各种 demoiOS学习资料程序员

JHChart 1.1.0 iOS图表工具库中文ReadMe

2016-12-24  本文已影响433人  不睡觉的鸟


nice chartnice chart



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pod 'JHChart','~>1.1.0'

(如果您不了解 cocoapods, 点击这里 去官网学习一下哦.)


折线图 --JHLineChart

描述: JHLineChart可以创建数据源多样的线性图表,包括折线和曲线图,可以根据数据源判断是否为多条线性表。并且,可以根据需求设置是否有区间填充颜色。同时该表支持不同象限的不同需求,这里只是设置了第一象限的示例,其他象限使用方法一致。

/*     Create object        */
JHLineChart *lineChart = [[JHLineChart alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(10, 100, k_MainBoundsWidth-20, 300) andLineChartType:JHChartLineValueNotForEveryX];

/* The scale value of the X axis can be passed into the NSString or NSNumber type and the data structure changes with the change of the line chart type. The details look at the document or other quadrant X axis data source sample.*/

lineChart.xLineDataArr = @[@"0",@"1",@"2",@3,@4,@5,@6,@7];

/* The different types of the broken line chart, according to the quadrant division, different quadrant correspond to different X axis scale data source and different value data source. */

lineChart.lineChartQuadrantType = JHLineChartQuadrantTypeFirstQuardrant;

lineChart.valueArr = @[@[@"1",@"12",@"1",@6,@4,@9,@6,@7],@[@"3",@"1",@"2",@16,@2,@3,@5,@10]];

/* Line Chart colors */
lineChart.valueLineColorArr =@[ [UIColor purpleColor], [UIColor brownColor]];
/* Colors for every line chart*/
lineChart.pointColorArr = @[[UIColor orangeColor],[UIColor yellowColor]];
/* color for XY axis */
lineChart.xAndYLineColor = [UIColor blackColor];
/* XY axis scale color */
lineChart.xAndYNumberColor = [UIColor blueColor];
/* Dotted line color of the coordinate point */
lineChart.positionLineColorArr = @[[UIColor blueColor],[UIColor greenColor]];
/*        Set whether to fill the content, the default is False         */
lineChart.contentFill = YES;
/*        Set whether the curve path         */
lineChart.pathCurve = YES;
/*        Set fill color array         */
lineChart.contentFillColorArr = @[[UIColor colorWithRed:0.500 green:0.000 blue:0.500 alpha:0.468],[UIColor colorWithRed:0.500 green:0.214 blue:0.098 alpha:0.468]];
[self.view addSubview:lineChart];
/*       Start animation        */
[lineChart showAnimation];





柱状图 --JHColumnChart


JHColumnChart *column = [[JHColumnChart alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 100, k_MainBoundsWidth, k_MainBoundsWidth)];
/*        Create an array of data sources, each array is a module data. For example, the first array can represent the average score of a class of different subjects, the next array represents the average score of different subjects in another class        */
column.valueArr = @[
/*       This point represents the distance from the lower left corner of the origin.         */
column.originSize = CGPointMake(30, 30);
/*    The first column of the distance from the starting point     */
column.drawFromOriginX = 10;
/*        Column width         */
column.columnWidth = 40;
/*        X, Y axis font color         */
column.drawTextColorForX_Y = [UIColor whiteColor];
/*        X, Y axis line color         */
column.colorForXYLine = [UIColor blackColor];
/*    Each module of the color array, such as the A class of the language performance of the color is red, the color of the math achievement is green     */
column.columnBGcolorsArr = @[[UIColor redColor],[UIColor greenColor],[UIColor orangeColor]];
/*        Module prompt         */
column.xShowInfoText = @[@"A班级",@"B班级",@"C班级",@"D班级",@"E班级"];
/*       Start animation        */
[column showAnimation];
[self.view addSubview:column];


饼状图 --JHPieChart


JHPieChart *pie = [[JHPieChart alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(100, 100, 321, 421)];
pie.center = CGPointMake(CGRectGetMaxX(self.view.frame)/2, CGRectGetMaxY(self.view.frame)/2);
/* Pie chart value, will automatically according to the percentage of numerical calculation */
pie.valueArr = @[@18,@10,@25,@40,@18,@10,@25,@40,@18,@10,@15,@12,@30,@18];
/* The description of each sector must be filled, and the number must be the same as the pie chart. */
pie.descArr = @[@"第一个元素",@"第二个元素",@"第三个元素",@"第四个元素",@"5",@"6",@"7",@"8",@"9",@"10",@"23",@"12",@"21",@"30"];
pie.backgroundColor = [UIColor whiteColor];
[self.view addSubview:pie];
/*    When touching a pie chart, the animation offset value     */
pie.positionChangeLengthWhenClick = 15;
/*        Start animation         */
[pie showAnimation];

