项目背景:新接受的项目,里面有多个targets,里面有一个targetr是其他的targets的依赖,build id需要保持一致。
(1)Embedded binary's bundle identifier is not prefixed with the parent app's bundle identifier.
解决办法:targets 中有套用的包,build id 按照归并保持一致
(2)Building for iOS, but the linked and embedded framework 'ImSDK.framework' was built for iOS + iOS Simulator.
解决办法:build setting —>validate workspace yes选项build 一次 ,然后改为No就好
(3)Showing Recent Messages
Provisioning profile "新的配置文件7.4" doesn't include signing certificate "Apple Development: hou shuming (7DPF4J2VJF)"
解决办法:在xcode 设置账号的地方,clean一下,然后在xcode 账号管理的地方,找到对应的证书,下载一次,就OK了