流利说懂你英语笔记要点句型·核心课·Level 8·Unit 1
On sports technology 4
Now in some cases, the search for bodies that could push athletic performance forward ended up introducing into the competitive world populations of people that weren't previously competing at all, like Kenyan distance runners.
in some cases在某些情况下; 有时候
search for搜索,搜寻;访求;追索
athletic健壮的; 体育运动的; 田径运动的
ended结束; 终止; end的过去分词和过去式
introducing把…介绍; 引见; 介绍; 主持; 使初次了解; 使尝试; introduce的现在分词
populations人口,人口数量; 某领域的生物; 族群; 人口; population的复数
competing相互冲突的; 相互矛盾的; 竞争; 对抗; 参加比赛; compete的现在分词
at all全然; 一点; 全然,根本,究竟
Kenyan肯尼亚人; 肯尼亚裔人; 肯尼亚的; 肯尼亚人的; 肯尼亚文化的
runners奔跑的人,奔跑的动物; 走私者; 偷运者; 条状滑行装置; runner的复数
We think of Kenyans as being great marathoners.
Kenyans think of the Kalenjin tribe as being great marathoners.
Kenyans肯尼亚人; 肯尼亚裔人; Kenyan的复数
think of想起
tribe部落; 一伙,一帮,一类; 群,族
being存在; 生存; 生物; 思想感情; 身心; are的现在分词; be的现在分词
The Kalenjin make up just 12 percent of the Kenyan population but the vast majority of elite runners.
make up和解;和好; 组成; 构成; 编造,虚构; 给…化妆; 为…打扮; 凑足,补齐; 补足,补上; 和解; 和好; 配; 铺; 搭
just正好; 恰好; 正当…时; 不少于; 同样; 公正的; 正义的; 正当的; 合理的; 正直的人; 公正的人; 合适的; 恰当的
Kenyan肯尼亚人; 肯尼亚裔人; 肯尼亚的; 肯尼亚人的; 肯尼亚文化的
population人口,人口数量; 某领域的生物; 族群; 人口
vast majority绝大多数; 巨大优势
elite上层集团; 掌权人物,社会精英
runners奔跑的人,奔跑的动物; 走私者; 偷运者; 条状滑行装置; runner
And they happen, on average, to have a certain unique physiology: legs that are very long and very thin at their extremity, and this is because they have their ancestry at very low latitude in a very hot and dry climate, and an evolutionary adaptation to that is limbs that are very long and very thin at the extremity for cooling purposes.
on average基本上; 大体上; 平均起来; 按平均值
very thin非常瘦的; 非常稀的; 非常薄的
extremity末端; 端点; 尽头; 极端; 极度; 极限; 四肢,手足
ancestry英 [ˈænsestri] 美 [ˈænsestri] n.(统称)祖宗,祖先;列祖列宗
latitude英 [ˈlætɪtjuːd] 美 [ˈlætɪtuːd] n.纬度;纬度地区;选择(做什么事或做事方式)的自由
dry climate干燥气候
evolutionary英 [ˌiːvəˈluːʃənri] 美 [ˌiːvəˈluːʃəneri] adj.进化的;演变的;逐渐发展的
adaptation英 [ˌædæpˈteɪʃn] 美 [ˌædæpˈteɪʃn] n.改编本;改写本;适应
It's the same reason that a radiator has long coils, to increase surface area compared to volume to let heat out, and because the leg is like a pendulum, the longer and thinner it is at the extremity, the more energy-efficient it is to swing.
radiator散热器; 暖气片; 冷却器,水箱
coils缠绕,盘绕; 圈,卷,盘; 一圈; 线圈; 绕组; coil的第三人称单数和复数
surface area表面积
leg腿; 动物的腿,腿肉; 裤腿; <口>走; 跑
thinner稀料,稀释剂; 薄薄地; 薄的; 细的; 瘦的; 稀少的; 稀疏的; thin的比较级
extremity末端; 端点; 尽头; 极端; 极度; 极限; 四肢,手足
swing摆动,摇摆,摇荡; 纵身跃向; 荡向; 悬吊到; 弧线运动,转弯,转动; 摆动; 挥动; 转动; 强劲节奏; 改变; 改变的程度; 秋千
To put Kalenjin running success in perspective, consider that 17 American men in history have run faster than two hours and 10 minutes in the marathon.
