现象级每日一词:embark on
2019-02-22 本文已影响0人
embark on: to start a new project or activity, usually one that will be difficult and will take time
He is about to embark on a new career as a hardcore rapper.
句子: Having made a down payment, he embarked on a long journey of paying back the mortgage.
翻译: 付完了房子的首付,他走上了漫漫还贷路。
背景: 仿佛看到了未来成为房奴的自己……
句子: After so many instances of serious juvenile crimes, the government eventually embarked on another revision of The Law on the Protection of Minors.
翻译: 在多起严重的青少年犯罪发生之后,政府终于着手再次修订《未成年人保护法》了。
背景: 希望今年的修订能让这部法律更加完善吧。