
Thoughts about The Animal Farm A

2017-02-25  本文已影响4人  一二三的珊

When I was reading this book, I had a strange feeling. The story it tells sounds familiar but yet is also unbelievable. To be honest, I think this book is like a prophecy of human'futuere. In Animal Farm, different animals started a revolution to turn over the human in the aim of having an free and equal life. The first seven commandments they made is simple yet accurate, like every animal is equal,no animal should kill other animal, no alchohol. At the very beginning, the life of the animals was getting better and better under the leading of Snowball and Napolen.They even defeated the human being. But Napolen was brewing some evil ideas. He casted Snowball away by using the excuse of the building of windmill.He kept the puppies and raised them as his bodyguards and weapons against the other animals so that the other animals dared not to disobey his order.He is also good at using the power of public opinion by sending Squealer to make up all kinds of stories and talk the other animals into believing them. The other animals are too ignorant to understand Napolen's tricks as most of them are illiterare or have bad memory. They tended to believe everything the pigs said and do everything the pigs required.One of the most dedicated one is Boxer, whose maxim is "I will work harder.""Napolen is always right." but ended up sold to a butchery by Napolen when he was old and injuried. As far as I am concerned, though the name of this book contains"A Fairy Tale", it is actually a satire which reflects and even foretells the future of human being. The eagers of power and comforts are the roots of all evil thoughts and deeds.Violence or overwhleming physical advantage are the necessary means for the questing of power. Mis-interpreting the history and making up ridiculous story are ways to cheat the people.Laws and rules can be changed by the way of the leaders. However, I think there are a little bit different between us and the animals in this books. In this books, the intelligent level varies quite different between the animals, and that's why the pigs are able to cheat them. There are not that huge intelligence difference between humans so it will not be easy for the upper classes to fool us. But remember, don't give up learning or you may become a sheep or a stupid bull.

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