running跑; 跑步; 管理; 操纵; 操作; 走私; 偷运; (置于数字和year、day或time等名词后,表示同样的事一再重复)连续; 活的,流淌的,流动的; 持久的; 连续不断的; 奔跑; 做跑步运动; run的现在分词
perspective态度; 观点; 思考方法; 客观判断力; 权衡轻重的能力; 透视法
consider仔细考虑,细想; 认为; 以为; 觉得; 体谅; 考虑到; 顾及
in history在历史中
faster快; 快速; 迅速; 不久; 立即; 牢固地; 完全地; 快的; 迅速的; 敏捷的; 迅速发生的; 立即发生的; 动作迅速的; 头脑灵活的; fast的比较级
hours小时; 约一小时的时间; 固定时间; hour的复数
minutes分钟; 分; 一会儿; 一会儿的工夫; 时刻; 将写进会议记录; minute的第三人称单数和复数
marathon马拉松赛跑(距离约42公里,合26英里); 马拉松式的活动; 需要极大持久力的
That's a four-minute-and-58-second-per-mile pace.
Thirty-two Kalenjin men did that last October.
That's from a source population the size of metropolitan Atlanta.
from从…起,始于; 从…开始; 寄自,得自
size大小; 大量; 大规模; 尺码; 号; 标定…的大小; 确定…的尺寸; 改变…的大小; 上胶料; 上浆; 上涂料
metropolitan大城市的; 大都会的; 本土的; 大城市人; 大主教; 宗主国的公民; 有大城市气派的人
Atlanta亚特兰大; 明螺属
1.Why are Kalenjins naturally good long-distance runners?
they have naturally long and skinny legs.
2.An extremity of the human body is
a limb or part of the limb.
3.why does Epstein bring up the Kalenjin runners?
to emphasize how their unique bodies have helped them dominate a sport
4.If something is acting like a pendulum,
it is swinging.
Fill the blanks:
Now in some cases, the search for bodies that could push athletic performance forward ended up introducing into the competitive world populations of people that weren't previously competing at all, like Kenyan distance runners.
Put the sentences into correct order:
We think of Kenyans as being great marathoners.Kenyans think of the Kalenjin tribe as being great marathoners.The Kalenjin make up just 12 percent of the Kenyan population but the vast majority of elite runners.And they happen, on average, to have a certain unique physiology: legs that are very long and very thin at their extremity.
Still, even changing technology and the changing gene pool in sports don't account for all of the changes in performance.
Athletes have a different mindset than they once did.
Athletes运动员; 田径运动员; 擅长运动的人; 健儿; athlete的复数
different不同的; 有区别的; 有差异的; 分别的; 各别的; 各种的; 不平常; 与众不同; 别致
mindset观念模式; 思维倾向
than比; 多于,小于,少于; 就
once仅一次; 一次; 曾; 曾经; (用于否定句、疑问句和if后)曾,根本
Have you ever seen in a movie when someone gets an electrical shock and they're thrown across a room?
ever(用于否定句和疑问句,或与if连用的句子)在任何时候,从来; 以往任何时候,曾经; 不断地; 总是; 始终
seen看见; 见到; 看出; 看得见; 看; 有视力; 观看; see的过去分词
someone某人; 重要人物
gets收到; 接到; 获得; 得到; 挣得; get的第三人称单数
electrical电的; 用电的; 发电的
shock震惊; 惊愕; 令人震惊的事; 休克; 剧烈震动,剧烈震荡; 使震惊; 使惊愕; 使气愤; 使厌恶
thrown投; 掷; 抛; 扔; 摔; 丢; 猛推; 使劲撞; throw的过去分词
across从一边到另一边; 横过; 宽; 从…的一边向…; 在对面; 在对过; 从…一边到另一边; 在…对面; 在…对过; 在上
room房间; 室; 有…室的; 有…个房间的; 客房; 租房; 合住
There's no explosion there.
