Chapter 2 Data Processing Using

2019-03-03  本文已影响0人  zh_harry


Apache Flink supports various connectors that allow data read/writes across various technologies. Let's learn more about this
Apache Flink提供各种连接器,这些连接器允许通过各种不同的技术读写数据。下面我们学习这些连接器的更多细节。

Kafka connector

Kafka is a publish-subscribe, distributed, message queuing system that allows users to publish messages to a certain topic; this is then distributed to the subscribers of the topic. Flink provides options to define a Kafka consumer as a data source in Flink Streaming. In order to use the Flink Kafka connector, we need to use a specific JAR file.

Kafka 是一个发布/订阅,分布式的消息队列系统,它允许用户发现消息给特定的topic;然后将消息分发给topics的订阅者。在Flink Streaming中,Flink提供定义Kafka消息者作为source的选项。为了使用 Flink kafka connector,我 们需要使用指定的JAR包。

The following diagram shows how the Flink Kafka conector works:
(下面显示了Flink Kafka连接器的工作原理)


We need to use the following Maven dependency to use the connector. I have been using Kafka version 0.9 so I will be adding the following dependency in pom.xml:
我们需要使用下面的Maven 依赖来使用connector。我们已经使用了0.9版本的Kafka,所以我们需要在pom.xml文件中加下以下依赖


Now let's try to understand how to use the Kafka consumer as the Kafka source:

In Java:

Properties properties = new Properties();
properties.setProperty("bootstrap.servers", "localhpat: 9092");
properties.setProperty ("", "test");
DataStream input = env.addSource (new 
FlinKafkaConsumer09<String> ("mytopic", new SimpleStringSchema ().properties));

In Scala:

val properties = new Properties ();
properties.setProperty ("bootstrap.servers", "localhoat: 9092");
//only required for Kafka 0.8

properties.setProperty("zookeeper.connect". "localhoat:2181");
propertiea.setProperty ("", "test");
stream = env
.addSource (new FlinkKafkaConsumer09 [String] ("mytopic", 
new SimpleStringSchema(), properties)) .print

In the preceding code, we first set the properties of the Kafka host and the zookeeper host and port. Next we need to specify the topic name, in this case mytopic. So if any messages get published to the mytopic topic, they will be processed by the Flink streams
在上面的代码中,我们首先设置了Kafkahostzookeeperhostport。下面我们需要指定topic名,在这个场景中,topic名为mytopic。所以任何发送到mytopic主题的消息都会被Flink stream处理。

If you get data in a different format, then you can also specify your custom schema for deserialization. By default, Flink supports string and JSON deserializers.

如果你以不同的格式获取数据,那么你可以为反序列化指定自定义的schema。默认情况下,Flink 支持StringJSON的反序列化器。

In order to enable fault tolerance, we need to enable checkpointing in Flink. Flink is keen on taking snapshots of the state in a periodic manner. In the case of failure, it will restore to the last checkpoint and then restart the processing.

在 Flink为了启用容错功能,我们需要启动checkpointing。Flink热衷于周期性的对状态进行拍照。在失败的情况下,它会从最新的checkpointing恢复,然后重新处理。

We can also define the Kafka producer as a sink. This will write the data to a Kafka topic.The following is a way to write data to a Kafka topic
我们也可以定义Kafka生产端作为sink,这样,数据会写入到Kafka的主题。下面是写数据到Kafka 主题的方式。
In Scala

stream.addSink (new FlinkKafkaproducer09 ("localhoat: 9092",
"mytopic", new SimpleStringSchema()));

In Java:

stream.addSink (new FlinkKafkaProducer09[string] ("localhoat:9092",
"mytopic", new SimpleStringSchema())).