Actual effect chart:


环形图 --JHRingChart

描述:JHRingChart 根据您的数据源,自动计算相关数据比例,动画展示环状图,并且从每个环段引出相关信息提示

JHRingChart *ring = [[JHRingChart alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 100, k_MainBoundsWidth, k_MainBoundsWidth)];
/*        background color         */
ring.backgroundColor = [UIColor whiteColor];
/*        Data source array, only the incoming value, the corresponding ratio will be automatically calculated         */
ring.valueDataArr = @[@"0.5",@"5",@"2",@"10",@"6"];
/*         Width of ring graph        */
ring.ringWidth = 35.0;
/*        Fill color for each section of the ring diagram         */
ring.fillColorArray = @[[UIColor colorWithRed:1.000 green:0.783 blue:0.371 alpha:1.000], [UIColor colorWithRed:1.000 green:0.562 blue:0.968 alpha:1.000],[UIColor colorWithRed:0.313 green:1.000 blue:0.983 alpha:1.000],[UIColor colorWithRed:0.560 green:1.000 blue:0.276 alpha:1.000],[UIColor colorWithRed:0.239 green:0.651 blue:0.170 alpha:1.000]];
/*        Start animation             */
[ring showAnimation];
[self.view addSubview:ring];



表格 --JHTableChart


JHTableChart *table = [[JHTableChart alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(10, 64, k_MainBoundsWidth-20, k_MainBoundsHeight)];
/*       Table name         */
table.tableTitleString = @"全选jeep自由光";
/*        Each column of the statement, one of the first to show if the rows and columns that can use the vertical segmentation of rows and columns         */
table.colTitleArr = @[@"属性|配置",@"外观",@"内饰",@"数量"];
/*        The width of the column array, starting with the first column         */
table.colWidthArr = @[@100.0,@120.0,@70,@100];
/*        Text color of the table body         */
table.bodyTextColor = [UIColor redColor];
/*        Minimum grid height         */
table.minHeightItems = 35;
/*        Table line color         */
table.lineColor = [UIColor orangeColor];

table.backgroundColor = [UIColor whiteColor];
/*       Data source array, in accordance with the data from top to bottom that each line of data, if one of the rows of a column in a number of cells, can be stored in an array of         */
table.dataArr = @[
/*        show                            */
[table showAnimation];
[self.view addSubview:table];
/*        Automatic calculation table height        */
table.frame = CGRectMake(10, 64, k_MainBoundsWidth-20, [table heightFromThisDataSource]);



雷达图 --JHRadarChart


JHRadarChart *radarChart = [[JHRadarChart alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(10, 74, k_MainBoundsWidth - 20, k_MainBoundsWidth - 20)];
radarChart.backgroundColor = [UIColor whiteColor];
/*       Each point of the description text, according to the number of the array to determine the number of basic modules         */
radarChart.valueDescArray = @[@"击杀",@"能力",@"生存",@"推塔",@"补兵",@"其他"];

/*         Number of basic module layers        */
radarChart.layerCount = 5;

/*        Array of data sources, the need to add an array of arrays         */
radarChart.valueDataArray = @[@[@"80",@"40",@"100",@"76",@"75",@"50"],@[@"50",@"80",@"30",@"46",@"35",@"50"]];

/*        Color of each basic module layer         */
radarChart.layerFillColor = [UIColor colorWithRed:94/ 256.0 green:187/256.0 blue:242 / 256.0 alpha:0.5];

/*        The fill color of the value module is required to specify the color for each value module         */
radarChart.valueDrawFillColorArray = @[[UIColor colorWithRed:57/ 256.0 green:137/256.0 blue:21 / 256.0 alpha:0.5],[UIColor colorWithRed:149/ 256.0 green:68/256.0 blue:68 / 256.0 alpha:0.5]];

/*       show        */
[radarChart showAnimation];

[self.view addSubview:radarChart];




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