explosion爆炸,爆破,爆裂; 突增; 猛增; 激增; 突然爆发,迸发
What's happening when that happens is that the electrical impulse is causing all their muscle fibers to twitch at once, and they're throwing themselves across the room.
happening事件; 发生的事情; 即兴艺术表演; 热闹的; 时髦的; 发生,出现; 出现,发生; 碰巧; 恰好; happen的现在分词
happens发生,出现; 出现,发生; 碰巧; 恰好; happen的第三人称单数
causing使发生; 造成; 引起; 导致; cause的现在分词
muscle肌肉; 肌; 体力; 权力; 威信; 影响力; 强取
fibers纤维; 纤维质; fiber的复数
twitch痉挛; 抽搐; 抽动; 急拉; 猛拽; 猛地被扯动; 闪动; 晃动; 感觉
at once同时; 一起; 立即; 马上
throwing投; 掷; 抛; 扔; 摔; 丢; 猛推; 使劲撞; throw的现在分词
themselves他们自己; 她们自己; 它们自己; (用以强调they或复数主语)他
They're essentially jumping.
That's the power that's contained in the human body.
But normally we can't access nearly all of it.
Our brain acts as a limiter, preventing us from accessing all of our physical resources, because we might hurt ourselves, tearing tendons or ligaments.
preventing阻止; 阻碍; 阻挠; prevent的现在分词
accessing访问,存取; 到达; 进入; 使用; access的现在分词
all of一共; 足足; 至少
ourselves(we的反身形式)我们自己; (用于强调或代替we或us)我们自己,亲自
tearing撕裂; 撕碎; 扯破; 戳破; 撕开,划成,刺出,扯开; 拉掉; 撕掉; 拔掉; 扯掉; tear的现在分词
tendons腱; tendon的复数
ligaments韧带; ligament的复数
But the more we learn about how that limiter functions, the more we learn how we can push it back just a bit, in some cases by convincing the brain that the body won't be in mortal danger by pushing harder.
learn about得知关于; 学习关于
a bit一会儿,片刻(英国英语中亦用for a bit); 稍微; 稍稍; 有点儿
in some cases在某些情况下; 有时候
convincing令人信服的; 有说服力的; 使确信; 使相信; 使信服; 说服,劝说; convince的现在分词
be in在家
mortal不能永生的; 终将死亡的; 导致死亡的; 致命的; 非常危急的; 至死方休的; 不共戴天的; 人; 凡人; 普通人
danger危险; 风险; 可能性; 危险的人; 危险因素; 危害; 威胁
pushing接近,将近; 推动; 移动; 推进; 挤开; 促使; push的现在分词
harder努力地; 费力地; 艰难地; 猛力地; 猛烈地; 彻底认真地; 坚固的
Endurance and ultra-endurance sports serve as a great example.
Endurance忍耐力; 耐久力
sports体育运动; 朋友,老兄,哥们儿; 得意地穿戴; 夸示; 故意显示; 开心活泼地玩; 嬉戏; sport的第三人称单数和复数
serve as用作; 充当
great大的; 巨大的; 数量大的; 众多的; 很; 非常的; 很多的; 极大的; 名人; 伟人; 伟大的事物; 很好地; 极好地; 很棒地
example实例; 例证; 例子; 典型; 范例; 样品; 榜样; 楷模; 模范
Ultra-endurance was once thought to be harmful to human health, but now we realize that we have all these traits that are perfect for ultra-endurance: no body fur and a glut of sweat glands that keep us cool while running; narrow waists and long legs compared to our frames; large surface area of joints for shock absorption.
be harmful to对…有害; 对…有危害; 对……是有害的
but now刚刚,适才
glut供应过剩; 供过于求; 超量供应; 充斥
waists腰; 腰部; 有…腰身的; 腰身…的; waist的复数
large surface area大比表面积; 大比表面
We have an arch in our foot that acts like a spring, short toes that are better for pushing off than for grasping tree limbs, and when we run, we can turn our torso and our shoulders like this while keeping our heads straight.