Twitter connector

These days, it is very important to have the ability to fetch data from Twitter and process it. Many companies use Twitter data for doing sentiment analytics for various products,services, movies,reviews, and so on. Flink provides the Twitter connector as one data source. To use the connector, you need to have a Twitter account. Once you have a Twitter account, you need to create a Twitter application and generate authentication keys to be used by the connector. Here is a link that will help you to generate tokens: httpa://

The Twitter connector can be used through the Java or Scala API:

如今,能够从Twitter获取并处理数据非常重要。许多公司使用Twitter的数据对各种产品、服务、电影、评论等进行情绪分析。Flink将Twitter conmector作为一个数据源提供。要使用连接器,您需要有一个Twitter帐户。有了Twitter帐户之后,您需要创建一个Twitter应用程序并生成连接器使用的身份验证密钥。下面的链接将帮助您生成token
Twitter连接器可以通过Java或Scala API使用:


Once tokens are generated, we can start writing the program to fetch data from Twitter.First we need to add a Maven dependency:

一 旦我们生成了token,我们就可以开始写程序从twiter获取数据。首先,我们需要加入下边的Maven依赖。

      <groupId>org. apache.flink</groupId>

Next we add Twitter as a data source. The following is the sample code。

In Java

Propertiea props = new properties ();
props.setproperty (TwitterSource.CONSUMER_KEY, "");
props.setproperty (TwitterSource.CONSUMER_SECRET,"")
props.setProperty (TwitterSource. TOKEN.");
props.aetProperty (TwitterSource. TOKEN_SECRET,"");
DataStream<string> streamSource = env.addSource (new TwitterSource (props));

In Scala:

val prope = new Properties ();
props.setProperty (TwitterSource.CONSUMER_KEY. "");
props.setProperty (TwitterSource.CONSUMER_SECRET.,"");
props.setProperty (TwitterSource. TOKEN,"");
props.setProperty (TwitterSource. TOKEN_SECRET,"");
DataStream<string> streamSource = env.addSource (new TwitterSource (props) );

In the preceding code, we first set properties for the token we got. And then we add the TwitterSource. If the given information is correct then you will start fetching the data from Twitter. TwitterSource emits the data in a JSON string format. A sample Twitter JSON looks like the following:
上面的代码,我们首先设置了token,然后我们加入了TwitterSource。如果我们指定的信息是正确的,那么我们会从Twitter获取到数据。 TwitterSource会将数据在JSON的格式发出去。下面是Twitter JSON的示例:

..."text": " ‘Toyalty 3.0: How to Revolutionize customer &amp; 
Employee Engagement with Big data &amp; #Gamification’ can be ordered here: ",
"geo: null,
"retweeted": false,
"in_reply_to_screen_name": null,
"possibly_senaitive": false,
"truncated": false,
"lang": "en", 
   "text": "Gamification",
    "indices": [90, 
"in_reply_to_statua_id_str": null, 
"id": 330094515484508160

TwitterSource provides various endpoints. By default it uses StatuseaSampleEndpoint, which returns a set of random tweets. If you need to add some filters and don't want to use the default endpoint, you can implement the TwitterSource.EndpointInitinlizer interface


Now that we know how to fetch data from Twitter, we can then decide what to do with this data depending upon our use case. We can process, store, or analyze the data.
现在我们知道了如何从Twitter获取数据,接下来我们可以根据用例决定如何处理这些数据。我们可以处理、 存储或分析数据。

RabbitMQ connector

RabbitMQ is a widely used distributed, high-performance, message queuing system. It is used as a message delivery system for high throughput operations. It allows you to create a distributed message queue and include publishers and subscribers in the queue. More reading on RabbitMQ can be done at following link httpa://

Flink supports fetching and publishing data to and from RabbitMQ. It provides a connector that can act as a data source of data streams.For the RabbitMQ connector to work, we need to provide following information:

反序列化模式 rabbitmq以序列化的方式存储和传输数据,以避免网络流量。因此,当接收到消息时,订阅者应该知道如何反序列化消息。Flink连接器为我们提供了一些默认的反序列化器,比如字符串反序列化器

RabbitMQ source provides us with the following options on stream deliveries:
RabbitMQ source提供给我们以下几个选项关于流的交付:

Here is a diagram to help you understand the RabbitMQ connector in better marner:


Now let's look at how to write code to get this connector working. Like other connectors, we need to add a Maven dependency to the code:

  <groupId>org. apache.flink</groupId>

The following snippet shows how to use the RabbitMQ connector
In Java:

RMQconnectionconfiq connectionconfig = new RMQconnectionconfig.Builder() .
setHoat (<host>).setPort (<port>) .setUaerName (..)
.setPassword(..).setVirtualHoat ("/").build();

