiceGameprotocol, it is guaranteed to have adiceproperty, and so thegameDidStart(_:)method is able to access and print the dice’ssidesproperty, regardless of what kind of game is being played.


Here’s howDiceGameTrackerlooks in action:


let tracker=DiceGameTracker()

let game=SnakesAndLadders()



// Started a new game of Snakes and Ladders

// The game is using a 6-sided dice

// Rolled a 3

// Rolled a 5

// Rolled a 4

// Rolled a 5

// The game lasted for 4 turns

Adding Protocol Conformance with an Extension (通过扩展添加协议一致性)

You can extend an existing type to adopt and conform to a new protocol, even if you do not have access to the source code for the existing type. Extensions can add new properties, methods, and subscripts to an existing type, and are therefore able to add any requirements that a protocol may demand. For more about extensions, seeExtensions.



Existing instances of a type automatically adopt and conform to a protocol when that conformance is added to the instance’s type in an extension.


For example, this protocol, calledTextRepresentable, can be implemented by any type that has a way to be represented as text. This might be a description of itself, or a text version of its current state:


protocol TextRepresentable{

    var textualDescription:String{get}


TheDiceclass from earlier can be extended to adopt and conform toTextRepresentable:


extension Dice:TextRepresentable{

    var textualDescription:String{

    return"A\(sides)-sided dice"



This extension adopts the new protocol in exactly the same way as ifDicehad provided it in its original implementation. The protocol name is provided after the type name, separated by a colon, and an implementation of all requirements of the protocol is provided within the extension’s curly braces.


AnyDiceinstance can now be treated asTextRepresentable:


let d12=Dice(sides:12,generator:LinearCongruentialGenerator())


// Prints "A 12-sided dice"

Similarly, theSnakesAndLaddersgame class can be extended to adopt and conform to theTextRepresentableprotocol:


extension SnakesAndLadders:TextRepresentable{

   var textualDescription:String{

    return "A game of Snakes and Ladders with\(finalSquare)squares"




// Prints "A game of Snakes and Ladders with 25 squares"

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