arch拱; 拱门; 足背; 足弓; 成弓形; 呈拱形覆盖; 呈弧形横跨; 调皮的; 淘气的
acts行为; 行动; 所为; 法案,法令; 假装; 做事; 举止; act的第三人称单数和复数
toes脚趾; 足尖部; 有…脚趾的; 用脚尖走;用足尖跳舞; toe的第三人称单数和复数
pushing接近,将近; 推动; 移动; 推进; 挤开; 促使; push的现在分词
grasping一味攫取的; 贪婪的; 贪心的; 抓紧; 抓牢; 理解; 领会; 领悟; 明白; 急忙抓住,毫不犹豫地抓住; grasp的现在分词
limbs肢; 臂; 腿; 翼; 翅膀; 有…肢的; 大枝,主枝; limb的第三人称单数和复数
torso躯干; 躯干雕像
shoulders肩; 肩膀; 肩胛; …肩膀的; 肩部; 承担; 担负; 挤; 闯; 推开,顶开; shoulder的第三人称单数和复数
like this像这样/像那样/照这样; 像这样
heads头; 头部; 头脑; 脑筋; 一头长,一头高; 朝行进; 领导; 主管; 位于排行
Our primate cousins can't do that.
Our我们的; 用于称上帝或圣人
primate灵长类; 灵长目动物; 大主教; 总主教
cousins同辈表亲; 堂兄; 表兄; 远房亲戚; 远亲; 兄弟的…国人民; cousin的复数
They have to run like this.
And we have big old butt muscles that keep us upright while running.
old具体年龄; 岁; 年纪; 老的; 年纪大的; 不年轻的; 老年人
butt用头顶撞; 用头顶; 粗大的一端; 烟蒂; 烟头; 大桶
muscles肌肉; 肌; 体力; 权力; 威信; 影响力; 强取; muscle的第三人称单数和复数
keep保持,处于; 继续,重复; 使耽搁; 使延误; 生活必需品; 生活费用; 城堡主楼
upright直立的; 挺直的; 竖直的; 垂直的; 正直的; 诚实的; 规矩的; 直柱,立柱,立放构件
while在…期间; 当…的时候; 与…同时; …而,…然而; 一段时间; 一会儿; 消磨; 轻松地度过
running跑; 跑步; 管理; 操纵; 操作; 走私; 偷运; (置于数字和year、day或time等名词后,表示同样的事一再重复)连续; 活的,流淌的,流动的; 持久的; 连续不断的; 奔跑; 做跑步运动; run的现在分词
Have you ever looked at an ape's butt?
They have no buns because they don't run upright.
And as athletes have realized that we're perfectly suited for ultra-endurance, they've taken on feats that would have been unthinkable before, athletes like Spanish endurance racer Kílian Jornet.
PS:当运动员们意识到我们非常适合超耐力时,他们已经取得了以前无法想象的成绩,比如西班牙耐力赛选手Kílian Jornet。
athletes运动员; 田径运动员; 擅长运动的人; 健儿; athlete的复数
realized理解; 领会; 认识到; 意识到; 实现; 将…变为现实; 发生,产生; realize的过去分词和过去式
perfectly完全地; 非常; 十分; 完美地; 完好地; 圆满地
suited合适; 适宜; 适当; 般配的; 穿西装的; 穿…套装的; 对方便; 满足需要; 合心意; 相配; 合身; 适合; 有利于; suit的过去分词和过去式
've(=value engineering)价值工程学; 同“have”
feats技艺; 武艺; 功绩; 英勇事迹; feat的复数
unthinkable难以想象的; 不可思议的; 难以置信的
endurance忍耐力; 耐久力
racer参赛的人; 专供比赛用的车辆; 赛车; 赛艇
Here's Kílian running up the Matterhorn.
With a sweatshirt there tied around his waist.
