ACCA P3、P5知识点:Big Data探讨
Big data (大数据技术),反映了在互联网信息技术时代, 以云计算技术为支撑的大数据技术在组织发展中的日益重要的背景。作为新的知识点,Big Data被纳入ACCA P3、P5的知识体系中,什么是Big data?有哪些特征?其作用和风险又是什么?本文将就 Big Data作一基本的探讨。
Big Data is a term for acollection of data which is so large that it becomes difficult to store andprocess using traditional databases and data processing applications.大数据就是一种归集的数据;这些数据涉及的资料量规模巨大,无法通过传统的主流软件工具管理、处理、整理。
Extremely large collections of data (data sets) that may be analysed toreveal patterns, trends, and associations, especially relating to humanbehaviour and interactions.'超级强大的数据归集,对此分析以揭示某种模式、趋势和关联;尤其是人类社会行为方面的模式、趋势和关联。
1)Big Data应时而生。当今社会数据量井喷式的增长是大数据的存在的理由。这种井喷式的数据增长,可以分为有意识的(主动性的)或无意识的(被动性的)。
有意识的,可理解为组织自发地主动地制造了大数据。Delivery company UPS equips its delivery vehicles with sensors whichmonitor data on speed, direction, braking performance and other mechanicalaspects of the vehicle. UPS公司自发在其运输车辆上安装传感器以检测车辆的各项参数,以此制造大量数据。
2)Big Data可用于揭示某种模式、趋势和关联。
组织利用Big Data揭示的模式、趋势和关联可以用于组织经营决策或绩效预测,以此帮助组织培养competitive advantage 或 improve performance.P3,P5讲Big Data纳入,就是基于此种考虑。
Big Data揭示的模式、趋势和关联还有更广泛的应用。滴滴出行的大数据分析结果可以让人们了解早晚高峰开始时间,拥堵路段,方便的指导人们出行;腾讯的大数据研究让我们意识到微信红包不仅仅是“钱”,更是感情。
3)Big Data是 Corporate level 的决策和实践。创建大数据能力是一项重要的战略工作。公司CEO需要与他们的高管团队共同思考大数据对整个公司、公司战略以及公司商业模式而言意味着什么。要实现大数据的潜力,不仅是硬件采购、系统集成这些方面的考虑,可能还需要公司对某些部门进行重组,重新调整各项激励措施,并且引进新的人才。

Big Data有四大特征,可以进一步加深对Big Data的了解:
•Volume – this refers to the significantamount of data that the organisation needs to store and process. Big Data数据量超级庞大。上面提到,2015除夕夜微信红包收发80.8亿个,但当晚支付宝红包收发了3245亿次The volume of big data held by large companies such as Walmart(supermarkets), Apple and EBay is measured in multiple petabytes.
•Variety – BigData can come from numerous sources. Big Data所归集的信息种类丰富多样。 Mobile phone companies will collect different types of information, typically including:Numbersyou ring, texts you send (which can be automatically scanned for key words),every location your phone has ever been whilst switched on (to an accuracy of afew metres), your browsing habits. Voice mails.
Bankcompanieswill collect information: Everyreceipt, payment, credit card information (amount, date, retailer, location),location of ATM machines used.
•Velocity – datais likely to change on a regular basis and needs to be continually updated.
Big Data的信息时刻在变。Informationmust be provided quickly enough to be of use in decision-making and performancemanagement.滴滴出行任何一秒信息匹配上的错误,就会导致服务提供失败,如果乘客已经用其他方式坐上车,此时再将空车司机信息提供给乘客已经毫无意义。
•Veracity (truthfulness)-it is vital that the organisation gathers data that is accurate. Failure to doso will make analysis meaningless. When gathering customer data, customers maylie to present themselves in the most positive light possible to prospectivepartners. This will lead to inaccurate matches. If the data held is incorrector out of date incorrect conclusions are likely.
1) Driving innovation by reducing the time taken to answerkey business questions and therefore making decisions. Big Data在信息分析及预测方面总能快人一步。
In 2009, Googlewas able to track the spread of influenza across the USA faster than thegovernment’s Center for Disease Control and Prevention. How? They monitoredusers entering terms like ‘Flu symptoms’, ‘Flu remedies’, High temperature’.This connection was uncovered by web analytics looking at popular search termsthen finding a correlation with other information confirming influenzainfections.
Tencent 对除夕夜红包大数据的研究,创造性的发现优惠券红包在消费转化方面的突出作用,对各类企业调整marketing mix strategy 意义重大。
2)•Gaining competitive advantage by identifying trends orinformation that has not been identified by rivals.
Target is the second largestdiscount retailer in the USA. There is an often quoted story about theirability to predict when a customer is pregnant – frequently before the customerhas informed her family. By looking at about 25 products it is claimed thatthey can create a pregnancy predictor. For example, early pregnancy oftencauses morning sickness so consumers would perhaps change to blander food andless perfumed shower gel.
Early identification ofpregnancy can allow Target to establish the shopping habits of the mother andperhaps even the preferences of the child. Target通过数据分析深入了解客户,快速甚至提前预测和响应客户需求,以个性化服务赢得客户。
Taobao or Amazon are other examples.By collecting huge amounts of information about customers’preferences and habits which allow it to market very accurately to eachcustomer. For example, routinely making recommendations to customers based on shoesor DVDs previously purchased. Taobao 和Amazon这样的互联网企业利用大数据,基于对客户历史购买信息的分析,有效做 target marketing.
3)•Improving productivity byidentifying waste and inefficiency, or identifying improvements to workingprocedures.
UPS uses Big Data to optimisemaintenance schedules and improve efficiency of delivery routes, leding tosignificant improvements:
•Over 15 million minutes ofidling time were eliminated in one year, saving 103,000 gallons of fuel.
•1.7 million miles ofdriving were also eliminated in the same year, saving a further 183,000 gallonsof fuel.
UPS 利用大数据有效识别无效闲置时间和低效路线,大幅节俭成本。

Big Data尽管有突出的作用但在应用过程中也存在很多风险和问题:
1)Benefitmay not be realised:There is gap between using big data and making decision based on it. Humananalyzing ability is needed.
2)Cost: It is expensive toestablish the hardware and analytical software needed, though these costs arecontinually falling.
3)Regulation: Some countries and culturesworry about the amount of information that is being collected and have passedlaws governing its collection, storage and use. Breaking a law can have seriousreputational and punitive consequences.
4)Lossand theft of data: Apartfrom the consequences arising from regulatory breaches, companies might findthemselves open to civil legal action if data were stolen or damaged by virusesand hackers and individuals suffered as a consequence.
以上就是楷博财经方向班ACCA讲师关于ACCA P3、P5知识点Big Data 的探讨,希望能够帮助同学们更好的掌握知识点。