//Get Data stream without correlation ids
DataStream<String> streamWo= env. addSource (new RMQSource<string> (connectionconfig, "my-queue", new SimpleStringSchema()))
//Get Data stream without correlation ids 
DataStream<string> stream = env.addSource (new RMQSource<string> (connectionconfig, "my-queue", true,new SimpleStringSchema ()))

Similarly, in Scala the code can written as follows:

val connectionConfig = new RMQConnectioConfiq.Builder () 
.setHost () .setPort ().setUserName (..) .setPaasword(..).setVirtualHoat ("/") .build()

env.addSource (new RMQSource [stringl (connectionConfig, "my-queue", new SimpleStringSchema)).print.

streamaWIds = env.
addSource (new RMQSource [string] (connectionConfig, "my-queue", true, 
new simpleStringSchema)).print

We can also use the RabbitMQ connector as a Flink sink. If you want to send processes back to some different RabbitMQ queue, the following is a way to do so. We need to provide three important configurations:

The following is sample code in Java to show how to use this connector as a Flink sink:

RMQconnectionConfig connectionConfig = new RMQConnectionConfig.Builder ()
.setHost (<host>) .setPort (<port>).setUeerName (..)
.setPassword(..).seVirtualHoat ("/") .build();
stream. addSink (new RMQSink<String> (connestionConfig,"target-queue", 
new StringToByteSerializer()));

The same can be done in Scala:

val connectionConfig = new RMQConnectionconfig.Ruilder().
setHost (<host>).setPort (<port>).setUserName (..)
stream.addSink (new RMQSink [string] (connectionConfig, "target-queue", new 

ElasticSearch connector

ElasticSearch is a distributed, low-latency, full text search engine system that allows us to index documents of our choice and then allows us to do a full text search over the set of documents.
More on ElasticSearch can be read here at httpa://


In many use cases, you may want to process data using Flink and then store it in ElasticSearch. To enable this, Flink supports the ElasticSearch connector. So far,ElasticSearch has had two major releases. Flink supports them both.For ElasticSearch 1.X, the following Maven dependency needs to be added:

在一些场景中,您可能希望使用Flink处理数据,然后将其存储在ElasticSearch中。为此,Flink支持ElasticSearch连接器。到目前为止,ElasticSearch已经发布了两个主要版本。Flink支持这两者。ElasticSearch 1.x,需要添加以下Maven依赖项

<artifactId>flink-connector-elasticsearch_2.11</artifactId> <varsion>1.1.4/version>

The Flink connector provides a sink to write data to ElasticSearch. It uses two methods to connect to ElasticSearch:


The following diagram illustrates this.(如下图所示)


Embedded node mode

In the embedded node mode, the sink uses BulkProcessor to send the documents to ElasticSearch. We can configure how many requests to buffer before sending documents to ElasticSearch.


The following is the code snippet:

DataStream<String> input=...;
Map<String,String> config =Maps.newHashMap();
config.put ("bulk.flush.max. actions", -1");
config.put ("", "cluster-name");

input. addSink (new ElasticSearchSink<> (config, new IndexRequeatBuilder<String> () {
public IndexRequest createIndexReguest (String element,RuntimeContext ctx)

Map<String, Object> json =new HashMap<>();
json.put ("data". element);

return Requeats.indexReguest ()
.index ("my-index")
.type ("my-type")
.source (json);

In the preceding code snippet, we create a hash map with configurations such as the cluster name and how many documents to buffer before sending the request. Then we add the sink to the stream, specifying the index, type, and the document to store. Similar code in Scala follows:

val input: DataStream[string] = ...
val config = new util. HashMap [string, string] 
config.put ("bulk. flush.max.action". "1").
config.put ("". "cluster-name")

text. addSink (nes ElasticSearchSink (config. new IndexRequeatBuilder [string]
override def createIndexRequeat (element: string,ctx:RuntimeContext): 

IndexRequest ={
val json =new util. HashMap [string. AnyRef]
json.put ("data", element)
Requst.indexRequest.index ("my-index"). type ("my-type").source (jaon)

