2024-02-16 本文已影响0人
- 学句子,背单词,继续加油,努力学习。
- 单词很重要,句子更重要。
- 通过语意块的分割练习,熟练掌握句子意思和读法;
- 通过拼音法,记单词,才能不漏字母;
- She said she would come back, but don't hold your breath.
- 把句子进行语意块&朗读断句的拆解:
- She said
- she would come back,
- but don't hold your breath.
- If you are waiting for the team to win the game, don't hold your breath.
- 把句子进行语意块&朗读断句的拆解:
- If you are waiting
- for the team
- to win the game,
- don't hold your breath.
- An impression is an opinion or idea you have about somethig or someone.
- 把句子进行语意块&朗读断句的拆解:
- An impression is an opinion
- or idea
- you have
- about somethig
- or someone.
- Don't be late for the interview. You don't want to give people a bad impression.
- 把句子进行语意块&朗读断句的拆解:
- Don't be late
- for the interview.
- You don't want
- to give people
- a bad impression.
- be late for the interview
- give people a bad impression
- To work your way up means to achieve a better position.
- 把句子进行语意块&朗读断句的拆解:
- To work your way up
- means to achieve a better position.
- to achieve a better position
- a-chie-ve
- po-si-tion
- She wanted to start as a hotel waitress and work her way up to management.
- 把句子进行语意块&朗读断句的拆解:
- She wanted
- to start
- as a hotel waitress
- and work her way up
- to management.
- a hotel waitress
- wai-tress
- He has worked his way up from a waiter to a management in a five-star hotel.
- 把句子进行语意块&朗读断句的拆解:
- He has worked his way up
- from a waiter
- to a management
- in a five-star hotel.
- a five-star hotel
- wai-ter
- The people who control a business make up the management.
- 把句子进行语意块&朗读断句的拆解:
- The people
- who control a business
- make up the management.
- make up the management
- We need more women in management positions.
- 把句子进行语意块&朗读断句的拆解:
- We need more women
- in management positions.
- in management positions
- The management has decided to increase the working hours.
- 把句子进行语意块&朗读断句的拆解:
- The management has decided
- to increase the working hours.
- to increase the working hours
- in-crea-se
- Initially means at the beginning.
- 把句子进行语意块&朗读断句的拆解:
- Initially means
- at the beginning.
- i-ni-tia-lly
- at the beginning
- Initially, she thought she would work at a hotel for many years, but she later decided to study for an MBA.
- 把句子进行语意块&朗读断句的拆解:
- Initially,
- she thought
- she would work
- at a hotel
- for many years,
- but she later decided
- to study
- for an MBA.
- Initially, she wanted to study business, but she changed her mind later on.
- 把句子进行语意块&朗读断句的拆解:
- Initially,
- she wanted
- to study business,
- but she changed her mind
- later on.
- change her mind
- later on
- i-ni-tia-lly
- To inspire means to give someone the feeling that he or she can do something.
- 把句子进行语意块&朗读断句的拆解:
- To inspire means
- to give someone the feeling
- that he
- or she can do something.
- to inspire
- in-spire
- give someone the feeling
- A good leader always inspires her team.
- 把句子进行语意块&朗读断句的拆解:
- A good leader
- always inspires her team.
- The motivational speaker inspired many people to change their unhealthy lifestyles.
- 把句子进行语意块&朗读断句的拆解:
- The motivational speaker
- inspired many people
- to change their unhealthy lifestyles.
- mo-ti-va-tional
- the motivational speaker
- un-heal-thy
- I want to got a cab soon, but I won't hold my breath.
- 把句子进行语意块&朗读断句的拆解:
- I want
- to got a cab
- soon,
- but I won't
- hold my breath.
- get a cab
- cab
- He worked as a salesman and worked his way up to a management.
- 把句子进行语意块&朗读断句的拆解:
- He worked
- as a salesman
- and worked his way up
- to a management.
- work as a salesman
- She said she would be here in 20 minutes, but I don't hold my breath.
- 把句子进行语意块&朗读断句的拆解:
- She said
- she would be here
- in 20 minutes,
- but I don't
- hold my breath.
- in 20 minutes
- mi-nute
- When I was a teenager, I would spend every summer at the beach.
- 把句子进行语意块&朗读断句的拆解:
- When I was a teenager,
- I would spend every summer
- at the beach.
- spend every summer at the beach.
- at the beach.
- tee-na-ger
- tee-nager