A chance to write an IELTS essay with Justin is a big draw even for Phenomal English community members.

Plan 标出关键词
Some people think that the latest technology is creating a divide between rich and poor. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Give reasons to your answer and include any relevant examples恰当的例子 from your own knowledge or experience? (250 words)
recommended: 270-280words
1 introduction
2 reason A
3 reason B
4 reason C
5 conclusion
最新 new, novel, trendy tech
贫富差距 economic gap/ disparity/
科技 technology, technological application, technological innovation,sophisticated technology ,advanced technology, technological breakthrough
下义词 devices, gadgets, software, hardwares,wearable, headsets, tablets, mobile devices
穷人和富人 people living in poor neighborhoods, the economically disadvantaged, the less well-off, those who struggle to bring bread to dinner table, the well-off, the well-heeled, the superrich, the hyperrich, billionnaires, those who have a hard time making ends meet, those who make a seven-digit salary,
I agree that the latest technology is creating a divide between rich and poor, because 1, 2, 3 .
1 new, novel, trendy tech tends to be expensive and is thus only affordable by the rich. So what and how. Matthew Effect.
The technology can save rich people more money, make them more productive.
the widening gap between haves and have-nots
2 Latest tech requires more tech-savviness to hand it. Then what and how.
3 Lastest tech can boost rich people's productivity. (Apple Watch) (App Store) Then what and how.
10-minute essay plan, 3 steps
1 read and understand the question, 1 minute
2 plan your essay stucture
3 plan ideas for two or three main paragraphs
Version 1
It is held that trendy technology is responsible for the widening economic gap[in many countries]. I agree with the statement for following reasons. 开头不要花太多时间
Version 2
It is unsurpring to hear a voice saying that new technology is the culprit of the widening economic gap in many countries. I believe there is a great deal of truth in it.
正文:Main Body
paragraph= topic sentence(段首句不能太长,要扣题)+ supporting sentence 1+ supporting sentecen 2+ supporting sentence 3
Some people think that the latest technology is creating a divide between rich and poor.
The chief reason for this is that trendy tech tends to be expensive and is thus only affordable by the rich. The latest technology is powerful, but it also costs more, and companies have to price their products in such a way that it can over the R &D costs. 展开1 从富人角度看,同时关联穷人: 用副词自然过渡Naturally/ Inevitably/Unavoidably, new technology favors the well-offs, who can easily afford the sophisticated gadgets and smart software, which can boost their productivity and make them even richer, leaving the poor languishing in poverty and despair.
展开2从穷人角度看: Inevitably, new technology discriminates against the less well-off, who have to pay for the most essential items in life before they can indulge in the luxuries of the newest technology.
1 Writing is hard, but it's supposed to be hard. Just do it.
2 写作的基本功之一是paraphrase,大量背诵,在阅读中积累。在阅读中critical thinking.
3 同义替换:牛津搭配词典。 查同义词词典,要区分用法,千万不能拿来就用。