Caution!the Great Restoration Of
So many times I wanted to write about it but I restrained myself.Until now the honey-moon of The PRC and North Korea.The leaders of NK got a enlightened policies,rather than the mainland of Chine become more familiar to them.
I have to say the Chinese character have a huge misguide to me.Such as our leader not an easy-going man but a stubborn reformer like the Wade of Tribody:go ahead!Go ahead without thinking of the consequences!There are lot of comments about the reform of China on ocean-sides,but I thought it’s not an abnormal behaviour which the main-reformer gripped lots of power and amended the laws.But indeed there are some improper precedents we should haven’t made,like the Ceaser should haven’t crossed the Rubicon which defending the Roma.But I should always have exceptions and always endure in everything,and it’s not our generation works which judge the news of our times,so let it go.
The Tribody which one of my favourite book.Not only to put forwarded lots of fantastic ideas but also designed the prospect of cosmopolitanism.I perceive that it’s the inner ambition of the author.On this point,Tribody always be underestimated.
The book also mention the Tower of Babel,which tower our ancestor built to reach the heaven and demonstrate the power of human.But God hates it and said”If as one people speaking the same language they begun to do this,then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them.Come,let us go down and confuse their languages so they will not understand each other.”Of course in church the preacher used it to warn us not be ego,but there are still got some strange and splendid power if we speak one languages,even if you don’t believe in God,isn’t it?My teacher once said it’s a miserable thing that the Chinese got be marginalized,But I thought it would be the most huge development of human race,who care what the language we speak then,Chinese,Spanish,English even the Greek language is could be accepted to me if we unify our language.
In our school,there is a motto craved in a huge stone.”got the thoughts of the law, views of world,standpoints of PRC,and the feeling of the humanist.”But in my opinion it’s impossible got the feeling of the humanist when you complete the previous three commandments especially learn it in PRC.Three days before the law which defending the martyr got be established.From now then on,we cannot insult the martyr,(that’s undoubted)and beautify the foreign invasion to CPR.So,it’s our own achievement that completed the modernization in two-hundred years ,all the foreign have done is ruined.That’s the very fair point to our martyr.
From the above,it’s one word:Nationalism.It’s undeniable that lots of developed countries accounted for it when thet confronted the trouble before,even now lots of developing countries used it to complete it’s modernization.But do we need it now?Of course not!Compared with a nation,I have no more sense of identity of my hometown,and absolutely no fewer of compared with the whole world.
The only useful thing of nationalism,is to control the citizen minds so that to make convenience to the governor and the vest interested if they got some crazy ideas.In this opinion,nationalism is the different version of the social-darwinism,the prelude of the fascism.
If you have addicted to CPR dream,that not bad,but when you wake up,look around the world and look wider than the cage so that when the cage is broken you could got another good dream.