It's so steep he can't even run here. He's pulling up on a rope.
steep陡的; 陡峭的; 突然的; 急剧的; 大起大落的; 过高的; 过分的; 不合理的; 泡; 浸; 使…充满
even甚至,连,即使; 甚至更,愈加,还; 甚至可以说,其实,实际上; 平滑的; 平的; 平坦的; 变化不大的,均匀的,平稳的; 相等的; 均等的; 平; 相等; 变平
run跑; 奔跑; 跑步; 做跑步运动; 跑步的时间; 旅程,航程; 一段时光; 一系列
here在这里,向这里; 现在; 在这一点上; 给某人东西或指出某物时说; 喂,嘿; 主动提议时说
pulling拉; 拽; 扯; 拖; 拔出; 抽出; 拖,拉动; pull的现在分词
rope粗绳; 线缆; 绳索; 围绳,圈绳; 串在一起的相似的东西; 用绳子捆; 用绳子系牢; 捆紧; 用套索抓捕; 套
This is a vertical ascent of more than 8,000 feet, and Kílian went up and down in under three hours. Amazing.
more than比…更;比…更重要; 超出需要;超乎寻常
feetfoot 的复数
went up上升; 上大学; 腾贵; 烧起来
down向下; 朝下; 在下面; 下; 在较低水平; 下降; 下跌; 向下,往下; 沿着; 顺着; 朝着; 贯穿…时间; 遍及…时期; 喝下,吃下,咽下; 使倒下; 击倒; 悲哀; 沮丧; 情绪低落; 停机; 停止运行; 绒羽; 绒毛; 软毛; 汗毛; 进攻分段,10码进攻(球队可向前推进10码持球进攻的四次机会。球队在连续四次进攻中失球或未能推进10码即不能继续)
under在…下面; 在…表面下; 由…覆盖着; 少于; 小于; 不足; 比…年轻; 在下面; 在水下; 较年轻; 较低的; 下面的
hours小时; 约一小时的时间; 固定时间; hour的复数
Amazing令人大为惊奇的; 令人惊喜的; 使惊奇; 使惊愕; 使惊诧; amaze的现在
And talented though he is, Kílian is not a physiological freak.
talented有才能的; 天才的; 有才干的
though虽然; 尽管; 即使; 不过,可是,然而
he is他是; 他比我大两岁; 通常为形容词
not(构成动词be、do和have及情态动词can或must等的否定形式,常缩略为n't)不,没有; 不; (用于hope、expect、believe等动词后,作为否定的回答)不
freak狂热爱好者; 怪异的人; 怪人; 畸形; 不正常的; 怪异的; 强烈反应,震惊,畏惧
Now that he has done this, other athletes will follow, just as other athletes followed after Sir Roger Bannister ran under four minutes in the mile.
Changing technology, changing genes, and a changing mindset, Innovation in sports, whether that's new track surfaces or new swimming techniques, the democratization of sport, the spread to new bodies and to new populations around the world, and imagination in sport, an understanding of what the human body is truly capable of, have conspired to make athletes stronger, faster, bolder, and better than ever.
mindset观念模式; 思维倾向
capable of可以…的; 能…的; 易…的; 敢于…的
conspired密谋; 图谋; 阴谋; 似乎共同导致; conspire的过去分词和过去式
bolder大胆自信的; 敢于表白情感的; 敢于冒险的; 明显的; 轮廓突出的; 粗体的; 黑体的; bold的比较级
better than比…好
Thank you very much.
1.How do endurance athlete push their limits?
they convince their brain that their body won't be injured if they push harder.
2.Why can't human bodies access their full power?
The brain acts a limiter to keep the body from injuring itself.
3.According to Epstein, what will happen to Kílian Jornet’s feat?
it will be accomplished by other people.
4.A limiter
restricts something.
5.Why does Epstein breakfroms people getting electrical shock in a movie ?
to show how powerful human bodies can be
Fill in the blanks:
But the more we learn about how that limiter functions, the more we learn how we can push it back just a bit, in some cases by convincing the brain that the body won't be in mortal danger by pushing harder.
Repeat and read the sentences:
1. Kalenjins have naturally long and skinny legs, which are perfect for long distance running.
2.Athletes have a different mindset than they once did.
3.Not only are NBA players ridiculously tall, they are ludicrously long.
4.The introduction of low-fiction swimwear has enabled swimmers to swim faster.
5.essentially the entire improvement in this record was due to technology.
6.throughout sports, technology has changed the face of performance.
7.the sound recording helps show the difference technology can make in a race.
8.essentially the entire improvement in this record was due to technology.
9.the introduction of low-friction swimwear has enabled swimmers to swim faster.