Android TV FocusFinder寻焦流程分析(二)

2019-02-20  本文已影响0人  朝花夕拾_llp


// source = focusedRect
// rect1 = mOtherRect
// rect2 = mBestCandidateRect
boolean isBetterCandidate(int direction, Rect source, Rect rect1, Rect rect2) {
    // to be a better candidate, need to at least be a candidate in the first
    // place :)
    if (!isCandidate(source, rect1, direction)) {
        return false;

    // we know that rect1 is a candidate.. if rect2 is not a candidate,
    // rect1 is better
    if (!isCandidate(source, rect2, direction)) {
        return true;

    // if rect1 is better by beam, it wins
    if (beamBeats(direction, source, rect1, rect2)) {
        return true;
    // if rect2 is better, then rect1 cant' be :)
    if (beamBeats(direction, source, rect2, rect1)) {
        return false;
    // otherwise, do fudge-tastic comparison of the major and minor axis
    return (getWeightedDistanceFor(
                    majorAxisDistance(direction, source, rect1),
                    minorAxisDistance(direction, source, rect1))
            < getWeightedDistanceFor(
                    majorAxisDistance(direction, source, rect2),
                    minorAxisDistance(direction, source, rect2)));

boolean isCandidate(Rect srcRect, Rect destRect, int direction) {
    switch (direction) {
        case View.FOCUS_LEFT:
            return (srcRect.right > destRect.right || srcRect.left >= destRect.right) 
                    && srcRect.left > destRect.left;
        case View.FOCUS_RIGHT:

boolean beamBeats(int direction, Rect source, Rect rect1, Rect rect2) {
    final boolean rect1InSrcBeam = beamsOverlap(direction, source, rect1);
    final boolean rect2InSrcBeam = beamsOverlap(direction, source, rect2);

    // if rect1 isn't exclusively in the src beam, it doesn't win
    if (rect2InSrcBeam || !rect1InSrcBeam) {
        return false;

    // we know rect1 is in the beam, and rect2 is not

    // if rect1 is to the direction of, and rect2 is not, rect1 wins.
    // for example, for direction left, if rect1 is to the left of the source
    // and rect2 is below, then we always prefer the in beam rect1, since rect2
    // could be reached by going down.
    if (!isToDirectionOf(direction, source, rect2)) {
        return true;

    // for horizontal directions, being exclusively in beam always wins
    if ((direction == View.FOCUS_LEFT || direction == View.FOCUS_RIGHT)) {
        return true;

    // for vertical directions, beams only beat up to a point:
    // now, as long as rect2 isn't completely closer, rect1 wins
    // e.g for direction down, completely closer means for rect2's top
    // edge to be closer to the source's top edge than rect1's bottom edge.
    return (majorAxisDistance(direction, source, rect1)
            < majorAxisDistanceToFarEdge(direction, source, rect2));

boolean beamsOverlap(int direction, Rect rect1, Rect rect2) {
    switch (direction) {
        case View.FOCUS_LEFT:
        case View.FOCUS_RIGHT:
            return (rect2.bottom > && ( < rect1.bottom);
        case View.FOCUS_UP:
        case View.FOCUS_DOWN:
            return (rect2.right > rect1.left) && (rect2.left < rect1.right);
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("direction must be one of "

boolean isToDirectionOf(int direction, Rect src, Rect dest) {
    switch (direction) {
        case View.FOCUS_LEFT:
            return src.left >= dest.right;
        case View.FOCUS_RIGHT:

int getWeightedDistanceFor(int majorAxisDistance, int minorAxisDistance) {
    return 13 * majorAxisDistance * majorAxisDistance
            + minorAxisDistance * minorAxisDistance;
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