
Game of Thrones S1-2-1

2017-08-17  本文已影响38人  雪木兰

Game of Thrones S1-1-12

第一季 02国王大道 The Kings Road


上期回顾: [Winterhell]

Robert 和 Ned 要一起外出狩猎,Bran 带着他的冰原狼目送父亲出门后,再次攀上临冬城的城墙,但他这次不小心发现了一个惊天大秘密,招来杀身之祸的同时,也让观众明白了首相Arryn真正的死因、国王身边真正的危险又是什么!至此,第一集结束,权力游戏的序幕正式拉开,大部分重要角色都已出场,而精彩的故事才刚刚开始!

Bran到底看到了什么,各位自己去发现吧!下面是出行前Robert 和 Ned 的一段对话:

Robert: Are you as good with a spear as you used to be?

Ned: No, but I`m still better than you.

Robert: Ha aaaaa, I know what I`m putting you through, thank you for saying yes. I only ask you because I need you. You`re a loyal friend. You hear me? A loyal friend. The last one I`ve got.

Ned: I hope I`ll serve you well.

Robert: You will. And I`ll make sure you don`t look so fucking grim all the time. Come boys, let`s go kill some boar!




Mormont: You need to drink ,child. And eat.

Daenerys: Isn’t there anything else?

Mormont: The Dothraki have two things in abundance: Grass and horses. People can’t live on grass. In the Shadow Lands beyond Asshai, they say there are fields of ghost grass with stalks as pale as milk that glow in the night.It murders all other grass.The Dothraki believe that one day it will cover everything----that’s the way the world will end. ......It’ll get easier.

(Khaleesi! Your hands!)

Mormont: We’re still not far from Pentos, your Grace. Magister Illyrio has extended his hospitality. You’d be more comfortable there.

Viserys:  I have no interest in hospitality or comfort. I’ll stay with Drogo until he fulfills his end of the bargain and I have my crown.

Mormont: As you with, your Grace.

Viserys:  Well, Mormont, as brutish as this life is, I suppose it is preferable to beheading. What did Ned Stark want you for? Buying from a slaver?

Mormont: Selling to one, some poachers I caught on my land.

Under my reign, you won’t be punished for such nonsense. You can rest assured of that.


live on (People can't live on grass.)

1、(在某处)生长(栖息)(a plant or animal that lives in a particular place grows there or has its home there)

例句:The birds live only on this island.


2、be living on the breadline(=be very poor)生活贫困

    live on benefit/welfare/$8 a week etc(=have only a small amount of money with which to buy food, pay bills etc)靠抚恤金、福利救济、每周8美元等来维持生活

例句:I challenge anyone to try to live on the state pension.


3、be living on borrowed time比预期活得更久(to be sitll alive after the time that you were expected to die)

4、继续存在(to continue to exist)

例句:Alice's memory will live on.


[To be continued]



Joffrey Better-looking bitches than you’re used to, Uncle. My mother’s been looking for you. We ride for King’s Landing today.

Tyrion: Before you go, you will call on Lord and Lady Stark and offer your sympathies.

Joffrey What good will my sympathies do them?

Tyrion: None. But it is expected of you. Your absence has already been noted.

Joffrey The boy means nothing to me. And I can’t stand the wailing of women. Ah!

Tyrion: One word and I’ll hit you again.

Joffrey I’m telling mother!

Tyrion: GO! Tell her. But first you will get to Lord and Lady Stark and you will fall on your knees in front of them and tell them how very sorry you are, that you are at their service, and that all your prayers are with them. Do you understand?

JoffreyYou can’t......

Tyrion: Do you understand?

Hound: The prince will remember that, little lord.

Tyrion: I hope so. If he forgets, be a good dog and remind him. Ah. Time for breakfast.

Game of Thrones S1-2-2

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