
2017-11-20  本文已影响32人  伪球迷不懂球



Desderon(未知主队球迷):万万没想到,暴力鸟这赛季的西甲进球数,已经和BBC的总和一样了…(Paulinho has as many goals in the league this season as the entire BBC. Absolutely incredible.)

MakLife(奥兰多城球迷):帕科的速度,简直比中国的快递都要快呀!(Paco is even quicker than a Chinese delivery hahahahaha.)

DeezNuts0(未知主队球迷):暴力鸟就像是一只饥饿的秃鹫一样:“嘿嘿,我今天可要杀死点什么了!”(Paulinho like a hungry vulture says 'to hell with that I'm gonna kill something)

注:Goat, 即great of all time, 历史最佳,本意为“山羊”

Indulgence(未知主队球迷):苏牙的进球也许会迟到,但绝不会缺席。(Suarez’s goal may come late but it always come.)

K503(赫罗纳球迷):现在我们可以说,苏亚雷斯就是乌拉圭暴力鸟了!(We can see Suarez is looking like the Uruguayan Paulinho now.)


pdvu21(皇马球迷):C罗这赛季的西甲进球数,比和我嘿咻过的妹子正好多了1个。(Ronaldo has scored 1 more league goals this season than women I have slept with.)

Cocoa(皇马球迷):在前几年这句话绝对是炫耀,而现在我就只能同情你了…(What you said may make me jealous before this year, but now I’m sorry about that.)


ElViejoHG(皇马球迷):科雷亚努力地去射门,结果打飞机了;后来又想把球踢出边线,结果却正好踢到本泽马脸上去了…(Correa tries to score and sends the ball meters wide, tries to send it out and hits benzema in the face.)


Archaeologik(热刺球迷):我们这是在下一步大棋,时不时的就得XJBT一次,好让皇马巴萨对我们的球员失去兴趣才行…(We are playing 4D chess. Every now and then we have to put in one of these performances so that Real and Barcelona lose interest.)

yung_scott(未知球队球迷):热刺球迷大可哭哭啼啼抱怨俩球是越位,但你们的表现确实比不上阿森纳啊!(You spurs fans can cry and moan all about those two goals being offside but your team just didn't show up today.)

Thunder23(阿森纳球迷):这不是我上周曼城说我们的么…(It sounfs like what city fans said to us last week.)

Heroicxpharaoh(皇马球迷):我的狗狗7年前去世了,现在我把它再从坟墓里找回来,它也会成为一个比麦克-迪恩更好的裁判。(My dog died 7 years ago, I could bring him back from the grave and he'd be a better ref than Mike fucking Dean.)

Eurighot(阿森纳球迷):桑切斯进球后的跳水庆祝,麦克-迪恩竟然没判他假摔?(WTF, Dean didn’t even give Sanchez a yellow foe diving after scoring.)

drizzt001(爱尔兰球迷):两队球迷都会觉得麦克-迪恩是对方派来的卧底吧…(Supporters of both teams claiming Mike Dean supports the other side.)

REDxSAM(阿森纳球迷):人们都去关注拉卡泽特的转会了,殊不知我们今年的最佳签约其实是裁判啊!(People were so focused on us signing Lacazette they didn't notice our star signing the assist Referee.)

rompskee(阿森纳球迷):为扎卡打call!德比战得了黄牌1个小时竟然都没罚下…(Shout out to Xhaka for going an hour with a yellow in a derby and not getting sent off.)

chammyman(热刺球迷):在过去86次客场踢阿森纳、曼联、利物浦和切尔西的比赛,热刺总共才赢了4次…(Spurs have won 4 of their last 86 games away to Arsenal, Manchester United, Liverpool and Chelsea.)

Raptors2012(国际米兰球迷):如果说阿森纳和热刺还有一点共识的话,那就是麦克-迪恩就是一坨翔吧…(If there is one thing Arsenal and Tottenham fans can agree on, its that Mike Dean is a cunt.)

Giggitygigg(阿森纳球迷):不过今天不是…(But not today.)


Fambam(利物浦球迷):萨拉赫,我真是爱死你了!(انا احبك يا محمد صلاح.)

FrankBeamer(利物浦球迷):可以,这很清真。(Absolutely halal.)

_cumblast_(利物浦球迷):梅西也不过是阿根廷萨拉赫而已!(Messi is just an Argentinian Salah.)

graveyeverton93(埃弗顿球迷):利物浦这一个引援,就已经超过我们28个引援总和了…(Liverpool's one signing is better than all of our 28 signings combined...)