Transport client mode

ElasticSearch allows connections through the transport client on port 9300. Flink supports connecting using those through its connector. The only thing we need to mention here is all the ElasticSearch nodes present in the cluster in configurations.
ElasticSearch允许通过端口9300上的transport client进行连接。Flink支持通过其连接器进行连接。这里我们唯一需要提到的是集群中所有的ElasticSearch节点的配置。

The following is the snippet in Java:

DataStreamsString> input =...;
Map<string, string> config = Maps.newHashMap();
config.put ("bulk.flush.max.action", "1");
config.put ("", "cluster-name");

List <TransportAddress> transports = new ArrayList <string>():
 transports. add (new InetsocketTranaportAddress ("es-node-1". 9300)): 
transports. add (new InetsocketTranaportAddress ("ea-node-2", 9300));
transports.add (new InetsocketTranaportAddress ("ea-node-3", 9300));

input. addSink (new ElasticSearchSink<> (config, transports, new IndexRequstBuilder<string>() {
public IndexRequeat creaceIndexRequest (String element, RuntimeContext ctx) {
Map<String,Object> json = new HashMap<>();
json.put ("data". element);
return Requests.indexRequest ()
.index ("my-index")
.type ("my-type")
.source (json):

Here as well we provide the details about the cluster name, nodes, ports, maximum requests to send in bulk, and so on. Similar code in Scala can be written as follows:
在这里我们提供了集群名,节点,端口,批量发送的最大请求等待。与java代码相似,对应的scale 代码如下:

val input: DataStream[string] =...
val config = new util.HashMap[string,string] 
config.put ("bulk. flush.max.actions",1")
config.put ("", "cluster-name")

val transports = new ArrayList [string]
transports.add (new InetSocketTransportAddress("ea-node-1", 9300));
transports.add (new InetSockeTranaportAddress("ea-node-2", 9300)) 
transports.add (new InetSocketTranaportAddreaa ("ea-node-3". 9300))

text. addSink(new ElasticsearchSink (config. transports. new IndexRequestBuilder [string] {
override def createIndexRequest (element: string, ctx: RuntimeContext): 
val json = new util.HashMap[String, AnyRef]
json.put ("data", element)
Requests.indexRequest. index ("my-index").
.type. ("my-type") .
source (json)

Cassandra connector

Cassandra is a distributed, low latency, NoSQL database. It is a key value-based database.Many high throughput applications use Cassandra as their primary database. Cassandra works with a distributed cluster mode. where there is no master-slave architecture. Reads and writes can be felicitated by any node. More on Cassandra can be found at: http://cassandra.
Cassandra是一个分布式的,低延迟的。 NoSQL数据库,它是一个key value 的数据库。很多高吞吐的应用程序用Cassandra作为主要的数据库。Cassandra运行在分布式集群模式。这种集群模式并不是master-slave 架构,每个节点都可以提供读和写操作。更多关于Cassandra请参见:

Apache Flink provides a connector which can write data to Cassandra. In many applications, people may want to store streaming data from Flink into Cassandra. The following diagram shows a simple design of the Cassandra sink:
Apache Flinkk提供一个链接器,这个链接器可以将数据写到Cassandra。在一些应用中,人们也想存储流数据到Cassandra。下图显示了Cassandra sink的简单设计。


Like other connectors, to get this we need to add it as a maven dependency:
和其它的connections一样,我们也需要加入以下maven 依赖。

<qroupId>org. apache. flink</qroupid>

Once the dependency is added, we just need to add the Cassandra sink with its configurations, as follows
In Java:
maven依赖添加之后,我们需要加入Cassandra sink和它对应的配置,如下:

cassandraSink.addSink (input)
.setQuery ("INSERI INTO (id, message) values (?,?);").
.setClusterBuilder (new ClusteBuilder(){
public Cluater buildCluster(Cluster.Builder builder) {
 return builder.addContactPoint (").build();

The preceding code writes stream of data into a table called events. The table expects an event ID and a message. Similarly in Scala:

CassandraSink.addSink: (input)
.setQuery ("INSERI INTO cep.evente (id, mesaage) values (?,?):") 
.setClusterBuilder (new ClusterBuilder( 
public Cluster buildCluster (Cluster.Builder builder) {
 return builder.addContactPoint ("").build();

