BBC | 2018-02-27

2018-02-27  本文已影响18人  关仲人


This is the BBC News. Hello, I'm Ally McHugh. The UN Security Council is expected to meet shortly to again consider a call for humanitarian ceasefire in Syria as government forces bombard the rebel-held area Eastern Ghouta for a sixth day. A plan vote on Thursday was called off because of Russian objections. The leaders of France and Germany have written to the Russian President, asking him to support the draft resolution. The BBC's Nick Bryant says the Council's decision will have an immense impact. The French ambassador last night put it very [1]starkly. He said if they can't get this resolution through, that would be a devastating lose of credibility for the UN Security Council and moreover it could even** sand the death** now of the United Nations. The South would be another trebin denser that all for Mexica and Bosnia where the world just still on the sidelines. The UN is still on the sidelines and let it happen. It's a starkest. It really is a moment of truth. But Russia's repeatedly used its veto path at the Security Council to thwart the Security Council when it comes to Syria.

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The campaign group Human Rights Watch says the government in Myanmar is now bulldozing dozens of Rohingya villages that were previously burned down. Satellite images appeared to show that everything in the affected areas has been raised to the ground. Anbreson Netiragen has more. Why Human Rights Watch is pointing out this is because they say this is the key evidence in terms of any future investigation by the UN to see what actually happened in those areas. You know there have been accusations of ethnic cleansing, deliberate target of civilians by Myanmar military which denies these accusations. And on the other side, the Rohingya people also worried if these villages are flattened, they won't be able to identify where exactly they lived. So some people even worry whether people will be allowed to go back if they can't find their villages.

The United States has announced further sanctions against North Korea. The Treasury Department says the measures aimd at further isolating Pyongyang target one person, 27 companies and 28 vessels. It says they are designed to cut off sources of fuel and cash that North Korea allegedly uses to fund its nuclear program. This is the world news from the BBC.