Bridgeorl(利物浦球迷):现在罗马是我的第二主队了,感谢老铁送的萨拉赫!(Roma is now my 2nd favourite team for giving us this wonderful player)

Notsospecial(国际米兰球迷):那你的第一主队得是国米或南安普顿了吧…  (I'm guessing Inter or Southampton is your fav? :(

Backseatsman(利物浦球迷):自从苏亚雷斯走了之后,还没有利物浦球员能一个赛季进14个球呢,而现在才11月,萨拉赫就达到这个数字了…(Since Luis Suarez left, no Liverpool player has scored more than 14 goals in a season. Mo Salah now has 14 and it's only November.)

Koppite93(利物浦球迷):那我是该高兴还是难过呢…(Should I regard it a depressing or uplifting fact?)

SeayeLL(切尔西球迷):你能想象有只球队竟然把萨拉赫和德布劳内都卖了,而且还总共就卖了3000万么…(Imagine having De Bruyne and Salah and just shipping them out for a combined amount of like 30 million.)


BastillianFig(莱斯特城球迷):说实话没输成0-7,我觉得挺知足了…(oh well at least it wasn't 7-0 or something onwards, it’s acceptable.)

Odemdemz98(曼联球迷):有谁能告诉我怎么才能不去看曼城的比赛么?我的心脏真是越来越不好了…(Can someone tell me how to stop watching City games? It's not good for my heart.)

Commando(国际米兰球迷):卧槽,看曼城比赛的快感简直就像嘿咻一样,丁丁我要给你生孩子!(Holy fuck. Watching City is such a treat like orgasm. KdB have my children.)

Dbrodes(未知主队球迷):才11月,丁丁就已经预定英超赛季最佳球员了!(KDB is the PFA Player of the Year, calling it in November.)


ShamWowGod(阿森纳球迷):卢卡库这射门简直就像玩FIFA时按键过猛了一样,门将要是扑的话恐怕要折断手指啦!(If the keeper got a hand on Lukaku’s shot he would have broke his fingers. It’s like when you press the shoot button too hard on FIFA.) 


Zulucrackers(皇马球迷):伊布对卢卡库说,现在爸爸回来了,你去踢边路!(Zlatan to Lukaku:"Daddy's refreshed now. Go play right wing.")

TheLifeofSonny(曼联球迷):要是博格巴和伊布再受伤了,我甘愿把我的胳膊腿和器官都捐给他们…(I'm willing to donate my limbs and organs to Pogba and Zlatan if future injuries occur.)



Azpi_to_Morata(切尔西球迷):我们现在是曼城了吗…(Are we city now?)

Zhivagoo(切尔西球迷):每当莫拉塔进球的时候,我自杀的几率就会增加15%...(Everytime i see Morata score my suicidal thoughts increase by 15%)

ExFavillaResurgemos(切尔西球迷):他都进了8个球了兄弟,你还活着么…(Holy crap he's scored 8 so far... How are you alive?)



Qiluk(瑞典球迷):当意大利球迷嘘我们的国歌的时候,布冯向我们鼓掌致意。这个男人,永远值得尊敬。(Buffon applauding our anthem while audience is booing. The man deserves respect for ever.)

Vieri(维埃里本人):美国不去世界杯也没啥问题,他们还有篮球橄榄球。可意大利除了足球,就只有意大利面了吧… (If the USA doesn't qualify it's OK, they have NBA & NFL. Italy only has soccer & spaghetti.)

OraleAmigo(拜仁球迷):我的天…瑞典真是踩着两大欧洲豪强进的世界杯啊,真是不容易。(Fucking hell. Sweden managed to make two European juggernauts not qualify. Props to them.)

SengaHill(未知主队球迷):荷兰恐怕有99%的原因是自己作死吧…(Netherlands did 99 % of the not qualifying work themselves.)

LeFricadelle(朝鲜球迷):现在天敌都没了,谁还能阻挡德国呢?(Without its natural predator, who will be able to stop Germany?)

Axellio(俄罗斯球迷):德国在俄罗斯吃败仗,也不是没有过先例…(It wouldn't be the first time for Germany to lose the battle in Russia)

_xidada_(德国球迷):起码这次没有意大利这个猪队友了…(but this time fucking italy wont be involved.)

GGABueno(美国球迷):哈哈,这次美国也不会插手啦!(And the US. lol)

Phenixxy(英格兰球迷):我敢打赌,英格兰也不会参战太久的…(I bet England won't be involved very long either.)




