The definition of beauty changes all the time. And sometimes, as society develops, it goes in cycles, like the changing of the four seasons. Not so long ago, Chinese people saw fashion as something that came from the West. Afraid to make "mistakes," they looked to Europe and America to see which standards had been set. As a result, fashion in China looked pale and blurry.美的定义从未固化。随着社会不断发展,它也像四季更迭一样往复循环。不久以前,中国人还把西方的舶来品视为时尚。因为害怕“出洋相”,所以国内时尚界不约而同地选择复制欧美国家的时尚标准。结果,中国的时尚既没有特色也缺少辨识度。
But now, the Internet, technology and social media have rendered the world flat. Fashion can be accessed from anywhere, with styles from around the world cohabiting and influencing one another. Go to a high-end Beijing department store, for instance, and you'll see shoppers holding Hermes bags and wearing Chanel tops with Uggs -- all while holding a string of Buddhist prayer beads in their hands. Fusion is the future of fashion.
As a visual artist who grew up in this "new" China, I witnessed my generation's material dreams become a reality. I look to my background for inspiration. But I also believe that repetition is a disease -- and I don't want my work to reinforce stereotypes. Images of dragons and phoenixes are powerful, but when people use them again and again, they lose the power to be fresh or exciting. I want to capture the real contemporary China, not to please people with cliches.作为一个在“新”中国长大的视觉艺术家,我亲眼见证了我们这一代人的物质梦想从理想成为现实。我从个人经历中寻求灵感。但我认为过度重复是一种病——我不希望我的作品总是在强化一些固有的刻板印象。龙和凤凰代表着强大,但用得多了,就没了新意,也无法给观者带来震撼。我想捕捉真实的当代中国形象,而非讨好固守陈词滥调的观者。
This relationship between technology and aesthetics is like that of science and philosophy -- in an ideal world, the two walk side by side. Achieving such a balance requires artists to master both, combining art and skill in the process.
Visual language is that which doesn't need translation. We are born unable to talk, but we can immediately see blue skies, red flowers and human emotion. What we see can make us feel pleased or worried, fearful or safe. For this reason, I believe that in a globalized world, the future should be -- and will be -- more visual.
本新闻解读首发于2019年07月25日,新闻来源: CNN
陈漫陈漫,中国时尚摄影师、视觉艺术家,毕业于中央美术学院。2003年,陈漫开始为《青年视觉》杂志拍摄封面 ;之后,凭借一系列为《青年视觉》拍摄的作品,在时尚圈崭露头角 。陈漫镜头前的人物个性十足,以女性特有的细腻与敏感捕捉光影,为广为人知的面孔赋予了前所未有的魅力与个性,展现出独一无二的视角;她将看似矛盾的中国传统哲学文化与当代时尚相结合,打造出平衡之美。她的作品有很好的辨识度,通过对现代的后期制作技术程式化利用,作品融合众多东方的主题和肖像。
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