16个用于Cold Call开发客户的Voicemail话术模板

2021-01-22  本文已影响0人  红板砖开发信


好了,接下来为大家准备了16个用于国外客户开发的Voicemail话术模板,其实很多都是cold call的话术模板,只不过对方没有接电话,就只能留言了,所以这些模板的本质其实是cold voicemail,或者其实有点像我们更熟悉的cold email,这些都是我们用来开发客户的方法。


一个在cold call通用的voicemail模板


Hello, this is [Your Name] from [Company Name].

I’m calling because [Reason for Calling]. I’d love to talk to you about [insert benefit you can offer if they call back].

My number is [Your Number]. I’ll also follow up with an email tomorrow, and I look forward to hearing what you think.

Have a great day. Goodbye!




如果有推荐人,你在cold calling的时候就很有优势,所以你一定要重点突出你的优势。

Hey there [Prospect’s Name]. My name’s [Your Name] and I’m calling from [Company Name].

[Referrer’s Name] reached out to me and suggested we touch base about working together. [He/She] thinks you’d be interested in learning a bit more about [Your Company’s Product/Service]. If you’ve got a minute this week, give me a call at [Your Number] and we can talk more about [Solution You Offer] for [Prospect’s Company Name].

I also sent you an email with a little more information about our [product/service]. Looking forward to hearing from you, [Prospect’s Name]! Thanks, bye.





1. 如果电话没有留voicemail或留下了voicemail但内容比较模糊,使用这个voicemail模板:

Good [morning/afternoon/evening] [Prospect’s Name]. This is [Your Name] from [Company Name], returning your earlier call.

If you still wanted to touch base, I’ll be available [Hours] at [Your Number]. Feel free to give me a call then or email me at [Your Email] so we can set something up. Again, that’s [Your Email].

Looking forward to catching up. Thanks and have a good day! 

2. 如果潜在客户的voicemail比较具体,使用这个voicemail模板:

Good [morning/afternoon/evening] [Prospect’s Name]. This is [Your Name] from [Company Name], returning your earlier call.

I had a chance to look into what you mentioned on your voicemail, and I’d love to catch up if you have a few minutes.

I’ll be available [Hours] at [Phone Number]. Feel free to give me a call then, or email me at [Your Email] so we can set something up. Again, that’s [Your Email].

Looking forward to talking. Thanks and have a good day!





1. 开发你自己见过面的潜在客户:

Hi [Prospect’s Name]. This is [Your Name] from [Company Name]. We spoke at [Event/Show Name] about helping [Prospect’s Company] with [solution your company provides].

I thought a bit more about what you said at the event, and I’d love to go over a few of my thoughts with you. Give me a call back at [Your Number] when you get a chance. I’m also sending you an email with my contact information.

Have a good day. Bye.

2. 开发你同事见过的潜在客户:

Hello [Prospect’s Name],

This is [Your Name]. You spoke with my colleague [Colleague’s Name] from [Company Name] at [Event] the other day, and [he/she] mentioned you wanted to talk about [product/service you offer].

Feel free to give me a call back at [Your Company’s Product/Service]. I’m also sending over an email with my contact info if you’d prefer to set something up that way. Have a good day!



从合作伙伴获取潜在客户的cold call语音留言模板


Hi [Prospect’s Name].

My name’s [Your Name], and I’m reaching out from [Company Name].

We’re working with [Partner Name], and they thought it would make sense for us to touch base about [Your Company’s Product/Service].

Feel free to give me a call at [Your Number] so we can talk through it more. I’m also sending you an email with more information about our company and how our partnership with [Partner Name] can help grow your profits.

Again, this is [Your Name] from [Company Name], and you can give me a call back at [Your Number].




当潜在客户主动联系你时,可以使用的cold calling语音留言话术


1. 如果潜在客户直接要求你提供演示或提供更多信息

Hi [Prospect’s Name].

My name’s [Your Name], and I’m reaching out from [Company Name].

We’re working with [Partner Name], and they thought it would make sense for us to touch base about [Your Company’s Product/Service].

Feel free to give me a call at [Your Number] so we can talk through it more. I’m also sending you an email with more information about our company and how our partnership with [Partner Name] can help grow your profits.

Again, this is [Your Name] from [Company Name], and you can give me a call back at [Your Number].



另外9个用于Cold Call开发客户的Voicemail话术模板属于红板砖VIP专享,请在电脑上访问https://hongbanzhuan.com/voicemail-script-templates/

Cold Calling是一个常见的开发客户手段,如果操作得当,效果会非常好。另外,很多时候Cold Calling跟Cold Emailing(也就是我们说的开发信一起使用)是一起使用的。

红板砖还为你准备了10多本关于Cold Calling相关的PDF电子书 https://hongbanzhuan.com/ebook-tag/cold-call/,欢迎大家下载和学习。

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