Use case - sensor data analytics

Now that we have looked at various aspects of DataStream API, let's try to use these concepts to solve a real world use case. Consider a machine which has sensor installed on it and we wish to collect data from these sensors and calculate average temperature per sensor every five minutes
Following would be the architecture:
现在我们已经了解了DataStream API的各个方面,让我们尝试使用这些概念来解决实际的问题。考虑一台安装了传感器的机器,我们希望从这些传感器收集数据,并计算每个传感器每五分钟的平均温度


In this scenario, we assume that sensors are sending information to Kafka topic called temp.with information as (timestamp, temperature, sensor-ID). Now we need to write code to read data from Kafka topics and processing it using Flink transformation.


Here important thing to consider is as we already have timestamp values coming from sensor, we can use Event Time computations for time factors. This means we would be able to take care of events even if they reach out of order.


We start with simple streaming execution environment which will be reading data from Kafka. Since we have timestamps in events, we will be writing a custom timestamp and watermark extractor to read the timestamp values and do window processing based on that. Here is code snippet for the same.


// set up the streaming execution environment 
final StreanExecutionEnvironment env= 
StreamExecutionEnvironment.getExecurionEnvironment (): 
// env.enableCheckpointing (5000);
Properties properties = new Properties();
properties.setProperty ("bootstrap.servers", "localhoat:9092");
properties.setProperty ("zookeeper.connect", "localhoat:2181");
properties.setProperty("", "test");
FlinkKafkaConsumer09<string> myConsumer = new FlinkKafkaConsumer09<>("temp", new SimpleStringSchema (),properties);
myConsumer.assignTimestampAndWatermarks (new CustomWatermarkEmitter());

Here we assume that we receive events in Kafka topics as strings and in the format:

Timeatamp,Temperature. sensor-Id

The following an example code to extract timestamp from record

public class CustomWatermarkEmitter implements AssignerWithPunctuatedWatermarks<String>{
 private static final long serialveraionID = 1L;
public long extractTimestamp (string arg0, long arg1){
 if (null != arg0 &arg0.contains(",")){
String parts[] = arg0.split(",");
return Long.parseLong (parts[0]);
return 0:
public Watermark checkAndGetNextWatermark (string arg0. long arg1){
if (null != arg0 &arg0.contains (",")){
  string parts[] =arg0.split (",");
return new Watermark (Long.parseLong (parts [0]));
return null;

Now we simply created keyed data stream and perform average calculation on temperature values as shown in the following code snippet.

DataStreams<Tuple2<String,Double>> keyedStream =
env.addsource (myConsumer) .flatMap (new Splitter().keyBy(0)
.timeWindow (Time.seconde (300))
.apply (new WindowFunetion<Tuple2<String,Double>, Tuple2<String,Double>,Tuple,TimeWindow>(){
public void apply (Tuple key, TimeWindow window,
Iterable<Tuple2<String,Double>> input,Collector<Tuple2<String,Double>> out) throws Exception {
 double sum = 0;
int count =0;
for (Tuple2<String,Double> record : input){
 sum -= record.f1;
Tuple2<String,Double> result = input.iterator().next ();
result.f1 = (sum/count);

When execute the preceding given code, and if proper sensor events are published on Kafka topics then we will get the average temperature per sensor every five minutes

The complete code is available on GitHub at
完整的代码在github 上:


In this chapter, we started with Flink's most powerful API: DataStream API We looked at how data sources, transformations, and sinks work together. Then we looked at various technology connectors such as ElasticSearch, Cassandra, Kafka, RabbitMQ, and so on.

在这一节,我们开始学习了Flink最有力的 API:DateStream API,我们也看到了data source,transformationssink如何一起工作的。然后,我 们也看到了基于各种技术的connectors比如ElasticSearch, Cassandra, Kafka, RabbitMQ等待。

At the end, we also tried to apply our learning to solve a real-world sensor data analytics use case.
In the next chapter, we are going to learn about another very important API from Flink's ecosystem point of view the DataSet API.
在下一节,我们会继续学习关于flink生态的另一套非常重要的API--DataSet API

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